Originally written and posted by Holbrook PSI
A question and answer regarding Pre-Birth Notification – a subject not often addressed –
I have a long time childhood friend (Peter) who always claimed that he is a reincarnated soul. He not only has clear remembrance of past lives but also states that he came to his current mother in a dream and told her that he had chosen her to be his mother in this lifetime. When his mother was alive, she hesitantly (she was not a believer in the supernatural and did not like to talk about such subjects) concurred that she had a hazy recollection of such a dream. My friend and his mother were very close but it seems that no one else in the family has any recollection and or knowledge of this of this story which of course neither proves nor disproves the incident. My friend is firm in his belief. I would like to know if either of you are familiar with this type of occurrence on the spiritual and paranormal levels. I've heard at several lectures that there is a theory that each soul chooses his/her parents for a given lifetime. Showing up in a dream before birth would seem to clinch this theory.
What say you? Why would a soul find it necessary to make such an announcement? Finally – is it really the soul that has made such an announcement or just the psychic ability of the recipient simply tuning in to a future event?
First, I need to add a disclaimer in that these are my views and opinions and as such will be given freely. I have read several stories that are similar to the one that your friend and mother experienced. I have not conducted any firsthand investigation into a case that was dealing with a pre-birth notification to the mother that she remembered. I have helped some people in dealing with some past life trauma that is causing problems in their present life. So, I do believe in reincarnation and that there is a possibility that a pre-birth notification could occur.
Why would a soul make this notification? One of the reasons that I believe that this could happen is because of a bond that the souls have had before in another life or in the afterlife. This bond could be karmic – this is when there is some unresolved soul issue that needs to be worked out between the two souls. The bond could be a soul mate bond that keeps them coming back to the same people or person because the souls have similar goals for their spiritual growth. If it is a strong soul mate connection there could be communication before one of the souls comes to this world. It is a connection that was established over many lifetimes and in the deepest part of the souls. We are all at different levels in our spiritual path, so when we are in the in-between life world we can establish which lessons we will come back to the world of the living to learn. We could find another soul that needs to learn the lesson from the other side of the experience and reincarnate as their child or parent.
The notification could be a way to let them get ready for the lesson or it may be part of the lesson. With your friend being in touch with his spirituality, he may have sent the notification as a heads up to his potential mother. One reason for a notification is to make sure that the birth is allowed to occur, sad to say that there is always a chance that the pregnancy could be terminated. The notification could be to help the mother to be to stop any unhealthy practices so that the birth will go smoothly. From my understanding a woman can have a lot of fear when she is pregnant so the notification could be to help with hope. It could be a way that one could send a reassurance that everything is going to be OK. This is not to assume which one it was in your friend’s case, I cannot tell without interviewing both parties.
Part of your question is could it be the mother’s intuition seeing a future event instead of the child sending a notification? Yes. The mother’s own physic ability may have given her a heads up in reference to the birth. Just as when during a pregnancy a mother may get psychic intuitions and translate them into cravings for certain foods. This is when the mother/child bond starts and grows. There is a sharing of energies that happens during the pregnancy that starts the child on the physical and spiritual path. Who is to say that the energies don’t start to merge before conception, which could aid in the conception. With the two energies she may have a boost of her psychic ability that allows for the notification. This is a possibility, but, I believe that it is more likely that it is a pre-birth notification from a soul to another soul that has an agreement to share a part of this life.
The notification itself could be for many different reasons, it all has to do with the individual situation. The person being notified may not even know why at the time, or they just have a faint recollection of the event. The dream can just be for the subconscious of the mother to be, it may only be for her soul. There could be so many different reasons for the notifications and variables to be considered as to the who, what and why. But by asking questions we learn and who is to say that in the scheme of things that his story of the notification was not just meant for them but for you and me. I hope that in the answering of your question I have helped you in your quest for knowledge Charles and good luck in finding your own answers.
Thank you again for the question and the chance to learn from your question within the process of my answer.