Runic Cosmology

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By LOGOS - Overseer

Image by Aberrant Realities from Pixabay

Zeno of Citium, the Hellenistic Philosopher and founder of Stoicism once described the Cosmos in pantheistic terms as a single dynamic continuum, a conscious and rational entity in which all parts belong to a whole and that it naturally followed that all parts of the universe are connected. The inherent interconnectedness of all things in that philosophy offers an explanation for both the causality and workings of the runes. This cosmic study concerns the Armanen Runes and the Cosmology (nature of the Universe) connected to them via the constellations and Fixed Stars of Astrology.

Defining Fixed Stars: When the ancient astrologers looked up at the magnificent night sky they noticed that some astro entities moved in a course of time and others didn’t. The astro-lights that did not move became known as Fixed Stars and the movables became known as planets. When they were connected to an individual’s nativity in ancient forecasting they showed themselves to have a profound effect on the life of that individual time and time again. Magical virtues and influences were attributed to the seven ancient planets and the Fixed Stars and the ancients believed that they foretold the fate of all men with accuracy. These entities heralded the fall of kingdoms and the rise of great leaders. While there are many Fixed Stars, the constellations often house the most prominent of these stellar entities. All Fixed Stars are subject to polarity. In essence, they can constitute good or ill depending upon how an individual is following a life path. Fixed Stars may or may not have associations with the Kabbala and Tarot in this study.

The Armanen Runes formulated by Guido Von List in the early twentieth century were meant to be practiced in Collective context. “As above, so below” therefore is apropos to the concept of securing the appropriate constellation and Fixed Star to each Armanen Rune. This can be accomplished by usage of the zodiacal calendar timing of each Rune as provided by Karl Hans Welz in his writings which allows a timing guide for each association which can be put to astrological use. An understanding of the essence of each Rune and a studied understanding of the night skies, constellations and meanings of the astrological Fixed Stars through experience, practice and discernment makes this all possible.

FA “I am born anew”

Cosmic Message: I am listening to you. What you send to me will return and manifest for yourself as good or ill. Will you cut and carve a new path or stumble along the old that will surely bring you pain?

Constellation: PERSEUS, Fixed Star: ALGOL

In the legend of Perseus, he defeats the demon creature Medusa and cuts off her head as part of a plan to save the princess Andromeda, the original maiden in distress. Riding through the air on winged sandals, he arrives at the scene and they fall in love. Perseus had a quick consultation with Andromeda’s parents Ǽthiopian King Cepheus and his wife Cassiopeia and it is agreed that if he rescues their daughter he could marry her. The sea monster Cetus sent by Poseidon to destroy the kingdom and take Andromeda as a sacrifice arrives and Perseus kills it by turning it to stone with the Medusa’s Head (Algol).

The Constellation Perseus is said to give an intelligent, strong, bold and adventurous nature, but a tendency to lying. By the Kabbalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Lamed and the 12th Tarot Trump “The Hanged Man.”

The main star in the constellation Perseus is ALGOL known and the Demon Star or the Blinking Demon. The name is derived from the Arabians’ Ra’s al Ghul, the Demon’s Head. In astrology it is known as a malefic star and the most evil star in the night skies. It is thought to bring misfortune and bestows a dogged, even violent nature when provoked BUT can also bestow victories via positive connections with another heavenly benefic.

UR “I increase my cause.”

Cosmic message: You will find strength with each downfall and carry on to the new goal that has been self-created. Will you share your new found fortunes and enrichment with others?

Constellation: ORION, Fixed Star: Alnilam

Orion, the Great Hunter was a giant created out of an ox-hide by the Gods, Jupiter, Neptune and Mercury. He was boastful claiming that he could slay any “beast bred upon the earth” so he was confronted by the scorpion (Scorpius) and consequently died of its sting. The influence of Orion will fashion alert minds and agile bodies, souls prompt to respond to duty’s call, and hearts which press on with unflagging energy in spite of every trial. To the Kabbalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Aleph and the 1st Tarot Trump “The Magician.”

In the center of Orion’s belt sits the sparkling star jewel Alnilam. Alnilam is the signal of being able to do really great things if it is well-aspected, and to be well rewarded as a result. Otherwise, however, it can reflect much of the useless bravado and show of some.

THORN “I become inwardly, I project outwardly”

Cosmic Message: Act and let them react. Strike and let those who must fall fail.  The task overcomes all boundaries of space and time until it reaches the point of finality.

