Raising the Consciousness – Sri Paul Twitchell

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By SHABDA - Preceptor

Raising the Consciousness – Sri Paul Twitchell


    Raising the Consciousness – Sri Paul Twitchell
                                      January 13, 1965
My Dearest One:
   This is to take up the subject of raising the consciousness to that level where one can dwell in the heights of the spiritual worlds of ECK.
   This is actually lifting the consciousness above the level where you have met your problem. If you can rise high enough in consciousness, the problem will solve itself. That is really the only problem you have — to rise in consciousness. The more difficult it is — the more deeply rooted the problem is in the mind or thoughts — the higher one must rise. What is called a small problem will yield to a slight rise in consciousness. What is called a serious difficulty will require a relatively higher rise. What is called a hopeless problem will require a considerable rise in consciousness to overcome it — but that is the only difference.
   Don't be bothered about trying to straighten out your own or other people's problems by manipulation of thought. That will get you nowhere. But raising your consciousness and the action of the spiritual force will do the rest.
   Christ healed the sick people and reformed many of those on the wrong path by raising his consciousness above the pictures they presented. He controlled the winds and the waves in the same way. He raised the dead because he was able to get as high in consciousness as was necessary to do this.
   To raise your consciousness, you must positively withdraw your attention from the picture for the time being. Then concentrate gently upon spiritual truth. You can do this by reading the Bible or any other spiritual scripture that appeals to you, such as The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad (the ECK Bible); by going over any hymn or poem that helps you in this way; or by using one or more affirmations that you know. But be careful not to become tense, for being taut only defeats the purpose.
   Raising our consciousness will enable us, sooner or later, to get out of any difficulty on the face of this earth. This may seem like a rash statement, but it needs only a fair trial to prove, without a shadow of a doubt, it's a just one. You don't have to take anyone's word for it; simply try it for ourself and see.
   Spirit is omnipotent, and man in Its image and likeness has dominion over all things. This is said in the first few verses of Genesis. It's an inspired teaching, and it is intended to be taken literally, at face value. Man means every man, and so the ability to draw on this master power of Spirit, or the ECK,is not the special prerogative of the mystic or saint, as is so often supposed. Nor is it even of the highly trained practitioner who can heal or help those in trouble.
   This is because it is God who works and not you. Your particular limitations or weaknesses are of no account in the process. You are the channel through which the working of Divine Spirit, of ECK, takes place, and your raising of consciousness will really be just getting yourself out of the way.
   As for the actual method of getting out of the way, like all fundamental things, it is simplicity itself. All you have to do is this: Stop thinking about the difficulty, whatever it is, and think about the ECK, Spirit, instead. This is the complete picture, or rule. And if only you will do this, the trouble, whatever it is, will completely disappear. It makes no difference what kind of trouble it is. It ma be a big thing or a little thing; it may concern health, finances, a lawsuit, a quarrel, an accident, or any conceivable thing. But whatever it is, reversing the thinking on it and putting your attention somewhere else, in the ECK Spirit, will be all you have to do. This couldn't be simpler, and yet it never fails to work. All it really is,is the shifting of attention from one point to another.
   What we are actually doing is establishing two powers in this universe — when there is really one power. For the ECK, the Spirit power  flowing out of the throne of God, is all there is. There are no divisions of It; there is only one power. Therefore, we are separating ourselves from this spirit of goodness, or positiveness, or what others might call God, by emphasizing the evil or bad conditions in our lives. When we look at a situation or a person through the attitude of what is bad, then we are falling under the Law of Karma. For whatever we know, feel, or expect in the world of negative (bad), we receive that. But we can live above this by dwelling upon the aspect that God is omnipresent. Therefore, the condition cannot be bad.
   So we turn our attention to the condition with the consciousness that it is not a bad condition but one of truth, for the ECK Spirit dwells within that as well as within ourselves. This is a unifying force. And we are, in a sense, hardly anything. The fact is that this state of living in God is not a state of power at all. God is a nonpower state. We look and see, acknowledge and understand that IT is within us, as a divine unit. But IT is also within the cat, dog, ant, and people. Knowing this, what fear does one ave of lack, terror, and violence? None whatsoever.
   Seeing this, we know that a police force is only needed to control the consciousness of people, not their behavior at all. This is the way a national or local police force works: controlling the consciousness of people with the idea that arresting a person for his behavior — good, bad, or indifferent, or contrary to the law — is only working under material laws or the Law of Karma (Law of Cause and Effect).
   Then we know that nothing is impossible. For once we raise our consciousness above the laws of materiality, then no one is able to hurt us, because the Law of Karma only exists as much as we give it power. See the difference? This truth is one of the mightiest of all truths. Why is a body in bad health? Mainly because we wish it to be or we don't know the ways to dissolve its problems, but mostly because we give bad health the power to act upon our body. Therefore, moving our attention from anything of a negative nature will dissolve bad health; but our attention must go to something which is of a spiritual nature, as I have said before.
   Taking our attention from a bad problem and putting it upon something else within this universe of wrong will only create another bad problem, although we may get rid of the old one. By raising our consciousness to a higher plane in ECK, in the world of spiritual forces, then we are able to resolve the problem.
   Sooner or later you will come to understand the terminology used by various groups, and this will resolve a lot of confusion in your reading and listening. Semantics is the real basis for understanding. And once you solve this, you can raise your consciousness to the higher worlds of ECK whenever and wherever you desire.
   More later.
From Letters to Gail Vol.3 – Paul Twitchell © 1990 Eckankar

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