“Fall seven times, stand up eight.” – Japanese proverb
At a grocery store, a clerk accidentally gives a woman a five-dollar bill in change instead of a one-dollar bill. The woman quietly takes her change and thanks her lucky stars. The next day she parks her car on the street and later discovers a dent in her car door and a broken side view mirror. The cost to repair it? $500 exactly.
Karma says that, until you learn a lesson, you will continue to receive the same message through repeated experiences. If the woman from the grocery store didn’t put two and two together and realize she’d created her own negative energy, she’d probably suffer more financial losses down the road. It’s kind of like getting left back in school. When you are fully conscious of all your past actions, thoughts and emotions, and the lessons they brought you, you are ready to move ahead to the next grade … and even choose your next classroom.1
Karma is very basic and can be covered as:
Rule 1: Good deeds give good karma and bad deeds give bad karma
Rule 2: Treat others, as you would like yourself to be treated.
Nobody is immune to karmic law. Nearly every human being has the ability to tell right from wrong, good from bad, but some of us have taken more spins on the wheel of life than others and have learned how karma works. Sometimes, an act you commit today may take months or years, or even lifetimes, to show up as an effect in your life or the universe. And it becomes extremely hard to tell which action caused which result, never mind supply a reasonable explanation for why we seem to be paying unfairly for something we didn’t control — or did we?3
Actions that accrue bad karma by Nitin Akash:
Allowing Negative or destructive thoughts to harbor in mind: Since, this act is the starting point for any bad karma, it occupies the top slot on the list. Harboring negative or destructive thoughts may seem harmless to some of us, but consider that all these thoughts are harbinger of future negative deed that inflicts pain on self and others.
Cowardice: Allowing wrong to prevail without resistance is definitely a bad karma as it propagates injustice. Sooner or later all onlookers of injustice are subjected to it in some form.
Deceiving people: Returns in the same form, deceive and be ready to be deceived in future. Feel lucky if you are deceived in this life, at least you will remember the reason for such an occurrence with you. Matters will get worst if you pay for it in future lives as frustration would add up as interest.
Disregarding God: It is a form of disrespect to the one who takes care of everyone unconditionally. By disrespecting him we attract disrespect to our own self.
Disregarding love: Most of us are trying to find true love, a scarce resource on earth now days. Have we not disregarded love in some form or the other? Is it not our bad karma that we are paying for? Think about it.
Encourage Evil: Encourage evil and the evil will eat you one day, that’s the karmic implication of encouraging evil.
Fighting for the wrong cause: Since fighting for the wrong cause encourages injustice, it is considered as a bad karma. By doing so we open gates of injustice to creep into our lives.
Harboring negative emotions: Negative emotions like hatred, grudges, jealously, anger etc, create negativity in attitude and actions hence, avoid as far as possible. These negative emotions eventually culminate into tangible negative actions, thus leading to bad karma.
Harming fellow human beings: In any way, mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, whatever you can think of leads to negative outcome.
Harming other creatures: Atrocities against animals, plants, environment in general, and entities of astral planes credits bad karma.
Hurting Feeling of others: through rudeness, sarcasm, by nagging, shouting, venting frustration, blaming others for own faults etc. To execute this we often misuse the ability of verbal communication granted by god, exclusively to our species.
Judging others: Keeping an opinion about someone and judging others are two different things, since, in our capacity we are unable to assess the true circumstances of a person, we often inflict pain by judging (rather misjudging) others and make our own self a candidate for a misjudgment in future.
Lies: Any form of lie is an attempt to deceive, the degree to damage a lie does to the subject quantifies bad karma accrued due to it. Giving a false testimony is more severe than telling a cooked up story.
Loosing physical control: The actions that manifest when someone looses physical control lead to bad karma. Unprovoked physical violence against any creature adds up to karma negatively.
Manipulation: By manipulating others we misuse the god given power of intelligence to exploit others. Our behavior harms our own fellow beings. Unfortunately this one thing is very rampant in human society.
Neglecting Responsibilities: Puts undue pressure on fellow beings, often family members when we neglect responsibility, sooner or later we find ourselves in similar situation where we are forced to take undue responsibility of others.
Self Abuse: The situations that lead to self-abuse (any form) appear again and again until we show courage to solve the problem.
Selfishness: Selfishness is an attitude that prompts us to actions that may harm others thus accumulating bad karma into our karmic accounts.
Showing Off: when we show off our superiority we try to make others feel inferior. The karmic implication of showing off is predisposition towards inferiority complex. Those who show off often find people who are genuinely way ahead of them giving them inferiority complex.
Succumbing to greed: Greed again is a form of selfishness and can make us unreasonable and at times unethical.
Succumbing to weaknesses of mind: Anger, indiscipline, laziness, irritability, Self-pity, procrastination, habit of spreading rumors etc. are weakness of mind responsible for unreasonable action with negative karmic implications.
Using Mental or physical force for selfish causes: When selfishness becomes monstrous, this kind of action culminates. The karmic results too are disastrous.
Stealing: Any kind of stealing.
Cruelty: any kind of cruelty in any form makes one a future candidate for unfavorable outcome.
How’s your scorecard?
1,3 http://product.tarot.com/articles/karma/good-vs-bad-karma.php
2 http://lifegrance.com/bad-karma-list-of-actions-that-accrue-bad-karma/
Originally posted by LFN member Karmic Parody