Prostitution – Hazrat Inayat Khan
The world looks with contempt on the woman of the street,
as a web of evil thatthat drags men's lives to ruin;as a being
who's conduct cannot be honourable; as one scarcely worthy of
being spoken of.But she gives a welcome to many a one who is
quite destitute, or so low or so disagreeable that he could
find no other refuge, if refused one by her. The drunken and
dissapated men, blind with animal passion; men travelling;stra-
ngers in a town and lonely; men who, most strange of all, were
advised by a physician to have intercourse with a woman, find
a welcome at her door. She is a victim of so much evil of the
world; she is a martyr, crushed by the refuse of the world. She
is, as it were, a human cesspool of the dirt and degradation of
Things appear good or bad to the individual according to his
own standard, formed usually on his own experiences, good or bad,
of life. But it is possible to leave aside one's own standard,
– except as a means by which to judge one's self, – and to search
for the hidden cause of results. If a man does this, he will find
innumerable customs existing for material profit, that are not
called prostitution, although there really is no other name for
them. From the earliest times man has bought and sold all things
that he needed, and he seldom considers the real value of what he
buys, but he fixes a price by the degree of his needs, and by his
difficulty in satisfying it. For instance, he has seen in wealthy
European cities, the work-day of workmen and even of children sold
for nothing, so that the misery of their conditions cried aloud;
and again, at another time they recieved a wage, for the same work,
that enabled them to lift their heads with some of the dignity a
that human kind should show; or again, in the other extreme, chil-
dren have been paid a wage that could have supported a whole family.
And these differences in money paid for the same working lives depend-
ed on no other fact than the supply of hands in the world of industry.
Thus most unnatural customs appear natural to man, who still prides
himself with the thought that mankind is ever evolving, and that
the latest phase of civilization is the best from all points of
And however unnatural it may seem to man, it should be a natural
law to him that the least price he can give a woman in exchange for
herself, is his heart; even when he offers to conract marriage with
her. If a woman, out of her poverty, willingly sells him her body for
money,it is a shame to him if he does not suffice her necessity and
help her from principle, and not only from lust.
Harem-zada — son of a harem — is the lowest word of contempt
in the East; its English equivalent could not be printed in an Eng-
lish book. No Eastern lady of position in society, nor any respectable
Eastern woman would ever visit a harem; an institution that exists
for the pleasure of one rich man, just as in the West, a certain type
of chorus girl in theatres or cafes exist for the pleasure of the many.
East and West, women show the same unrelenting attitude of sternness to-
wards the prostitute; and one reason is that in all countries women are
the main upholders of religion, and no great religion has ever permitted
prostitution. But the chief reason of this sternness is undoubtedly the
truth, unconsciously known to everyone, that although the human being
who has never had an ideal is to be pitied, that one who has had an ideal
and has allowed the circumstances of life to break it, has herself thrown
away her Soul.And it is hard for any woman to tolerate the thought that
any woman should be born without an ideal of womanhood.
" The prostitute, grown old, makes a business of her calling, and
the girls she has are her slaves " , says Sa'adi. Where slavery was
banished in its outward appearance in society,prostitution, which is
really a slave-business,simply changed hands. The expert prostitute is
really the center of this traffic; she not only brings up young girls tp
it, taking her share of the profits, but to her gravitate the ruined or
deserted women, who are too ashamed to go home, or perhaps have none to
go to. Before her they feel no shame; and with her welcome, unspoiled by
the reproaches of hard speech that the virtuous too often proffer with
their assistance, she gives kindness and sympathy and also practical help
and a means of subsistence.
Only in her springlike youth does the prostitute find anyone to care
for her; after that time has passed she often begins to live on the profits
of other women. Sometimes she herself is in the hands of a man who is the
real slave-owner of the business; and at other times she has her men agents
who help her to spread her trade for their own profit.
The customs of this trade, which is learned and taught like any other,
seem to vary little from country to country; although here and there one
finds reasons why it should be flourishing a little more, or a little less.
When one part of a community is considered entirely subject to another part,
or where one race is subject to another in the same country, this business
seems to increase. Also, military camps have always promoted it; the very
conditions of camp life must give scope to it.