Constellation: AURIGA, Fixed Star: Capella

Auriga, the Charioteer represents Erichthonius, son of Vulcan and King of Athens, who was the first to devise a chariot drawn by four horses which he used in order to conceal his greatly deformed feet. It is considered a fortunate constellation and is said to give self-confidence, interest in social and educational problems and happiness, but danger of great vicissitudes (changes of circumstances effecting one’s life). A propensity for teaching life’s lessons is also apparent. The Kabbalists associate it with the Hebrew letter Samech and the 15th Tarot Trump “The Devil”.

Capella is the Olenian goat is carried on the Charioteer’s left shoulder. It gives honor, wealth, eminence, renown, a public position of trust and eminent friends, and makes its natives careful, timorous, inquisitive, and very fond of knowledge and particularly of novelties.

OS “I speak of what I know as it evolves”

Cosmic Message: Speak of what you receive. Laud the truth, vanquish that which is untrue as to convince others of what is the reason within wisdom. Share this inheritance.

Constellation: CANIS MINOR, Fixed Star: Procyon

The Legend of Canis Minor concerns Maera, the hound of Icarius, who drowned himself on account of his grief at the death of his master. The constellation indicates fluidity in action and speech. At times frivolity ensues to drive home a point. This constellation is associated by the Kabbalists with the Hebrew letter Tzaddi and the 18th Tarot Trump, “The Moon”.

Procyon is considered a fortunate star. It confers will-power and ability to put thoughts and plans into action. According to tradition there is also a tendency to a hot temper and impudence. Procyon gives drive and a good sharp mind. Linked with positive stellar bodies, success is made greater.

RIT “I recognize, connect and defend”

Cosmic Message: What is right? What is wrong? There is no middle ground. Let your stance be for Universal Law for nothing is a better defense or offense.

Constellation: Hydra, Fixed Star Alphard

Hydra the water snake is generally associated with the second of Heracles’s labors in Greek mythology. In the most ‘widely accepted’ myth, Hydra was a giant multi-headed creature fathered by the monster Typhon and Echidna, who was half-woman, half-serpent. In mythology, Hydra had nine heads and one of them was immortal. The celestial Hydra is depicted with only one head, presumably the immortal one. Heracles was able to defeat the Hydra when his charioteer Iolaus helped him by burning the stumps of each head that Heracles struck off, and eventually Heracles cut off the immortal head and buried it under a rock. He dipped his arrows in Hydra’s poisonous blood, which would eventually lead to his own end. There are other myths concerning Hydra one being it was a water snake on which Apollo’s crow Corvus blamed its tardiness regarding a cup of water he was fetching for his master. Knowing that his crow was lying, Apollo set him in the sky as a constellation. Hydra and the cup had the same fate and the crow was therefore prevented from drinking from the cup which was now the constellation Crater protected by the Hydra. The Constellation Hydra is said to give an emotional and passionate nature often threatened by great troubles and challenges which is faced with determination and will. There are no Kabbalistic or Tarot associations which fits with its independent nature.

Alphard grants knowledge of human nature and wisdom, musical and artistic appreciation. Power and authority can also be granted however there is a danger of suffering through selfless acts and by affliction via enemies.

KA “I am skilled and masterful”

Cosmic Message: What alchemy do you weave? What improvement do you bring to earth to be shared with others? Have you created beauty that can bring joy or shared strength that can uphold life? Yours is the awareness to be doled out.

Constellation: Crux, Fixed Star: Acrux

The constellation Crux is widely known as the Southern Cross. In the Southern Hemisphere, the Southern Cross is frequently used for navigation in much the same way that Polaris is used in the Northern Hemisphere. Crux is said to give perseverance, but many burdens, trials and responsibilities. The Cross constellation was unknown to the classicists by its present title so there is no mythology connected to it. Its four chief stars were noted by Ptolemy in Egypt where it was visible as a part of the Centaur Centaurus, which now surrounds it on three sides. . There are no Kabbalistic or Tarot associations.

Acrux grants religions beneficence, ceremonial, justice, magic and mystery, and is frequently prominent in the horoscopes of astrologers and occultists and when combined with Beta Crux, an inventive mind successful investigation of things hidden.

HAGAL “I am the Perfect Storm”

Cosmic Message: Each life change enhances the evolution of the Higher Self while maintaining and preserving what has come before. I reach out. I connect. I learn. I destroy and then recreate. Within that cyclone I search again.

