Problems With Leaving the Body – Paul Twitchell
From Letters To Gail III April 18th, 1964
My Dearest One:
This letter will take up a discussion of the problems of projection in the Soul Body. If anyone thinks that he will have no problems, this is a great mistake, for there can be more problems in projection than in anything else connected with spiritual or material life.
The problems which face anyone trying astral projection are (1) fear, (2)projection beyond one’s depth of understanding and strength, (3) snipping of the astral cord, (4) wandering into the maze of psychic worlds, (5) having one’s body occupied by another entity while you are out of it, and (6) being trapped in the other body by an entity who desire’s to hold one’s Astral body.
These may not look like problems, but they are basic ones which you may have to face while projecting out of the body. A discussion of these six problems follows:
Fear is probably one of the greater problems out of which many minor ones grow. If you fear anything while outside the body, it is not much use to try to project, regardless of what protection you might have, even if an ECK Master is there to guide you. This is a lack of faith in your spiritual guide. The only way to cure fear is to let the ECK Master take charge of your welfare while out of the body. His concern is to take you on a journey somewhere and, at the same time, guard the body so no harm can come to it. The way to overcome fear is to gradually let him take charge, slowly but gently.
Problem two, projection beyond one’s understanding and strength, is probably one of the dangers which must be faced when one is doing projection on his own without an ECK Master. If one skyrides, a term for moving upward in space so that he can oversee the earth and other planets, he must be extremely careful if he doesn’t have an ECK Master along. He will receive a warning that he has gone beyond his borders into a world which is not meant for him, unless he has become used to it.
Problem three, which is the snipping of the astrat cord, means death to the individual. Unless he is careful, this astral cord, which is a silvery cord that fastens the Astral body to the Physical body, can be snipped accidentally by traveling too far away from the body, or by some entity that wants to be mischievous. Snipping the cord can cause instant death. Now if the travel is done in another body outside the Astral self, it doesn’t matter; for example, the Mental body, or any other body, can be used while the Astral body lies dormant within the shell of itself. This is what I explained in the last letter about moving from body to body. However, if your projection is in the Soul form, or Soul Travel, without the use of other bodies, then you have no fear of snipping the astral cord. It is only used for that part of the human body and the Astral body to hold them together. No ECK Master is concerned with it.
Problem four concerns the aimless wandering of the projected body in the psychic world, fascinated with what is found there. The old saying goes like this, “ Don’t be fascinated by the flowers along the way; keep on the trail until you reach God! “ This is a world in which you can become lost and never feel badly about it, for it’s illusions are plenty and the pleasures greater. So many of the masters and gurus preach against getting stranded in this world, for it may be heaven to one, and hell to another. Again it depends upon the imagination of the individual, and naturally, on the goal he is seeking.
The fifth problem is that of the body being occupied by another entity while its owner is outside. If an entity should find an unoccupied body, it can easily snip the astral cord and enter the body with all the ease of the original owner. The Astral body is left to wander around in space until it can find somebody to give it help (a master, guru, etc.) and get back in its own body, ejecting the thief. Those who travel frequently in astral space are generally speaking without the guidance of a master. They are liable to just wander about, due to the power of the psychic forces which can move them about without trouble. The reason the Self gets back to the body is that the Physical body will demand its return or it may die. This Astral body the product of the emotions and the subconscious mind, which is the vital machinery for the Physical self. It runs the heart, nervous system, mind, and lymphatic system. It is that subself which handles all the physical side, a sort of fluid spirit form that envelopes and penetrates the body.
The astral cord is a communication line through which the astral form runs the body from outside of it, except in deep trance. In deep trance, the astral force turns off all body actions and just moves about in psychic space. The Astral body has only a limited area to travel in, compared with the Soul form, and this is why the human body gives a warning when the Astral body overextends itself. The astral cord can be clipped by a negative entity to gain a body, or the entity can get inside the Physical by other means to operate it. Some who are clairvoyant can sometimes see a body with a double astral form. This means that one astral entity has stolen a body, and the other is hanging around waiting to get back inside. An ECK Master will not even bother with an Astral form; he projects you out into the Soul body, and you go traveling in it.
This point is the reason Hindu religions won’t bother with bilocation but believes in cosmic consciousness – bilocation is considered too dangerous, for one may get lost in the other worlds. The Bible calls these Souls the Lost Sheep.
The sixth problem is that in which an entity traps a Soul in another world and will not let It go. This entity may be a trapper, who sells astral forms to some other entity who works them like slaves. The poor wandering astral form has been caught outside its body, either by one entity stealing its body, or perhaps by another who builds a sort of psychic or electronic fence around it so it cant leave. Sometimes an Astral entity is caught by getting knocked out by an electronic beam from another entity. All of these are reasons why sometimes I think the Catholic church is right in putting it’s people in a herd, so they can be shepherded around. Maybe the secret teachings of the church give this data!
Some of the problems which are confronted by the inner Self grow out of these categories which I’ve just finished discussing. They are not all the problems by any means, but if you look at the problems in daily life, you find that their counterparts exist in the Astral world. As above, so below, as the old saying goes.
More Later,
What a practical and easily understandable guide! This one is a keeper and should be in everyone's file. A few years ago the movie Insidious dealt with the premise of a soul being trapped and held on the astral plane by an entity. As with all movies of hat genre it of course took liberties but the point remains of the actual possibilities associated with some of the dangers inherent there.
The Reason
Masters have a job is the endless need of Souls to gain self mastership, mastership of the Triloki, the lower planes where duality is, where such things can happen….it isnt at all hard however to prevent such a thing from even being possible, but the complete and total removal of fear IS key. upon that it is nearly impossible for any entity to trap another within.