In Remembrance of Hazrat Inayat Khan – July 2014

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By SHABDA - Preceptor

The words of Hidayat Inayat Khan in remembrance of Hazrat Inayat Khan near the time of his birthday, July 5th:

In Remembrance of Hazrat Inayat Khan – July 2014

Viladat Day July 2014 Hidayat Inayat-Khan

Beloved Sufi Brothers and Sisters, 
Welcome to you all, who have heard the call, and whose hearts are so deeply attuned to the Bringer of the Message in our time. How can we attune to our Master? We might try by recalling memories. 
Today, we have the privilege of having among us, Dutch mureeds, as well as mureeds from other countries in Europe, and from the USA. We also have among us, one special Sufi brother, whose father was a mureed of our Master in the 1920’s, and was the only Sufi who played with us, children, during the yearly Summer Schools in Suresnes. 
In those early days, one had to have a Belgian visa and a French visa, to go by train from The Hague to Paris, and it took twelve hours or more. While in the train, our Master was constantly thinking of the many teachings that came later in the books. Sirkar van Stolk, took down notes which were dictated to him. 
In Paris, when stepping into the tram, people suddenly stood up. They did not know why, and they said: "Oh, c'est le Roi", but they did not know of what country. They could not understand what that dignified image was really representing, but they obviously felt something, which they could not explain. For some, our Master was a friend, and for others, a Father. For others a Teacher, and all did feel the Spiritual Guidance. 
Our Master was modernly inclined in many ways. He was one of the very few in Suresnes to have a driver's license and a car, which was offered by Henry Ford, with thanks for lectures given to the members of the car manufactures in Detroit. Some of the mureeds were so surprised and said: "You cannot do that, Murshid, … driving a car”! 
In America our Master was one of the first to make a tour in a small airplane, flying over the large cities. There is a picture of that historical event. 
As children, we were always questioning: what is the Universal Worship? For us children, it looked mysterious, and we asked our Father what religion do we really belong to? We see so many religions on that table! 
Our Father said: "I will never impose any religion on you. I leave it up to you to decide later; but you must try to look into the different scriptures". No religion was indicated to follow, and we were not to be influenced by any, but we were advised to know about each one. 
The new impulse of the Message can only spread successful, if we are constantly attuned to our Master, who has offered numerous volumes of teachings. We do not need any other teachings, and certainly not from outsiders claiming to modernize the Movement. Our Master is our only teacher, and his words, which were given so many years ago, certainly 
to correspond more than ever to our time. They shall also correspond to the new age, in a hundred years from now, and perhaps even a thousand years. They shall never be out dated, and we certainly do not need any extra commentaries. It is our duty to help perpetuating the original teachings. What we need is to study these teachings. 
There is only one way of knowing whether we are spreading the Message strictly in our Master’s footsteps. To that effect, let us picture our Master in front of us and ask: “Am I really spreading the Message in the way it had been entrusted it to us? Or am I doing it differently, influenced by my own ego, or by the ego of new age intruders? 
When one says, “I am spiritual”, it means nothing else than “I am an ego-tripper”. If spirituality could be understood in any way at all, it is through the radiance of the seeker on the path. But radiance cannot be understood through the mind. It can only be felt in the heart. If we can find a balance between the ego and the loving heart, perhaps we might discover that we can be in harmony with ourselves and with others. 
The first step on the path that leads to spirituality is politeness. The second step is humility. The next step is modesty, experienced, as symbolized by the Sufi emblem where the heart is lifted by the two wings, flying above the self. And when visualising the picture of our Master in front of us, nothing will ever go wrong. Today we are celebrating the birth of our Master. It is a happy day for so many who have been helped in their family lives, with their religious problems, social problems and personal problems. 
In the early days, on Viladat day, the Mureeds brought yellow roses and the Sufi hall in Suresnes was decorated with those beautiful flowers. It was such a privilege for the mureeds to have the opportunity of expressing their good wishes, emphasising thereby the link with The Master. And on that occasion, they deeply appreciated the fatherly attention; a father whom one could really talk to and whose understanding was consoling and inspiring. There could never be a better example of happiness than what was experienced on that special day. 
The National Representatives had the great privilege of coming up on the stage, and telling about the work they had done in their countries; and of course, our communicated appreciation for that which had been accomplished. 
The pioneers of the early days are no more with us, but they have left something. They have left an energy, which is helping us all onwards. If there is a miracle at all in the Sufi Movement, it is the survival of that initial energy so many years after the passing, and which is still radiating as a living link with The “Murshid “ of us all. 
There is a recording of the voice of our Master, which was a historical event, first of all from a technology point of view. Secondly it was a Message given in a world where the Ideal of Unity of Religious Ideals or Spiritual Liberty was un-thinkable. 
We shall read the recorded words because they are not very clearly distinguishable. 
“The Sufi Message given today to humanity is not a Message of the East. It is the Message of the Soul. The word Sufi means wisdom, which comes from the root Sophia. This Message of wisdom is given today, so that people may come together in a better understanding arising beyond the different sections of religions, beyond casts, beyond creeds, which divide mankind. 
The Sufi Message is an answer to the cry of humanity in our time, where materialism is all-pervading and commercialism is continually on the increase at this moment. The Sufi Message respects all religion recognizes all scriptures, regards all Prophets held in esteem by large sections of humanity. The Sufi Message is the source and goal of all wisdom in one”.


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