Psychic Vocabulary

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I want to suggest to the global community of lightworkers the concept of a psychic vocabulary. Spiritual guidance comes in all forms. Its content is greatly influenced by the medium channeling it. A medium's knowledge, all the specifc bits of data that the Cosmic may bring the medium's mind to, is that medium's psychic vocabulary. In this way the medium's mind is like a bag of runes or a Tarot deck. Any mental object may be thrown spontaneously to the front of mind to heal or help. A broad, accessible psychic vocabulary is thus part of being a vibrant, effective medium.

One example: In my Reiki practice, aside from channelling energy, I often experience visions. Generally the more vivid and decisive the image is, the more likely it is to be relevant. During a recent session, I saw very clear and vivid imagery from Stephen King's book, the Dark Tower. Red-orange roses blossomed in my imagination and then I saw the dark tower quite clearly in my mind's eye. It came quite out of "knowhere" and when I finished the session I said to my client "You MUST have read the Dark Tower, and it must have meant something to you." In fact, he was on book 6 of the 7 book epic, and was delighted that I was able to intuit that aspect of his life. Such confirmations often strengthen a client's trust in one's practice. They can, of course, only materialize if they're within a medium's vocabulary.

The horizon for potential guidance is so much broader than our own intuitive vision. Everything can be a symbol or a message, a holy book, a self-help book, a smell, a type of flower, a religious or spiritual symbol, a color, a god, goddess, an angel or a demon, a type of crystal, a type of yoga, a sephirot, the list of potential "words" in one's spiritual vocabulary, is infinite. 

I have a few suggestions:

1) Broaden your vocabulary: For me, this means broadening my knowledge of spiritual characters. I want to know more about the pantheon of Lamrim Buddhism, of Christianity, of Hinduism. Since I'm quite visual, spiritual symbols and flowers often come into my mind, hence I want to broaden my knowledge of them as well. This does not necessarily mean knowing the depths of their meaning, it merely means being aware of more symbols and being open to receiving them as a message.

2) Interpretation and projection: When healing, you're channeling guidance on behalf of your client. If you have an interpretation of a specific message, in other words if a symbol comes through that means a lot for you, then it might be important for you to relate that meaning, however know that it may carry a different meaning for your client. For this reason, I strive to be as literal and as true to what comes across to my mind as I can without projecting my own interpretations upon it. 

3) Exercise your fluency: I think this is my most important suggestion: exercise one's access to that psychic  vocabulary, whatever it might be. For me, this means frequently calling potentially useful "words" into my mind's eye. To this end, I meditate on those mental objects that are within my vocabulary. I also set the intention to allow those images into my mind. If I were an herbalist, I would, in meditation, review my knowledge of herbal medicine, if I were a physiotherapist, I might draw my attention to various tendons and muscle groups. This is to establish a pathway in the brain, to open the channel wider to those parts of one's knowledge and provide the Cosmic with a ready access to them when the time comes. 

I submit this humbly for the consideration of all.

Love and Light,





1 thought on “Psychic Vocabulary”

  1. Hi there.I don’t have the

    Hi there.

    I don't have the gifts that you've obviously been given……but I enjoyed reading your blog just the same. Thanks very much for sharing your insights.


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