The Purpose of Dreams
By Sri Harold Klemp September 1994
The works of ECK give a balance between the inner and outer teachings. Here is a story from the inner planes. It illustrates the power of dreaming big and working hard, two keys to success in any world.
One night, on the inner planes, I went to a local college football game. As usual, the home team lost. And in accord with its dismal win-loss record, the team turned a completely uninspired effort. So the locker room was a gloomy place after the game, even thought it was full of people – the many friends and family of the coach and players.
The coach was a strict disciplinarian. He got on well with his players, but they could not win for him. The coach and I had little in common. So I mostly avoided him, because we lived and worked in two different words.
This evening was to be different, though. The crowd was still thick at a refreshment table insde the locker room when he called me over.
“ I had a dream,” he said. “ Could you tell me its meaning?”
A dream interpreter must always allow for the chance that his interpretation might be wrong, so he leaves an opening for the dreamer should the news look bad.
The coach briefly told his dream. For the second time within a few days, he had heard an orchestra play an enchanting piece if music. The musicians did not finish the song either time. Yet the music was of such haunting beauty that he wanted nothing more than to hear its conclusion.
Unknown to him, the heavenly music was exactly that: the Music Of God. It comes from Divine Spirit, the Voice of God. Its purpose is to call Souls that are ready and show them the way home to the Sugmad-another name for God, or the Ocean of Love and Mercy. As ECK texts puts it: Soul has heard and is yearning to go.
But from all appearances, the coach did not work on a very high spiritual level, so he would not have understood an interpretation that spoke of this Music of God.
Yet a dream interpreter has a duty to speak the truth. That is not to say that he must be unkind, because it is a kind spirit who leaves an open door for a dreamer in case the analysis is wrong.
Before I could say anything, he spoke. “ I think my two dreams are trying to say that I’ve reached the end of my career in this lifetime. “
Unfortunately, that way my first impression too.
“ I’ll never get to coach at the State level, “ he added, looking more closely at me for confirmation.
Then the ECK let me see the options of possibility. “ Dreams aren’t final, “ I said. “ I can’t tell the times a dream appeared to point out failure to me , but I refused to accept the verdict. A dream about failure usually means that using the same methods as in the past will continue to lead to failure. But if a dreamer can break old habits and try something new to solve problems, it’s a new ball game. “
The coach was catching on.
“You mean my career’s not over?” he stated, half in reply, half in question.
“ There is a lot of power in the human spirit, “ I replied. “ If you could unlock the spirit of your team, you’d see miracles. There is big power in people who dream big and try hard.”
Then two young players from the team returned to the locker room, which had cleared of most people during our conversation. They drew the coach aside to ask a favor. Immediately he went to the metal toolbox and began digging around inside it. I mistook the action. I assumed that he had plans of game strategy inside the box that he could not wait to show his two star players. They just happened to return to the locker room during his excitement.
In fact, the situation was very different. Their car had a flat tire, and they were late for a post game school dance. So the coach was not trying to dig out and explain next week’s strategy.
I called to him on my way out. “ By the way, “ I said, “ something else always helps. That’s to listen to the ideas of others when all yours hits the wall. “
With a quick thumbs up sign, he shouted back, “ You mean, let them mount the tire! “ His excitement was no longer about his own dreams of aspiration. He had put them aside to help his young players fix the tire and get to the party before it was over. He remembered his youth.
I knew that he now had the right idea about winning. Go for success in life, but not at the expense of other people’s dreams. Help them meet their dreams, and they will help you meet yours.
Another student walked with me to my residernce some three or four blocks away. The sidewalk ran up some small hills and down again, like a rising and falling waves of the ocean.
“ As we get older, “ I said to him, “ these little hills become like mountains. Even though it requires more effort to accomplish our dreams, we must always follow them. “
That is the purpose of dreams.
Intersting,But Subjective
Every person i have met that claims to interpret dreams,all always individually will give you their thoughts on your dreams but each will interpret differently.I think the reason for that is because we base everything we think or think we know on our own beliefs and thoughts.I find it truley impossible to really interpret anothers dreams because I can not put myself in the postiion of judging parts of that persons life or thoughts.
I do believe that dreams happen for a reason but that we ourselves are meant to figure these meanings out based on our knowledge and that sometimes we are shown things we may not neccessarily undertsand at the time but may be meant for a later purpose and that by asking someone else to interpret these things for us we are looking for a quick and easy answer which someone may give that may not have anything to do with the true meaning or nature of the dream in reference to ourselves.
We must learn to use patience and trust that we ourslves hold the key to all that we need and sometimes dreams are a way of showing us specific things that we are meant to know when the time is correct.
I urge anyone who intreprets for others to use caution in what you do say to others because your personal experiences and beliefs may be totally unrelated to what the perso themself is experiencing and influencing them in a direction may chnage something neccessary for them that should not be changed.I prefer to always encourage them to analyze and meditate based in their own thought.
Interesting thoughts though.
the difference
here is, that this Soul is a spiritual Master and is easily able to see the entirety of a person's being, whereas that person isnt able to, and even if you dont believ that such exists, that is fine, but THAT is subjective and has no bearing on reality…also, this was put into a newsletter, therefore its complete intent is to display a spiritual principle at work, not to interpret anyone's dreams, the dreams are used merely as an example for others to use in their own dream interpretations….what you say IS true, an individual should interpret their own dreams and that is the method by which this particular path works…an individual and honest interpretation of the dreams is a talent each student is required to learn….in each of the cases in the article, the student interpreted their own dreams and then wrote in about them to share what they considered to be, good news, the presence of the Master, Spirit working in a very personal way in their lives, it was later that the Master then included the stories from his letters in an article…and THAT is why i must disagree with the subjective and say no, it was presented in a universal matter rather than a subjective one views of points i guess lol