Proven Methods of Leaving the Body
April 18th, 1964
My Dearest One:
This time we are going further into the discussion of projection. I will give you some intimate details on the different methods of projection. There are several methods for getting out of the body; these vary according to teacher and the system of exteriorization being used.
The oldest method of leaving the body is through the mouth, used mainly by those who know little or nothing at all about projection. Soul leaves by this route during sleep or at the time of death. To those who can see this, it often appears that the Soul leaves the body through the solar plexus or the heart region. This isn't true for the appearance is deceiving – the invisible Self sometimes slides out of the body in such a way that when it does gather above the body, it looks as though it has arisen from the solar plexus or heart area.
Several doors of the body are known, such as two ears, two nostrils, mouth, sex organ, rectum, and the pineal gland, or what you know as the Spiritual Eye. In order to keep the Self from sliding through any of these openings, the Living Eck Master will close these doors to the outer world and allow only the pineal gland to remain open for the exteriorization of Soul.
The channels for leaving the body are (1) dreams, (2) trance,(3) what is known as the false awakening,(4) the pineal gland,(5) the pituitary gland in combination with the excretions of the hypothalamus gland, and(6) the subconscious. This can happen (1) through the imaginative faculty, (2) through direct will power, or (3) by accidental projection.
The dangers of projection without having a suitable and experienced Master along to guide you are (1) shock or insanity from something which can happen to you while outside the body or a jolt which awakens you too suddenly (this is what happens to mediums who are in a deep trance state and somebody switches on the lights or opens a door); (2) death, which can result from the above; and (3) premature burial. This can happen to a person who cannot get out of the trance state and is pronounced dead by medical authorities (current medical technology makes this extremely unlikely as opposed to the time when this letter was written). The best literary example of being buried alive is the sister of Roderick Usher in Edgar Allen Poe's classic story The Fall of the House of Usher. In true life, the story of Robert E. Lee's mother is a classic case of being buried alive in a vault and being found after passing two days of horror inside it.
Sudar Singh doesn't bother with the other doors of the body. He always preaches that man must leave by the pineal gland. In my own method, I claim that man can leave by the pituitary gland and stay constantly three feet behind the head. There is an interesting feature of leaving the body by the pituitary gland, which is in the center of the skull. Upon leaving there is often a pop, like the sound of a cork stopper pulled quickly from a bottle. Instantly you are out of the body looking for something to support yourself.
If you become frantic outside the body, you can establish anchor points. These anchor points are golden balls which you can throw up in all directions; then run an imaginary "electric line” up to each anchor point to hold yourself in a certain area, provided you need a support or feel you do. These are created by the imagination where thought is instantly real, but they aren't actually needed, this is just a matter of comfort until you become used to the experience of being out of body and can control your movements.
One of the other interesting points about projection is the method by which you can move from one body to another. There are roughly four or five bodies that Soul is encased in: (1) Physical, (2) Astral, (3) Causal, (4) Mental (the Mental body is divided into different sheaths according to the plane it is operating upon), and (5) the Soul body.
One of the methods you can use to reach another plane higher than the one you are operating on is to project from the body in the dream state. You do this by concentrating or imagining the projection before dropping off to sleep. Hence you find yourself in the Astral body while asleep. Secondly, while you are in this astral state, you can set your mind to experience projection on the next plane and click – you're suddenly there. Then you can go on until you come to the last of the lower planes and break into full, naked Soul projection. It is a projection within a projection, just as Sudar Singh speaks of moving from plane to plane by using the charged words to move across the borders. The latter is the easy way of doing it.
There is a difference between moving through space, even going upward in space, and movement between the planes. I make this flat statement with the idea of charging your mind with some thinking – for you is to begin wondering how such phenomenon occurs. If you get an answer, let me know. You should never let a statement of mine go unchallenged. You shouldn't let me make flat statements then leave; nor should you let anyone else do that. It's often annoying to a man to be challenged by a woman, but that is the only way you can learn. I will make statements at times to try to see if you will try to think them out and challenge me.
Each of the bodies of man, often called sheaths, is expendable! Soul can live in the Astral body until it wears out. Often the ghosts in cemeteries are only discarded Astral bodies floating around until they gradually disintegrate. Each of the lower bodies will do this but of course Soul will not!
One reason you need a spiritual guide during projection is that you may not have a plan at hand; if you don't, you may be picked up by a whirlwind of psychic forces which can deposit you in a strange locale. An ECK Master can prevent this. While projected, you are able to reconstruct scenes from your childhood that have an unsatisfactory effect in your adult life and revise them so that this dissatisfaction will leave you. A Master can do this for other people. You can also construct a future for the body, while outside of it, by projection into the future, through creative imagination construction. This is how some masters keep themselves in money and material goods. The mystic is not aware of these things. His concern is talking with angels and higher beings or having a touch of cosmic consciousness.
More Later,