Sometimes the human being finds himself in an occupation which works ag-
ainst his conscience; he follows it for the sake of his livelyhood only;it
satisfies him for a time, because it satisfies his material needs, but there
comes a moment in his development when he can bear his yoke no longer. And
many times, even in the lives of the most degraded, comes this moment, when
they feel that they must grow out of their surroundings, or break away at
all costs.
There was once an Indian woman, a singer, who led this degraded life of
the prostitute, but she had one quality; when others sang only to please the
rich, she would also sing to those who could not pay her. And this generosity
in her was the means of leading her to meet and see such Souls, as she would
have hardly otherwise seen in that profession. At last, the qualities of kind-
ness and charity of heart so developed in her that her voice became an inspir-
ation, and a source of upliftment to many devotional Souls. And thus she grew
away from her profession; and in the end became renowned for her piety through-
out India.
The outlook of the great Teachers, who's teachings have changed the outlook
of life of millions and millions in the world, has always been alike in this;
they have never been willing to point out the fault in another,and to hurt the
faulty one. It was in their regard for the dignity of humanity, in their modesty
and service, that lay the beauty and greatness of their great lives.
The mystic voice of Amir has said, " Such beauty lies in Thy forgiveness,
that it seems to me that it would have been a sin in me if i had not sinned; for
then i should not have known Thy loving-kindness, and the wonder and beauty of
Thy true Nature and Being. "
Crime is natural. If crime were not natural from where would it come? All
men are subject to fault; their very virtues develop into faults. The great
Teacher has therefore taught patience, which means to be patient, and not to expect
patience. He has taught respect, which means to show respect, not to demand it.
He has taught unselfishness, which means to be unselfish, without expecting a reward.
The great Teacher has found his religion in his study of life, and has shown the
interdependence of human lives; and that what a man gives, that he recieves. He has
taught man to lift his light upon high, so that he may live in light; in that
light that is never extinguished in man, although usually kept under a covering of
cloud or a bushel of selfishness and greed, so that its owner lives in a darkened
There comes a stage in the moral evolution of man when he percieves and under-
stands the moral of beneficence, and he learns to return good for evil. At this
stage in his progress he hears a chord that connects and runs through him and
through all. He finds himself as it were a dome, in which good and evil find re-
echoing tones. Evil done to him echoes within him a desire to do evil in return;
and good done to him re-echoes in him a desire to return good. Therefore, in order
that his own actions may in their turn call out nothing but good, he desires always
to do good; and to return both good for good, and good for evil.
But there is a higher stage to which he may progress; and then it seems to him,
that this connecting chord swells into a great sea; and he realizes that the inter-
dependence of lives is such, because the Spirit is One; and it is the Spirit that
unites, and the Spirit that gives life.

The Bomb
She is a victim of so much evil of the world; she is a martyr, crushed by the refuse of the world. Sheis, as it were, a human cesspool of the dirt and degradation of society.
Very "Virgo!"
Good stuff Shab!
AD Moon
this is from his book Rassa Shastra : on the mysteries of love, sex and marriage, and are collected from any and all of his talks, but on those subjects, and thus offer a very widespread interpretation of the principles involved, which is one reason i typed it out and posted it. One thing however that isnt at all mentioned, is the FACT of sex demons, that most certainly DO exist, and are ALWAYS involved with prostitution. However, as in the case of the Indian singer who was a prostitute, in her case her generosity and willingness to share beyond any thought of reward is exactly what cut those entities off from her, making them unable to feed from her any longer, and it was that Love that set her free, but certainly, every prostitute in the world isnt going to react in that way, especially when under the manipulations of an entity. In most cases where a sex " demon " is involved, that entity will use the human to trap and feed upon others, both the " johns " when they are working as a prostitute, and also the other, younger women they bring into that career, that they then live off of the profits those women make, and which in itself is merely a type of feeding perpetrated by the human on another. But in each case, the entity is the actual " boss " and is manipulating the unaware humans in such a way as to always have energy readily available to feed upon. When one becomes aware of exactly HOW to be rid of such an entity, it will generally consume its original victim (as in the case of a madame who brings younger women into the game) as a last resort to fend off starvation, when it sees its food source about to be taken away from it, and a great ,many times, this will be utterly unprovable physically, medically or scientifically, bu can result in physical death.