Constellation: Centaurus, Fixed Star: Toliman

The origins of Centaurus go way back to the constellation that the Babylonians knew as the Bison-man (MUL.GUD.ALIM). It was depicted either as a four-legged bison with the head of a man or a creature with a human head and torso attached to the rear legs of a bison or bull. The Babylonians associated the creature with the Sun god Utu (Shamash). In Greek and Roman times, the constellation Centaurus was associated with a centaur, a mythical creature that was half man, half horse. For that reasoning it is often associated with CHIRON the great healer of myth and legend. Centaurus grants a passionate nature and energetic nature along with hard headedness, a love of arms and an inclination towards vengeance. . There are no Kabbalistic or Tarot associations.

Toliman (also known and listed as Bungala) beneficence, friends, refinement and a position of honor. It also inclines to disturbances, riots, periods of storm and stress and revolt against curtailment of freedom.

NOD “I am the infinite thread”

Cosmic Message: You are the sum total of what you have always been. Each living venture brings you closer to evolutionary perfection. That which is due shall be paid. That which is earned shall be rewarded. Consider the complexity.

Constellation: Boötes, Fixed Star: Arcturus

Boötes is an ancient Greek word although it is not clear to who exactly the name refers. In one tale he represents Arcas, son of Zeus and Callisto. Hera, Zeus’ wife, transformed Callisto into a bear when she heard of Zeus’s disloyalty, but one day Arcas, who didn’t recognize his mother, attempted to hunt her. Zeus placed them in the sky — Arcas as Boötes and Callisto as Ursa Major — to prevent Arcas from mistakenly killing her. Boötes is also identified with Icarius, who was killed by some shepherds he had made drunk with a flagon of wine given him by Bacchus/Dionysus. In consideration of the grief of his daughter Erigone and their hound Maera, Jupiter placed her father in heavens. It is the 13th largest constellation in the night sky. The Constellation is said to give prosperity from work, strong desires, a tendency to excess, a fondness for rural pursuits, together with some liking for occultism. The Kabbalists associate it with the Hebrew letter Teth and the 9th Tarot Trump, “The Hermit” – It signifies going within to accomplish that which is without. In numerology the number 13 is heavily Karma linked.

Arcturus bestows riches, honors, high renown, self-determination and prosperity by navigation and voyages. It operates by achieving “justice through power” – it therefore makes the native belligerent and quarrelsome at times. Arcturus also represents a karmic gateway. Many times the individual will feel he or she wants out of the game BUT it must be remembered there was an agreement to live out an earth life. Life is not a game of entertainment – it is a Universal demand in flux with the eternal cycle.

IS “I belong to all that is”


Cosmic message: I am a part of the symbiotic flow of the ALL. Inside me are the answers to all that is and the magic of existence. As I seek I absorb what I need to accomplish the goal I know as “I”.

Constellation: Ophiuchus, Fixed Star: Ras Alhague

Ophiuchus, the Serpent Handler in contemporary times has received much recognition as the mysterious unrecognized 13th sign of the Zodiac lying snugly between the signs Scorpio and Sagittarius. As a constellation he is associated with and represents the great healer Asclepius, the Greek god of doctors and medicine. He holds a great snake or serpent. The venom of a snake can either kill or cure depending upon how it’s used. According to legend Asclepius concocted a healing potion from the venom of Serpens the Serpent, mixing it with a Gorgon’s blood and an unknown herb. This potion gave humans access to immortality, until the god of the underworld, Pluto (Hades), appealed to the king of the gods. Pluto asked Zeus to reconsider the ramifications of the death of death OR as Sophocles looked at it, “Better to die, and sleep the never-waking sleep, than linger on and dare to live when the soul’s life is gone.” Further, according to the myth, Zeus confiscated the potion, removed Asclepius from Earth and placed the gifted physician into the starry heavens as Ophiuchus. Today, the Staff of Asclepius – symbol of the World Health Organization and other medical organizations. The constellation is said to give a passionate, blindly good-hearted, and wasteful and easily seduced nature, unseen dangers, enmity and slander. The Kabbalists associate it with the Hebrew letter Oin and the 16th Tarot Trump “The Lightning Struck Tower”. In some metaphysical circles the great god Odin is also tied to Ophiuchus.

Ras Alhague the Fixed Star is said to have the attributes of Saturnian and Venusian natures which can bring about perversion and misfortune if the individual is not attuned to the higher nature of the Universe which is available. Toxins may be a problem as well as a tendency for drugs or hallucinatory products. There is a yin-yang pull of which road to take at a given time which is presented by life every day – whichever the Ego Will chooses.

