Reincarnation : Ages Have Passed Since Soul Arrived In This World

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By SHABDA - Preceptor


Reincarnation: Ages Have Passed Since the Soul Arrived Here in this World
The soul (jiva) as well as his Creator, both are in the human frame (pinda). The soul is not required to search for his Creator anywhere else. Ages have passed since the soul arrived here in this world. His attention having been diverted by the objects of Maya [illusion], he has lost all knowledge of his Creator. If he now gets the company of the Satguru, hears His discourses attentively, ruminates upon them, and performs the spiritual practices (abhyas) taught by Him, then, of course, he can have vision (darshan) of the Creator within himself.
(Huzur Maharaj, "Prem Updesh Radhaswami")
A disciple asks the Satguru:
When, according to the Saints, Shabd [the inner Light and Sound Current] is everywhere and is the Creator of all things, and even the soul itself is a part of the Shabd, why is it that the Surat (Soul) does not catch that Shabd?
The Satguru replies:
In reality, the Shabd is all-pervading; but since the soul's descent into Pinda (the physical realm), it has acquired an outward tendency and has become engrossed in external sounds. But for that, the work of the world could not go on. Now, the soul cannot get at the Shabd within until it comes in contact with a perfect Satguru and submits to Him. By depending on parents, the soul has become ensnared in this world. When it submits itself to the Satguru and Satsang, it will come out from the snares of this world.
— Soami Ji Maharaj, "Sar Bachan Prose"
Without Shabd humanity has gone blind —
who will cut them free of their bonds of attachment?
Without Shabd all activity is futile;
deprived of Shabd the soul is shackled with chains.
Shabd has created the sun and the moon;
without the touch of Shabd the soul remains tainted.
Other than Shabd practice all counsel is bad counsel,
for Shabd itself is the best preacher, itself the best sermon.
If you practice Shabd, you will receive bliss;
without Shabd all are condemned.
So you should practice Shabd day and night,
and contemplate nothing but Shabd.
Obtain the secret of Shabd from the Master,
then merge yourself into that Shabd.
The Light of Shabd shines within —
look into the world of Shabd
through the window of your heart.
Shabd sustains all souls
and yet remains detached.
Know that Shabd is the essence of everything —
adopt the Path of Shabd and attain salvation.
My friend, apply yourself to the practice of Shabd
and defeat Kal with the might of Shabd.
Reach the harbor of Shabd in your own heart
and see your Beloved, whose real form is Shabd,
nothing but Shabd.
Shabd will repeal the decree of karma,
Guru's Shabd will unite you with the primal Shabd.
Without Shabd all knowledge is deception,
without Shabd all contemplation is fruitless.
Do not abandon the path of Shabd, 0 thoughtless one —
so Radhasoami explains to you.
— Swami Ji Maharaj, "Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry", Volume One

Reincarnation : Ages Have Passed Since Soul Arrived In This World

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