Image by Evgeni Tcherkasski from Pixabay
~The Principles Of Humanity~
The Law of Right Human Relations
The Principle of Goodwill
The Law of Group Endeavor
The Principle of Unanimity
The Law of Spiritual Approach
The Principle of Essential Dignity
It is of vital importance that we become aware of the various levels upon and through which we participate in relationships. Then, we must strive to make the threads of such connections truly conscious and alive. In order to have right human relationships with anyone else, we must first have a right relationship with our self. The road to the proper path of individualization requires attunement and succinct development of the will. This process naturally serves to increase willpower. As will is the objective expression of causality, and thus creative impulse, it is very obvious that a person cannot co-create his own destiny and take an active, responsible role in the unfolding of destiny of the collective, if personal willpower is not developed.
The need to be able to concentrate and focus upon a clearly defined creative direction is uppermost in the minds of a huge number of people. The reorientation to the reality of the Soul’s Inner Presence, plus the relative freedom from which society provides in the ability to choose one’s field of endeavor, have allowed a choice of life direction which heretofore in human history has not been nearly so possible. Thus a multitude of people are restlessly seeking that focus of self-definition – and to those truly awakened by the Soul, a focus of service – which will further the process if individualization and dynamic social contribution. The attainment of self-actualization requires the right use of will, in no uncertain terms. What this means us that another of the responsibilities currently confronting a consciously evolving person is the necessity of becoming self empowered. The idea of being able to focus, hold, concentrate and creatively use power is a very frightening prospect in the hearts and minds of many people. This is clearly the time in human history when such a connection with the inner power of the Soul is not only available, but absolutely essential to successful living.
One of the most important avenues of social expression is a unified focus or group purpose through which the individual may contribute and evolve. This means that group activities and the participation of the individual in collectively organized social structures is on the increase. People are searching for a much more specific sense of belonging and a more intimate identification with a particular group or groups. For those who are awakened on the Soul level, such a reorientation from the more individualistic to the more pluralistic will require a great deal of self identification so that the scope of their personal contribution and service to humanity may be consciously rendered. Since there are so many people involved in group processes at this time, we should examine some of the trends and characteristics underlying the formation of two major “groups of groups” during the cuspal period between the two World Ages. The very nature of the vast majority of the Old/New groups, their myriad martyr blinded devotee adherents, plus the behavior and actions of their personality-cultist, demagogical leaders, “channels” and “facilitators” clearly reveals that the NEW has not yet fully manifested and an amazing hodegpodge of group “maya” reigns … YET the “urge to merge” within a group context of spiritual searching is very strong. Although this yearning has led a great many people to merge with those forms of “spiritual awareness” filled with deception, illusion and glamor of all sorts, the actual need for group contribution and personal identity within the group is not wrong at all. There are even some “channels” who, attuned to their Souls, are able to serve others and are not mesmerized by media hype or astral-plane polarization. Ultimately, the only valid channel is “Channel You.”
The Law of Group Endeavor can only externalize through the Principle of Unanimity. At the present time there is much confusion between “unanimity” and “uniformity.” In fact it will be the polarization between these two tendencies that will give rise to the potential duality inherent in the NEW. Duality as an underlying theme in all manifestation is an essential quality of the Universe. From the standpoint of Ancient Wisdom Teachings, the fundamental duality is the one existing between manifested and unmanifested states of being. The word unanimity comes from two Latin roots – “Uni” meaning one and “Anima,” meaning Soul. Thus unanimity means “(the state) of being one Soul.” Uniform, however is defined as “one form “(Latin:”forma”). It is very interesting to note that unanimity speaks directly to the level of the Soul and its collective orientation from the perspective of love, while uniformity speaks about union from the more material levels of expression of the personality. The difficulty and fear that so many people are currently experiencing is based yet on another juxtaposition of forces. The new thought forms and the resultant crystallization of social structures have not happened as yet, while old thought forms have lost much of their meaning and strength. We are still in a period of “cuspal limbo,” so people are caught between those two orientations, one of which is not regenerative and the other which is to be fully generated.
“… ‘Spiritual’ refers not only to experiences traditionally considered religious, but to ALL states of awareness, all the human functions and activities which have as the common denominator the possession of values higher than average – values such as ethical, the aesthetic, the heroic, the humanitarian, and the altruistic.” ~ Roberto Assagioli
That which was based on separatist dogmas of exclusivity is now being replaced with spiritual insights into those underlying Laws and Principles of inclusive awareness. There is within the human being a tremendous urge for self betterment. Not only is this applicable in the material sense, but it is the very foundation of the need for greater self fulfillment. Such an urge can be called “divine discontent.” It is certainly the force which pushes us on to create and to live in a more harmonious and spiritually anchored world. The Law of Spiritual Approach governs the basic impulse. We are finding that there are an incredible number of techniques, methodologies, and practices which can help fulfill our goal. There seems to be a great freedom of spiritual expression available to us insofar as the pursuit of our spiritual aspirations are concerned. People are finding that they are inventing new vocabularies for their experiences – words, – phrases, which convey their particular perceptions into the heretofore hidden world of spiritual presence. This perception is the result of the awakening of the intuitive faculty of their being. There is almost an instinctive awareness now that we are indeed one humanity, one global village, one revolving and evolving organism. As our inner eye awakens, it sees with ever-increasing clarity the relationship between the visible and the invisible, and that the two are drawing closer and closer together.
The Law of Cyclic Return tells us that there can be an infinite number of expressions of the manifestation of the Cosmic Life in outer form. The alterations of “inbreathing” and the “outbreathing” of God, the rhythmic movements of the unmanifest to be manifested and then back to the unmanifest again, the alterations of this process of inherent cosmic duality, known in Sanskrit as Manvantara (manifestation) and Pralaya (rest/unmanifested), are continuous and never-ending. Yet the beginning of our manifested Universe did indeed come from ONE SOURCE; in this both physicist and metaphysician agree. ALL forms birthed and developed from this ONE SOURCE are of the same matter the Divine “primordial broth” of Creation. The Principle of Essential Divinity expresses itself through three primary concepts: unification, synthesis and universality. In effect, when an individual of a group identifies itself with its Essential Divinity, all three of these dynamics of spiritual awareness become conscious and integrated aspects of that person’s or group’s self expression. The awareness then of our collective Origin moves from place to place of mere intellectual conjecture into one which acts as part of our living consciousness. Life is then being led from the Soul’s perspective through the personality, and one’s true purpose in being actualized. Synthesizing the Principle of Essential Divinity into one’s active, creative life is a major step or personal and/or group initiation.
The words “essential divinity” contain in their derivations a profound meaning. Essential comes from the Latin essere, meaning “to be,” while diivinity can be traced from the Latin dius back to the Sanskrit devas. Both the Latin and more ancient Sanskrit words mean of course, “god.” Essential Divinity means from the state of being god, and thus all matter, originating as it does from its ONE SOURCE, is essentially divine. That divinity impregnates itself as a conscious expression within us when we identify ourselves as It. As we continuously expand this reality of ourselves into the world around us, the nature of the omnipresence of divinity becomes increasingly self evident to our expanding and loving vision.
~ ALAN OKEN – Soul Centered Astrology
Illustrations courtesy of Star Logic Astrodynamics.