Psychic Vampires And The Use of Etheric Energy
Vibrating energy is what makes up the existence of everything in life and is commonly referred to as waves of energy flowing through the universe. Everyone gives out certain vibrational frequencies, which is what attracts the many events that occur in your day-to-day life. Psychic vampires have learned to give out and control these frequencies which allow them to remain in the form they are in.
Energy comes in many different colors and forms and every emotion that is created gives out a specific type of energy that differentiates itself from the other types created.
Let’s talk about energy that is created by positive actions. For instance, creating a positive emotion in someone by doing something nice for the person is a way to get positive energy forming. When you create a positive emotion in someone, you are allowing the person you are creating that emotion with, to release positive energy which can come in the colors of yellows, pinks, oranges, purples, greens, etc. It varies with the person and the positive emotion being felt. This is the kind of energy you want to create. While it does take longer and more work to create this kind of energy, the results in the long run are much more rewarding and you will feel better physically.
When feeding off the positive energy created, you will feel the positive emotions of that person you are feeding off of. Same goes if you are feeding off the energy provided by things in nature like trees for instance. If you take energy from the tree, give energy back to it. When you create positive energy it is almost like you are feeding off each other at that point because you are both exuding a positive field of energy and in turn you are not creating a negative energy field. When you have this kind of energy, you naturally attract it towards yourself without even trying most of time. It also makes you feel good physically in the sense that you can think clearer, you are less prone to becoming ill, you feel good about yourself, and it makes giving and taking energy ten times easier than it would be if you were to choose to go take the route of creating negative energy in others and in your environment.
Another form of creating energy in order to absorb or feed off of it, is the one mentioned above; the creation of negative energy. This way of creating energy through negative actions or emotions directed at others can be one of the fastest and easiest ways to create and feed off of energy, but it is also dangerous to you and dangerous to those you are feeding off of. All one has to do in order to create a negative form of energy is start talking to someone in a negative way, such as being condescending or talking to someone like they are a five-year old. When you do that, it creates frustration and even anger in others, and you can then take their energy immediately and produce large results by continuing to push that person’s buttons so to say. Starting a fight or an argument with someone produces negative energy results fast it is easy to continue insulting someone if you will. The consequences of taking energy in this manner can result in many ways that are pleasant for some, and not so pleasant for others. If you care at all about other people and their feelings or well-being, you will not perform this type of feeding of energy from others. It can make you feel ill, and keep in mind that you ARE absorbing that persons emotions and feelings as well, so if they are depressed, you become depressed. The upside is that you replenish your energy fast, but the downside is that it diminishes fast as well.
Taking energy in this way not only can cause you to attract a lot of negative things into your life, such as lack of close friends or family, or even the inability to hold a job or sustain a relatively normal life; but it also affects your own personally mental and physical well-being with its toxins that negative energy tends to carry.
For example, let’s say that you have a close friend that you always pick on because they are broke all the time (this is purely an example) and never have money to do anything. Eventually that person you are picking on will start to be on the defensive with you because you are always making fun of them. This creates an emotion of anger or frustration which are both negative. Now, every time you are around that person, they start giving off a negative form of energy instead of positive emotions and energy. It is easy to get someone to give off that negative energy field without really trying. It’s the positive energy field that tends to be a challenge for a lot of people and therefore, many people create negative energy fields around others.
Not ALL Vampires have to create some sort of emotion in someone in order to take their energy. For some of us it just comes naturally, while others it takes time and a lot of practice to learn how to just walk up to someone and touch their hand and take their energy without creating a positive or negative emotion in them. While creating positive or negative energy in someone, it just basically ads to the energy a Vampire is already receiving just by being in the presence of someone. It takes a lot of concentration and a tremendous amount of focus to develop this form of feeding and it is best to learn from someone else who already knows how to do this so that it they can guide you along the way to help you develop this skill.
It is also possible to manipulate others energy fields in order to get what you want out of them or make them do what you want them to do in a way. This is something that again comes naturally to some, and for others it is quite the challenge to master. Once you are able to successfully learn this technique, it can make life that much easier for you and make taking that person’s energy even simpler. Some people choose to use this gift for their own uses and gains while others choose to use it to have fun with people or just to be devious.
You can for instance focus your energy on someone you may want to get something from for free, like at a store or even the movie theater. With this ability you can convince people of just about anything and they will believe it, and they will do a lot of what you ask of them. You can draw people in for feeding as well with this ability. Learning how to use your own energy to take partial control of what others may think or do is an ability that should not be taken lightly and could easily fall into the hands of those who choose to use it for their own dark purposes.
