Psychic Protection And Shielding

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By Vulcan


Paranormal investigations can be an exciting experience, however, every time you conduct an investigation you are venturing into unknown territory so practicing psychic protection is an important precaution that all investigators should be undertaking.

Good shielding techniques should be one of the first few essential lessons for those seeking to learn how to sense energy and use their own personal energies and the energies present in the world around them. Most good shielding requires the person to have some aptitude and knowledge of visualization techniques.

Psychic protection acts as an energy or barrier that wraps completely around you. The purpose of this energy is ultimately to block out all intrusive or malicious vibrations that come from unexpected and unknown sources.

Here are a few types of shields that can be adapted to your own personal requirements:

Bubble Shield

Bubble Shields are easy to make and can hold up against minor annoyances. Bubble Shields are also useful against humans who subconsciously leach energy from others. You can create this shield through a simple visualisation of seeing a bubble materialize before you and then simply step into the bubble. You can also create a shell, similar to a shape of an egg, building it from the ground to up, around your body, and finally meeting up over your head. Eggshells and bubbles are typical visualizations to block unwanted low-level attacks.

Mirror Shield

You can create this shield as you would any other shield. Imagine a highly reflective mirror ball surrounding you. The purpose of this shield is to reflect whatever energy/magic is sent at you right back to the sender. This can be set up as a secondary shield that exists outside of your regular shields. The inclusion of an affirmation adds extra power. Here is an example of what your affirmation could be:

    What comes to me
    Goes back to thee
    No more no less

Marshmallow/Sticky Shield

The Marshmallow Shield is a thick, sticky type of shield. Its primary purpose is to absorb attacks and hold them for later disposal. It can be programmed to de-patternize the simple attack or just spit it back out. When you are visualizing this shield, you want to picture a thick wall of goo, if you construct it in layers you will want to make sure the layers melt into each other completely.

This shield can take a while to make, but it is not meant to be used as the only line of defense. Combine it with other defensive shields to provide better protection.

The Blanket Technique – Protecting Others Psychically

As you become more comfortable and skilled in protecting yourself, there will be times when you may want to shield another person or loved one. You can extend the protection skills you have honed for yourself to help others as long as it is their free choice and will to accept your protection.

Visualize a dot of pure blue light, increase this light’s intensity until it burns very bright. Take this dot and trace out a square twice as big as the person you are going to shield. When you trace the outline of the blanket, its lines should stay visible in your mind’s eye. Once the outline is complete, begin to pour universal protective energy into the square shape. While you are filling the square with energy, be sure to program the protective powers you want to be inherent within. Think of the specific circumstance that they are seeking protection from and instill this energy with the power to resist and repel it. Hold this image in your minds eye for a good minute before letting it go. Keep in mind without being connected to any replenishing energy source, this shield is not going to last as long unless you program a period for the energy to last.

The psychic shield can be varied to suit your own personal experiences, depending on the type of visualization techniques that you use. Please note that energy for these shields can be drawn from different sources, including the earth itself. Proper shielding techniques should be one of the cornerstones of any magical or psychic training. The techniques are so simple almost any beginner can perform them and are they can be easily mastered with a little practice. Please don’t be afraid to experiment with the techniques until you find one that works well for you.

Janine Donnellan



Note: In my work, I use a top to bottom fully enclosed mirrored cylander that has been very satisfactory. What you use should be tailored to yourself ~ Vulcan