as trendy as it sounds…
it is also true that it is due to timing, although not any end times, however, karma does always come due, or get paid back, the same either way really
let ME be clear
they are taught about in a great many varieties of religion, and you should know that quite well, however, i dont care if no one has ever mentoned it before, what i am teling you is information that i have to give, simple as that, the world willget it only through me, no one anywhere else has anythng to offer on the matter, but the soul who is under the influence of these entities cannot ever escape, they WILL be made to pay fr the involvement/choices they have had/made.use yourt worst idea and then youre beginning to start towards the definition i mean.
1. no, i have yet to see him have done this, however, i am not 100% certain that he never did either.
2. why on earth do i need teachings or writings?? i am giving them, itas .itertally as simple as that, end of story. I have witnesses that confirm every word i speak on this matter, they KNOW, as for the individual, that is their choice to make, i care not personally which it might be. edited to add: i dont mean to sound overly intense about that point, but so as to be 100% clear, i'm here to bring some rebalance to that, we have yet to see if ill survive and be successful at it in any way, very few ever are, but it is karma, so it cant be avoided when it comes, my point of view anyhow. Not a COOL job if you get my meaning, more a punishment or a lesson if anything.
3. yes, thousands of times over the last several years, in fact i have yet to come across any other entity that hunted them as i do.
4. what makes you believe those are meant metaphorically? by anyone?
5. I DO have to add, that i dont necessarily believe everything a person tells me or claims, in rather skeptic at least until i've had my own look at things for myself, and so, that psychological reasons aren't thrown away unless they just dont work, but then there are things that refuse to fit so neatly into ANY category really, and it comes down to the individual's perception of what happened.
This is quite a convo above! Q&A is always enlightening.
I do like this …
Things appear good or bad to the individual according to his own standard, formed usually on his own experiences, good or bad, of life. But it is possible to leave aside one's own standard, – except as a means by which to judge one's self, – and to search for the hidden cause of results.
This has been my experience with most people in reference to myself. Further, I take every writing and see how I can apply it to myself and generally have success and equally a disgard pile. I take it you do as well when you say:
"I DO have to add, that i dont necessarily believe everything a person tells me or claims, in rather skeptic at least until i've had my own look at things for myself, and so, that psychological reasons aren't thrown away unless they just dont work, but then there are things that refuse to fit so neatly into ANY category really, and it comes down to the individual's perception of what happened."
May I ask where you got the book Rassa Shastra? I may want to get a copy.
Thanks Shabdaji
Rassa Shastra by Hazrat Inayat Khan for sale, or here online on a chached copy :
Hi Shab.I was looking at the
Hi Shab.
I was looking at the past comments for this blog, and I have a question if you don't mind.
You mention an idea of a "sex demon". How do you explain this phenomena to someone who doesn't believe or accept the idea of any demons. I admit it would be nice to be able to put the blame for my own thoughts and/or actions on a scapegoat of some kind. But to me, the simple fact of the matter is that I alone am responsible for these things.
The writing in your blog talks about the prostitution business as being a form of "slavery". Perhaps it is. But no more so than some of the religions of the world have done with the female gender.
An example: When I was getting married (I professed a belief in christianity at the time) I needed first to recieve a "blessing" from the pastor on the engagement. Then I had to pay the gov't for the marriage license. Then I needed to pay the church for the rental of the building. Then the pastor himself for overseeing the ceremony. Here's the thing……it was not the gov't the church or the pastor that would be keeping my bed warm….or cooking my food…..or doing my laundry…..raising my son….etc. Why the hell should I pay them anythng? Talk about being a 'pimp'. The church fits the perfect definition. All because I want to tell a woman I love her?
