Rune And Tarot Correspondences

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By Hermit

Rune And Tarot Correspondences

Image by Alex Volodsky from Pixabay

There are a number of working comparisons between the Runes and other magical systems. Examples of these magical systems are tarot, astrology, and paganism.  Here we will explore the correspondences between the Runes and the Tarot, zodiac signs, deities, trees, and herbs.

Rune Correspondences for the Tarot, Zodiac Signs, Deities, Trees, and Herbs

The Rune Fehu corresponds with the Tower card in theTarot.  It also corresponds to the zodiac sign of Aries, the God (or Spirit) of Aesir, the tree elder, and the herb nettle.

The Rune Uruz corresponds with the High Priestess Tarot card.  It also corresponds with the zodiac sign of Taurus, the God (or Spirit) of Vanir, the birch tree, and the herb Sphagnum moss.

The Rune Thurisaz corresponds with the Emperor card in Tarot and the planet Mars.  It also corresponds with the God (or Spirit) of Thor, the oak tree, and the herb house leek.

The Rune Ansuz corresponds with the Death tarot card.  It also corresponds with the planet Venus, the God (or Spirit) of Odin, the ash tee, and the herb fly agaric.

The Rune Raidho corresponds with the Hierophant tarot card.  It also corresponds with the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, the God (or Spirit) of Forseti, the oak tree, and the herb mugwort.

The Rune Kenaz corresponds with the Chariot tarot card. It also corresponds with the planet of Venus, the God (or Spirit) of Freya and Dwarves, the pine tree, and the herb cowslip.

The Rune Gebo corresponds with the Lovers tarot card and the zodiac sign of Pisces.  It also corresponds with God (or Spirit) of Odin and Freya, the ash and elm tree, and the herb heartsease.

The Rune Wunjo corresponds with the Strength tarot card.  It also corresponds with the zodiac sign of Leo, the God (or Spirit) of Freyr and elves, the ash tree, and the herb flax.

The Rune Hagalaz

The Rune Hagalaz corresponds with the World tarot card.  It also corresponds with the zodiac sign of Aquarius, the God (or Spirit) of Ymir, the Yew and Ash trees, and the herb lily of the valley.

The Rune Nauthiz corresponds with the Devil tarot card.  It also corresponds with the zodiac sign of Capricorn, the God (or Spirit) of Nornir and Etins, the beech tree, and the herb bistort.

The Rune Isa corresponds with the Hermit tarot card and the Moon.  It also corresponds with the God (or Spirit) of Rime Thurses, the alder tree, and the herb henbane.

The Rune Jera corresponds with the Fool tarot card and the Sun.  It also corresponds with the God (or Spirit) of Freyr, the oak tree, and the herb rosemary.

The Rune Eihwaz corresponds with the Hanged Man tarot card and the zodiac sign Scorpio.  It also corresponds with the God (or Spirit) of Idhunna and Ullr, the Yew tree, and the herb mandrake.

The Rune Perthro corresponds with the Wheel of Fortune tarot card and the planet Saturn.  It also corresponds with the God (or Spirit) of Nornir, the beech tree, and the herb aconite.

The Rune Algiz corresponds with the Moon tarot card and the zodiac sign of Cancer.  It also corresponds with the God (or Spirit) of Valkyrjur, the Yew tree, and the herb angelica.

The Rune Sowilo corresponds with the Sun tarot card, as well as the Sun in Astrology.  It also corresponds to the God (or Spirit) of Sol, the Juniper tree, and the herb mistletoe.

The Rune Tiwaz corresponds with the Justice tarot card and the zodiac sign of Libra.  It also corresponds to the God (or Spirit) of Tyr and Mani, the Oak tree, and the herb sage.

The Rune Berkano corresponds with the Empress tarot card and the zodiac sign of Virgo.  It also corresponds to the God (or Spirit) of Frigg, Nerthus, and Hel, the Oak and Ash Birch tree, and the herb lady’s mantle.

The Rune Ehwaz corresponds with the Lovers tarot card and the zodiac sign of Gemini.  It also corresponds with the God (or Spirit) of Freya, Freyr, and Aclis, the Oak and Ash trees, and the herb ragwort.

The Rune Mannaz corresponds with the Magician tarot card and the planet Jupiter.  It also corresponds with the God ( or Spirit) of Heimdall and Odin, the Holly tree, and the herb madder.

The Rune Laguz corresponds with the Star tarot card and the Moon in Astrology.  It also corresponds with the God (or Spirit) of Njord and Balder, the Willow tree, and the herb leek.

The Rune Ingwaz corresponds with the Judgement tarot card and with the New Moon in Astrology. It also corresponds with the God (or Spirit) or Ing and Freyr, the Apple tree, and the herb selfheal.

The Rune Dagaz corresponds with the Temperance tarot card and the half Moon in Astrology.  It also corresponds with the God (or Spirit) or Odin and Ostara, the Spruce tree, and the herb clary.

The Rune Othala corresponds with the Moon tarot card and with the Full Moon in Astrology.  It also corresponds with the God (or Spirit) of Odin and Thor, the Hawthorn tree, and the herb goldthread.