From Letters To Gail Vol. III by Paul Twitchell
Psychic Self Protection
May 17th, 1965
My Dearest One:
This letter is going to be on self-protection in Eckankar,
that essential part of the spiritual sciences which every-
body should know about and do for himself.
Psychic self protection is not hard; in fact, it is one of
the easiest things we can learn in this life. It requires self-
control. This is the only way we can take care of ourselves
and is the essential element in all things. Once we lose
self-control, then confusion starts in, and we can do some-
thing that might bring harm to us. This is one of the worst
parts about falling into depression and confusion.
We must watch the inner worlds very closely because of
the various attacks which can be made upon each of us by
some psychic force. However, nothing can harm us unless
we allow it to do so. For example, it was Christ who told Pil
ate the he could do nothing against Christ unless it was allow-
ed from above. This only means that we are a law unto our-
selves. Whatever we allow to come into our consciousness can
harm us; however, we, in keeping such negative things out of
our minds, will not be harmed by them. This is the law that pro-
tects us from everything – that law which allows nothing to come
into our consciousness unless we so allow it.
Several years ago, Harold Sherman, a metaphysician who was
working for a TV producer in New York, had the experience of
getting badly hurt financially and emotionally after writing a script
for a particular program. This producer had asked him to write it,
even do revisions, but then turned it down and bought another.
Sherman decided to take the matter to court but suffered badly,
both financially and in feelings. He ended up doing a good many
things against the man whom he felt had so badly, only to have his own health go down, his work hurt, and his pocketbook dented.
After a few weeks of struggle with himself over whether to take
revenge on this producer, he finally went to see another meta-
physician, who told Sherman that he was allowing himself to be
hurt, that nobody was hurting him except himself. He stated the
law something like this : You can only be hurt when you allow
yourself to be hurt!

This is the law: "Another one cannot hurt me, unless i allow
him to do so!" In other words, no harm can come to us unless
we allow it; this is the exact law of the Eck Spirit. Nothing can
come into our consciousness unless we allow it to do so. This
is what we are looking at: the Law of Consciousness, which is
the Law of Self Protection. Nobody can get himself into any pre-
dicament unless he himself allows it to happen. Look back into
your life, into our life together, and note that whenever we got into
some crisis it was only because we ourselves allowed it.
This means then, that there is only one power – that power is
God ITSELF, the almighty Sugmad. This power will protect us in all casesv – because IT is the only power there is. We cannot have a negative and a positive power, because the negative power, if you
want to call it that, doesn't exist at all. Within ourselves, we look at
the picture wrongly, and that makes what we call the negative power.
God's power isn't right or wrong – it's the way we look at it, and we
must make right the attitude and focus the attention properly.
Now the idea here simply lies in the area of self-control and self
analysis. Self-control must take care of the attitude and attention
of the individual, and self-analysis must take care of the viewpoint
of the problem which arises in one; rather, we must find the reason for the adoption of the attitude and why the attention was moved from
holding to the ideal. It means simply that we must look at ourselves
objectively and not allow personal emotions to arise which will color
our attitude. It's like looking through the mind's eye with a pair of
misfitted glasses. We must keep the vision clear, and then it will en-
able us to have self-control and to analyze ourselves fairly well.
So the secret of God is that there is only one power, and that power
is God ITSELF, the Sugmad. Secondly, the secret of the mind is that there is only one mind, the mind of the individual being – your mind
and my mind. The trouble is that in the past an entity, separate and
apart from the one mind – called the mortal mind or the human mind –
has always been introduced and accepted as a power.
Actually, there is only one mind, and this mind is unconditioned.
It has no qualities of good or of evil; it is a state of being, not good
and not bad. In reality there cannot be an intelligent mind or an ig-
norant mind; there cannot be a healthy or a diseased mind, for mind is unconditioned; and therefore, mind forming itself as body is uncon-
ditioned. Accordingly, a body is neither well nor sick, tall nor short, thin nor fat. A body is as unconditioned as the mind which is the essence of it's form. Mind and body, being unconditioned, are in a state of absolute being and perfection until the belief of good and evil is accepted into thought.
In reality, the perfect mind, your mind and my mind, manifests as a
perfect being and body, but human experience is influenced by the knowledge of good and evil. This belief in two powers is the essence of what is called the carnal mind. To return to the Kingdom of God and once more become the son of God, it is essential that we individually –
for no one can do this for us because it is an individual experience – give up the belief in good and evil through an activity of our consciousness.

Mind forms it's own conditions of matter, body, and form. Mind does not create; mind forms. Creation is already complete – spiritual, eternal,
and perfect – but our mind, depending on it's conditioning, forms and interprets our human experience on this plane. If our mind is completely free of the judgments of good and evil, the Eck, Spirit, forms IT'S own image and likeness through the mind as happy, harmonious, and successful living. If the mind is conditioned by judgments of good and evil, mind is not a clear transparency; and, in proportion to it's conditioning, experiences of good and evil will take place in our lives.
Mind, when free of theories, superstitions, beliefs, and false concepts, governs all material forms harmoniously and eternally. If we
had no false concepts of anything in this world – that is, no judgment
about whether anything is good or evil – we would soon discover that our mind would bring all forms to us – forms wondrous in their intricacy,
beauty, and abundance. Only as we ourselves let the judgment of good and evil, healthy or unhealthy, operate, does the mind present these forms to us for acceptance.
When the mind receives the light of spiritual wisdom from the Eck, the appearance conforms more nearly to mind's pure form.
More later,
From the book, Letters to Gail © 1990 Eckankar – Sri Paul Twitchell
Letting go …
Several years ago, Harold Sherman, a metaphysician who was working for a TV producer in New York, had the experience of getting badly hurt financially and emotionally after writing a script for a particular program. This producer had asked him to write it, even do revisions, but then turned it down and bought another. Sherman decided to take the matter to court but suffered badly,both financially and in feelings. He ended up doing a good many things against the man whom he felt had so badly, only to have his own health go down, his work hurt, and his pocketbook dented.
So much for letting negativity go.
Good stuff.