Image by sebastian del val from
Do you wonder about ritual magic and how it is used by certain organizations including for attacks as well as control and gain?
Ceremonial magic (ritual magic, high magic or learned magic) encompasses a wide variety of long, elaborate, and complex rituals of magic. The works included are characterized by ceremony and a myriad of necessary accessories to aid the practitioner. – Wikipedia
Recently I was chatting with a Golden Dawn magician about Western Magic.
When I used the term ‘Western Magic’ he said,“you mean Golden Dawn?”
“No,” I replied, “ I mean Western Magic.”
That term encompasses a fairly wide variety of magical forms with no connection, now or ever, to the Golden Dawn. There are many different forms of magic in Europe. Countries like Germany, France, Italy, etc. all have their own flavours of Western Magic that developed in very different ways to the stream that bubbled up in England in the eighteen-hundreds. I am not simply talking about folk magic: I mean trained ritual and visionary magic that can be both highly effective and highly dangerous. If you know only a narrow form of magic—i.e. Golden Dawn, Saturn Lodge, Grail/Arthurian stuff—then essentially you are screwed. None of that stuff will work because the surface differences are too great. – Josephine McCarthy (more @ )
A magical attack is the use of Magic to harm or destroy a person. Magical attack is universal in Sorcery and the “dark arts.”
There are two types of magical attack. One is the long range attack, in which a victim is made to destroy himself. For example, the magician may influence dreams, telepathically implant commands, make Poppets or Fetishes, or send familiars to cause a person to have a fatal accident. The magician casts the Spell in a Ritual in which he works himself up into a hateful state of rage. He may inflict pain on himself to intensify the Curse. In some cases, he may first engage in a fast in which he directs the energy of fasting toward the victim in a negative way, proximity or physical contact, in which a victim’s energy is severely depleted. The latter is also called psychic attack or PSYCHIC VAMPIRISM. The magician sends out a powerful force from the solar plexus through his hands, eyes (see Evil Eye), voice, or breath. The force is sent into the body of the victim, where it disrupts physical and psychological health.
Magical attack can be difficult to counter; sometimes it is best to have another person who is magically skilled intercede. Fear and paranoia only make magical attacks worse. Retaliating with the same attack is risky, for if it backfires or is repulsed, it will return to the sender.
Magical LODGES sometimes engage in magical attack and warfare.1
The Rosicrucians and the Freemasons share a ritual called the "grave of fire.". A senior Rosicrucian who had also studied Scientology told me that the initiate lies on a carpet within a pattern of lapping flames.2
Golden Dawn members were primarily interested in magical philosophy and traditional ritual practice for the advancement of the individual’s spirit. Influences included ancient Egyptian religion, the Kabbalah, Christianity, Freemasonry, paganism, theurgy, alchemy, early-modern grimoires, and Enochian magic, such as that recorded by the early-modern occultist John Dee. Magic, for the Order, was the use of methodological practices to cause changes in consciousness and/or the material world in accord with the universal will. Ronald Hutton observes that “the object and centre of each operation was now the magician, and its aim was to bring him or her closer to spiritual maturity and potency, by inflaming the imagination, providing access to altered states of consciousness, and strengthening and focusing will-power” It was said: " … the debased, unclean, mystic, and bloody rites, of a form of idolatry which had had its birth in a period of the world’s story which was so remote, that to all intents and purposes it might be described as prehistoric.3
Aleister Crowley was immeshed in the Golden Dawn and, "… experimented with magic rituals and told his followers that he was able to call up creatures from the underworld and encourage poltergeist mischief. It's been reported that he was able to summon demons and hold the most powerful dark ritual – the black mass.4
NOTE: Esoteric and Hidden Golden Dawn Orders are more akin to Martinist Orders, despite not being members of any Martinist lineages.
‘Rosicrucianly speaking’ seeing that the aims and ambitions of the Rosicrucians are sometimes largely ignored in the pursuit of magic. But as to the magical system itself, it’s got all the tools and methods any Rosicrucian could ever wish for. Indeed the magical factor here creates the strongest impact for scoring any Rosicrucian system.There are five main operations of magic for the adept:
- Talismans.
- Evocation.
- Invisibility.
- Transformation or Spiritual Development.
- Alchemy
Rosicrucian form of magic only has these goals:
- The Reformation of the Whole Wide World.
- The establishment of a Christian Utopia.
- Healing any illness.
- The Philosophers Stone (alchemy)
- Spiritual Reintegration (Cabala)
- Divine Communion (magic)
Any other forms of magic would be considered evil or wasteful. Any work done towards the reformation of the world or the establishment of a new utopia or any kind of magic aimed at assisting the unification of humanity is appropriate. So would banishing negative forces from the mind of humanity.
Magic and alchemy could both be used for healing. But if you study these ambitions, as set out in the manifestos, you are NOT left with the freedom to conjure demons for the ‘glory’ of it.
Any form of magic not done for assisting humanity or healing then only leaves one option; to evolve yourself as a spiritual being towards the state of being a fully divine realized being of Light. 5
4 The Psychic Tourist: A Voyage into the Curious World of Predicting the Future by William Little