The bottom line for me………if a woman is willing to share my home and to the work involved in the relationship (yes, housework is real work guys), while I am out doing the work of earning a wage……then why shouldn't she get the money instead of the gov't, church, or pastor? She has earned it, has she not? I would prefer to give the money to her than to the pimp……I mean pastor.
How do you respond to this Shabda?
2nd Pass
the 1st reply was a sort of hit and run, so let me have a second go at it point by point:
Hi Shab.
I was looking at the past comments for this blog, and I have a question if you don't mind.
You mention an idea of a "sex demon". How do you explain this phenomena to someone who doesn't believe or accept the idea ofany demons. I admit it would be nice to be able to put the blame for my own thoughts and/or actions on a scapegoat of some kind. But to me, the simple fact of the matter is that I alone am responsible for these things. –
it really doesn't matter so much does it? a skeptic will always be a skeptic until they open themselves up to the previously unknown, usually that starts with an admission that one simply does NOT know all things, so therefore, anything could well be possible.
If i could simply hand out to you my experiences, you would certainly know beyond a shadow of a doubt that i am neither decieved nor am i over dramatizing or making this up. The first time i was ever told about this i was nothing BUT skeptical myself.
The writing in your blog talks about the prostitution business as being a form of "slavery". Perhaps it is. But no more so than some of the religions of the world have done with the female gender.
PLease bear in mind that i am not the author of the piece i posted, and also, what is the point of your bringing up a difference between religions? Religion is religion, they are ALL faulty, period, there simply IS no more to that, and that isn't a question by any means. Also a good and deep study of the origins of EVERY religion is in my opinion the best of ways to begin to get a grasp on what is very apparent.
An example: When I was getting married (I professed a belief in christianity at the time) I needed first to recieve a "blessing" from the pastor on the engagement. Then I had to pay the gov't for the marriage license. Then I needed to pay the church for the rental of the building. Then the pastor himself for overseeing the ceremony. Here's the thing……it was not the gov't the church or the pastor that would be keeping my bed warm….or cooking my food…..or doing my laundry…..raising my son….etc. Why the hell should I pay them anythng? Talk about being a 'pimp'. The church fits the perfect definition. All because I want to tell a woman I love her?
The bottom line for me………if a woman is willing to share my home and to the work involved in the relationship (yes, housework is real work guys), while I am out doing the work of earning a wage……then why shouldn't she get the money instead of the gov't, church, or pastor? She has earned it, has she not? I would prefer to give the money to her than to the pimp……I mean pastor.
How do you respond to this Shabda?
Hi Shab.First, thank you for
Hi Shab.
First, thank you for taking the time to answer in such a detailed manner. Although, I did get the idea of where you were going with the answer from your 'first pass'. 🙂
You're quite right, I have personally never witnessed a 'demon'……or an 'angel'. But then, living in Canada as I do, I've had ample opportunity to look for Santa Claus and his famous sweat shop, and haven't witnessed them either. I do, however, see your point.. I can't see the wind, but I still know its there every time it tries to knock me down. Your correct, I can't prove that demons or angels don't exist. But for me, they don't fit with logic or the principle of "As Above, So Below". So I need to go with what I know on the subject..
So it comes down to a point of Faith. Perhaps for you,, Faith is not required, since your own experiences have led to a surety for you. But there are many others that believe as you do, but have not witnessed personally. This is the reason for Faith. In a past comment you used the example of a Madam that had lost control of a younger woman and a 'demon' began 'feeding' from the older woman to the point she becomes ill. I would say that its Karma visiting Justice on the older woman for scars (be they emotional, psychological, or physical) iinflicted on the younger woman.
So Faith is the Key here. You have Faith in the existence of demons…..and I would assume 'angels'. Whereas I do not. Although I find it interesting that you agree a person is reponsible for their own thoughts/actions while providing a scapegoat for them. Unless, you feel demons are a consequence of unhealthy thoughts/actions. You haven't said one way or the other on this.
So unless something unexpected comes along I believe I will continue to be a skeptic on this topic. But respect to you for your own Faith in these things. Free Will is a wonderful thing, isn't it. 🙂
And again…..thank you for such a well thought out answer.