Energy has been used for healing those who have ailments for thousands of years by just about every different culture in our world, as well as on other planes of existence. It is the life force which keeps everything living thing alive and able to function on a daily basis. Without our energy field/aura, we would cease to exist as humans, as well as vampires. A vampire cannot survive without an energy field or without replenishing it, just as anything else in this world.
Understanding the energy field and what affects it and the results you will receive by feeding off of certain energies is important in knowing how to live and survive in a relatively negative energy free lifestyle for any vampire, intentional or unintentional.
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Psionic Vampirism
A psychic vampire is a person or being who feeds off the “life force” of other living creatures. Psychic vampires are represented in the occult beliefs of various cultures and in fiction. There is no scientific or medical evidence supporting the existence of psychic vampires, or even the bodily or psychic energy they allegedly drain.
The term psychic vampire is sometimes abbreviated psy-vamp (or psi-vamp). Alternate terms for these entities include energy vampire, energy predator, energy parasite, energy eater and energivore, as well as psionic vampire, pranic vampire, and empathic vampire.
Terms used to describe the substance or essence that psychic vampires take or receive from others include: energy, qi (or ch’i), life force, prana, and vitality.*
Ambient: feeding is using energy that is thrown off of people in group situations such as malls, clubs, etc.
Astral: feeding is done while traveling in the astral realms, and drains the energy from the individual’s soul as it is linked to the astral plane
Auric: feeding is similar to ambient feeding except it focuses on an individual’s outer energy level commonly referred to as the Aura.
Core/Chakra: feeding is using energy from an individual’s core, deep within their body. These sources are sometimes referred to as chakras.
Emotional: feeding is the use of energy released by emotional outbursts.
( terms from: )
American author Albert Bernstein uses the phrase “emotional vampire” for people with various personality disorders who are often considered to drain emotional energy from others.
Energy vampires
The term “energy vampire” is also used metaphorically to refer to people whose influence leaves a person feeling exhausted, unfocused, and depressed, without ascribing the phenomenon to psychic interference.
Dion Fortune wrote of psychic parasitism in relation to vampirism as early as 1930 in her book, Psychic Self-Defense. Fortune considered psychic vampirism a combination of psychic and psychological pathology, and distinguished between what she considered to be true psychic vampirism and mental conditions that produce similar symptoms. For the latter, she named folie à deux and similar phenomena.
The term “psychic vampire” was popularized in the 1960s by Anton LaVey and his Church of Satan. LaVey wrote on the topic in his book, The Satanic Bible, and claimed to have coined the term. LaVey used psychic vampire to mean a spiritually or emotionally weak person who drains vital energy from other people, or a paranormal entity within such a person, allowing the psychic draining of energy from other people. Adam Parfrey likewise attributed the term to LaVey in an introduction to The Devil’s Notebook.
The terms “energy vampire” and “psychic vampire” have been used as synonyms in Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union as part of an occult revival.
Role in modern vampire subculture
The theme of the psychic vampire has been a focus within modern vampire subculture. The way that the subculture has manipulated the image of the psychic vampire has been investigated by researchers such as Mark Benecke and A. Asbjorn Jon. Jon has noted that, like the traditional psychic vampires, those of vampire subculture believe that they ‘prey upon life-force or ‘pranic’ energy’.
A related form of psychic vampirism is known as sexual vampirism, where one is said to be able to feed off sexual energy. A mythological example of a sexual vampire would be a succubus or a rokurokubi. *
How to protect yourself – ( passage from )
Some say that wearing certain crystals and pendants will ward off those psi vampires. Crystals such as hematite, snowflake obsidian, and black tourmaline are said to be particularly helpful. Wearing these crystals over your heart is said to be particularly helpful because that’s where psi vampires feed from the most. The solar plexus chakra is also another place especially vulnerable to psi vampires and because of this, it’s thought that crossing your arms or hands over this part of the body when communicating with one will stop them from feeding off of you.
Psionic Vampirism
Outstanding blog. I learned a lot, and realized that this information really helped me to understand some people in my life. I won't go into details. I am thankful for the information about the crystals, it is very helpful because daily I deal with a psi vampire and now I know that there are crystals to ward that off. Great job and info, thank you Olivia.
Good point Marique –
I don’t think that most of us realize that we probably deal with some sort of pyschic vampire every day and it is a simple thing to take precautions.