Rendlesham Forest Incident

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By Sci Fi Guy

Britain's most famous UFO sighting is the Rendlesham Forest incident – referred to in America as the Bentwaters incident. It took place in December 1980 over a series of at least two nights. Most witnesses were United States Air Force personnel based at the twin bases of RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge, in Suffolk.

Rendlesham Forest incident remains Britain’s most tantalising sighting …

Dr David Clarke, who has analysed all the documents, said it was topic that recurred far more than any other in the files.

He said that “almost half” of all UFO correspondence directed at defence officials, relates to request for information, or “tip-offs” about the 33-year-old incident.

“It is the one case that is outstanding, from all the sightings going back 40 or 50 years,” he added.

“There is no way you will be able to get to the truth of what happened because like a snowball rolling down the hill, the stories have been more and more embellished.”

The incident involved a group of American servicemen stationed at military bases in Suffolk who went into the forest to investigate mysterious lights.

Exactly what occured next has been the subject of fierce debate, but some of the men have since said they saw an alien spacecraft, with one of those involved later claiming to have touched it.

Various attempts have been made to explain the incident, with theories ranging from an elaborate hoax, to the men being confused by lights from a nearby lighthouse. However, it remains a source of fascination for Ufologists.

Among the newly released National Archives files is a document – which the MoD says insists is a fraud – which describes aliens encountered in the forest.

The document, on what appears to be official departmental paper, reports that the “entities” were “approximately 1 1/2 meters tall, wearing what appeared to be nylon coated pressure suits, but no helmets”.

They were apparently “hovering above ground level” and were recorded speaking in and “electronically synthesised version of English, with a strong American accent”.

They were said to have had “claw-like hands and with three fingers and an opposable thumb.”

The government’s official position – repeatedly stated in the files – is that the incident was investigated at the time by the MoD and RAF and the conclusion was that there was no indication the UK’s air defences were breached.

Although many subsequent claims have been made about what happened that night, the MoD says that “nothing has emerged over the last quarter of a century which has given us reason to believe that the original assessment made by this Department was incorrect”.

The UK sighting attracting the second most attention is the Cosford Incident, in 1993, when a number of people reported seeing strange lights in the sky.

Researchers have since explained the sightings as being a Russian rocket and a police helicopter, although some remain unconvinced.

– Jasper Copping

The binary codes …

26 year old Sgt. James Penniston was part of the three man USAF Security Police team called to investigate the landed craft of unknown origin in Rendlesham Forest. The men with Sgt. Penniston, were A1C John Burroughs and A1C Ed Cabansag.  Only Penniston and Burroughs went into the woods to investigate the landed craft, Cabansag stayed near the truck as a radio relay for the men.

Cabansag watched the mysterious pulsating multicolored lights in forest, while his two team members headed out on foot. As Penniston and Burroughs approached the unusual lights, they noticed abnormal sensations on their hair, skin and clothing. It seemed as though the air was electrically charged. Also, a time distortion occurred. According to the men, time seemed as though is slowed and it was difficult to move. Another odd characteristic, was everything was void of sound.

Now visable, the craft was sitting silently at the bottom of a berm, on the pine forest floor. Penniston cautiously approached the non aero dynamic, triangular, black, glassy craft.  It was like nothing he had ever witnessed before or since. The craft had patterns of blue, yellow and red colors running through the surface as though part of the craft. It was very difficult to put into words what he was witnessing. Sgt. Penniston was versed in all types of aircraft, He was a United States Air Force trained aircraft observer and crash investigator.  As part of his USAF advanced training he studied both the NATO and WARSAW PACT inventories of aircraft.

His up-close investigation of the craft included photographs, measurements and drawings, which he recorded into his USAF issued notebook. He took special note of the strange pictorial type markings on the side of the craft.

He also touched pictorial symbols etched onto the glasslike surface of the (9 foot by 9 foot ) black triangular craft.

This occurred for an undetermined amount of time then his sight returned.  He was standing next to the craft,  facing the pictorial glyphs. The craft started to turn a vivid bright white color. So bright in fact, Sgt. Penniston thought it was going to explode. He took a defensive position nearby as the craft was engulfed in the light. The craft then lifted off approximately four feet from the ground, maneuvered between the trees, ascended to tree top level and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The following day after touching the main (largest) glyph:

The following day, back in his room Jim was "seeing" ones and zeros (1's and 0's) in his minds eye.  Troubled by the revolving flashing images of ones and zeros he received from touching the glyphs, he felt compelled to write them down in a notebook.  Jim records the ones and zeros in his notebook.

Upon completing the transfer to notebook paper, the image in his mind disappears.  Jim puts the notebook away with his belongings and doesn’t think too much about again until the year 2010.  In 2010, during a casual conversation with a researcher, he mentions the codes and displays the notebook.  The researcher immediately recognizes the ones and zeros as binary code and sets out to help Jim decipher it.

Debunked? Go to this link:

Something strange is happening at Rendlesham Forest…

New footage has recently surfaced almost 34 years since the strange #UFO incident that occurred in the UK, December 1980. Ever since that night, this has remained one of the most famous UFO reports of all, alongside Roswell.

Could something odd be happening again in the forest? It certainly looks like it from this video…