PS. The idea of bringing religion into it came about because quite a few religions also accept the idea of angels and demons. I don't think a person can enter into such a conversation without bringing in religion – particullarly christianity – since the christians seem to have invented demons. I haven't found any document anywhere that discusses demons before christianity. Its true Judaism mentions angels…..but you won't find demons among their beliefs either. Hence, my reason for bringing religion into this.
allow me to clarify my meanings a bit…i had quite a reply typed out and ended up losing the entire thing so here goes again…Faith is not an accurate term in my opinion, there was nothing self made among what i saw, heard, experienced, nor of those of the others concerned, some of these cases had 4 or more physical witnesses, so if i was hallucinating, then so were several other people and i simply know that that isnt a thing anyone can do, ONLY the self can hypnotize the self. So, there were non physical entities, that could be seen, heard (mentally/telepathically?) as well as felt in various ways such as a sudden nerve twinge of pain for no apparent reason in specified areas, so as to make it known to be an attack, a purposeful action with an intent Admittedly, at this point is where anyone could step away and look at me like i were crazy, and i couldn't blame anyone for that, several have at times, only to find that experience apparently changed their minds for them in the meantime.
As i said before, i use the general term demon to mean a negative entity, one that is intentionally negative or harmful, whether by it's own design, or by the command of any other, its all the same to me, and ALL such entities, or bits of sub conscious or emotional energy, or any other term one feels comfortable using to describe it, are lower forms, and therefore ARE certainly conquerable, but at the same time, only humankind has the weaknesses built right into us, and so, a certain percentage will always fall to a lower state, needing the education to make better choices. The Soul is a higher entity than is ANY form of a demon or negative energy or anything else, and therefore does indeed have the ability to conquer that challenge built into It, this just needs to be explored, aand generally speaking, religion is one way of exploring that sort of thing, as well as one way of controlling and manipulating those characteristics to it's own ends too.
Angels exist, but i don't consider them to actually be even close to the highest servants of what i call the Absolute, truth be told, i can go higher myself than they are even able, but that is also a relative statement, the sort of thing that sounds fine as words, but doesnt really have any meaning until you are faced with it happening. But just to be clear about how i define angels and demons, both are lower in the overall cosmology i use.
About Judaism/demon etc, yes they DO have them….Zoroastrianism came first to Babylon, the FIRST Monotheistic religion, NOT Judaism!!!! the Jews were their slaves and THAT is how they came to adopt Monotheism From the Persians/Babylonians/Zoroastrians/Magii <~~~notice that ALL of those terms refer to the exact same people, although rather widely used, the terms all refer to ONE group of people. Hammurabi must have been proud lol.
As far as i know, the Jews believe that wicked Souls will be tormented by demons of their own creation, and this directly relates to what i call self created entities, that can become conscious in their own right and seek to continue their existence. Then you have the Keys of Solomon, not approved Judaic texts, granted, but certainly acclaimed to them, and the fact that a good God (Ahura Mazda) and a bad devil type (Ahriman) opposer and they further break the 2 sides down as ahuras (Lords) and deavas (Demons) also known as false gods. The fact that historically Jews worshipped a tribal pantheon that eventually evolved through slavery to the Babylonians to a monotheistic religion shows great likelyhood that some dealings with the concept of a negative happened, the difference ultimately being in where the source of it truly is, in the self, or outside of the self. I am not egotistical enough to believe that it ALL is due to my own will in some way lol, ive seen some amazing things happen on that particular note, but i can't claim that as one of mine, not by any means.
I can relate to your sentiments as far as a priest/pimp….i was raised Catholic, and though inwardly i quit at age 9, i ended up getting a job as a church painter, and so spent a LOT of time in church for years at a time as an adult, and in that time have seen zsome preists do some very nasty things, and seen a few go to prison for those things, so i can totally relate, and i would hold each and every one of those particular individuals to the very highest standards, all based on their penchant for falling to their base desires.
Hi Shab.Thank you for
Hi Shab.
Thank you for clarifying your views. It seems that I previously misunderstood what your views are. I was under the earler impression you were using 'demons' in the stereotypical sense. By that I mean in the same way the church (be it catholic or protestant) would define a 'demon'. So you tend to use the word as a general term for unhealthy thoughts/actions which we all as humans allow into our own individual lives. Or to use your way of describing it: 'Negative Energy'. This clears up a great deal. Your definition could actually apply to a great many things which we as humans tend to be faced with in this life. Its just your way of saying it.
Angels and/or demons in Judaism: Looking at your response here I must say that you are absolutely riight on what you have written. I therefore must stand corrected on the point. I had actually forgotten about the Babylonians. But Zoraster was a huge influence on a great many beliefs in his time. We are still feeling the effects of his theories to this day. Thank you for pointing it out. 🙂
Great point!
I especially like this:
"Why the hell should I pay them anythng? Talk about being a 'pimp'. The church fits the perfect definition. All because I want to tell a woman I love her?"
Let us not forget indulgences … while the whole Gay Marriage debate was going on around the November elections I just kept on telling people that they were missing the issue. Get government (and for that matter, churches which wish to impose their morals onto others) out of the business of defining and taxing the existence of a domestic partnership. If two people want to live together, why should they have to pay anything to make their vows of love "official"? But now we are getting into taxation without representation, and that is so rampant now that I had better cut off this rant before it goes any longer.
in many ways
first of all, the idea of non acceptance is simply a lesser way, how can it possibly be otherwise, choosing to limit itself under a guise of honesty, when it is anything but?
the claim of the self, or any self of being ultimately responsible for any action is ultimately true, however, if you dont mind, explain what about that concept indicates there are no demons at all playing in it? that sounds every bit an assumption, and dont get me wrong, anyone is quite free to assume any such thing, however, i would say that making such a declaration simply because YOU arent able to witness it, doesnt exactly prove there is no such thing, therefore you seem to be choosing a LACK as a means of proof for a state of being, or a lack thereof, and it is that LACK that i am disagreeing with more than anything. if any person speaks as you do, i am certainly NOT going to disagree, there would be nothing to be gained by that for me. The only way i am able to see that however is as egotistical, one sided, based on not the whole story, and i do quite undersatand if you dont agree with me, but i would still say that you are closing off possibilities without at all disproving them to yourself first
i have never said that anyone needs to pay a church or a priest to be married, you can certainly follow what your own heart tells you and i wouldnt disagree with it, as ive done that myself as well and i understand your point, but i still say there is more involved with it than what might easily be seen to be invovled.
i know what i know
and cant be responsible for anything else lol belief is NOT required, and i wasnt going to yell, believe me, NO ONE, and i DO literally mean no one knows as well as i do what the more skeptic point of view is saying, i spent many years going through strange experiences, and in which i never was able to see anything at all causing anything to happen, before ever getting to a skeptical view of any event, but at times unnatural things simply do happen, and i know of no way to promise anyone that they won't ever have to witness such a thing ( i also don't consider it a tremendously big deal either) so the only real concern i have on the subject is providing materials and knowledge to thos ewho have need of it, as those numbers grow daily. On the other hand, a skeptical disbelief i can fully understand and am well aware of, however, if at any later date, anything ive spoken of gains a sudden interest, feel free to ask, i might know something useful in regards to whatever might be going on. This subject is not even remotely the worst ive seen to date, but i can't give away all of my secrets all at once either!
Another Distinction
I use the term demon generally the If one believes that that first realm is the Final one, then that might be self explanatoryway the christian point of view holds for them, but i also include the mental and emotional emnations that we produce, and that roughly 99.8% of humanity is uterrly unaware of, but these emnations take a will of their own beyond their creator's will, and is generall always negative, and this because it is a lower creation, has no Soul, no Spark of Life within it. Also, you have to think, there are good and bad people alive, so why in the world would there NOT be both across the veil?
ill say this
if anything unwelcomed should show up, ask for help, and youll get what you need, whatever the case might be, there is no such thing as impossible…well, almost no such thing…you are likely far more capable of helping yourself than you are even aware of, so all i'd need to do is give a few suggestions, then you could take those pointers and run with it in any direction you needed to lol.