AR “I am the Divine spark of Virtue”

Cosmic Message: I am the clarifying light of Divine Justice and all that is righteous. I am the weightless, formless essence of purity and all that is just and good. The darkness fears me yet pursues me to no avail.

Constellation: Draco, Fixed Star: Etamin

By Sky Legend, Draco, the Great Dragon was the Guardian of the Golden Apples in the Garden of Hesperides. It is one of the largest constellations in the night skies. Draco is associated with several myths, most frequently with the one about the 12 labors of Heracles, represented by the neighboring constellation Heracles (Hercules). In the myth, the golden apple tree was a wedding present to Hera when she married Zeus. She planted the tree in her garden on Mount Atlas and tasked Atlas’ daughters, the Hesperides, with guarding it. She also placed the dragon Ladon around the tree so that the Hesperides would not pick any apples from it.

Draco gives an artistic and emotional but somber nature, a penetrating and analytical mind, much travel and many friends. The Kabbalists associated it with the Hebrew letter Mem and the 13th Tarot Trump “Death.”

Fixed Star Etamin is the “right eye of the Dragon.” It gives a liking for solitude and good mental concentration. Dishonor and downfall and loss of prestige will occur if Universal Law is broken and remains unheeded. It is a power player and means business demanding the individual tow the mark.

SIG “I am inspiration, victory and ultimate achievement”

Cosmic Message: Who will save me? Who Will I save? I fight the fight that needs to be fought and under the gods I win and I prevail. I always will.

Constellation: Lyra, Fixed Star Vega

The constellation Lyra is known as the great musical Lyre of the sky. Sky legend states: Mercury found the body of a tortoise cast up by the Nile, and discovered that by striking the sinews after the flesh was consumed a musical note was obtained. He made a lyre of similar shape, having three strings, and gave it to Orpheus, the son of Calliope, who by playing its music enchanted the beasts, birds and rocks. After Orpheus was slain by the Thracian women, Jupiter placed the lyre in heaven at the request of Apollo and the Muses. It is said to give a harmonious, poetical and developed nature, fond of music and apt in science and art, but inclined to theft. The Kabbalists associate it with the Hebrew letter Daleth and the 4th Tarot Trump, The Emperor.

Fixed Star Vega (also pronounced Wega) grants beneficence, ideality, hopefulness, refinement and changeability. It can makes its natives grave, sober, outwardly pretentious and usually lascivious.

TYR “In Self-Sacrifice, I am pierced”

Cosmic Message: In the essence of being, no excuses are offered. I know what I must do to cut the ribbon of Karma and take what is rightfully mine by Universal Law. I shape, I reshape.”

Constellation: Cygnus, Fixed Star Deneb Adige

The constellation Cygnus lies between Draco and Pegasus and is known as the as the Great Swan. In Myth, Zeus transformed himself into a swan in order to seduce Leda. Zeus in the disguise of a swan behaved in the manner of a swain, meaning a lover or wooer. This union produced an egg from which Pollux and Helen of Troy were born. Later that same night, Leda lay with her husband Tyndareus which produced another egg from which Castor and Clytemnestra were born. Castor and Pollux became heroes, the Dioscuri, and are represented in the Zodiac as the Twins of Gemini. This constellation grants a contemplative, dreamy, cultured and adaptable nature… like a Swan Song. The affections are ill regulated and unsteady, the talents develop late. There is some love of water and swimming and the arts and the nature itself has the attributes of water always seeking its own level. By the Kabbalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Resh and the 20th Tarot Trump “Judgment”.

Fixed Star Deneb Agide gives an ingenious nature and a clever intellect that is quick at learning. It is favorable for artistic and scientific pursuits which are carried out with the aim of gain. Well-known artists and writers, who could make good money with their art are born with this star prominent.

BAR “I am connected, I am becoming”

Cosmic Message: Within me is the mystery of life itself. Life that was, life that is, life that will be. Grounded on earth I reach for the sky and soar to the heavens.

Constellation: Equuleus, Fixed Star Kitalpha

By myth, some mythologists say that Equuleus represented Celeris, the brother of Pegasus, given by Mercury to Castor. It gives friendship and sagacity (discernment, good judgment) but frivolity and love of pleasure. Another myth says that Equuleus is a sea horse, who came into being when Neptune and Athena were having a contest showcasing their powers. In this story, Equuleus was born from Neptune’s trident. It has no association to the Tarot or to the Kabbala.

Fixed Star Kitalpha is thought to grant a very mercurial nature. Ancient astrologers asserted that those born under these stars will be famous charioteers, teamsters or courier scouts. Some assert that to be favored by the star grants the ability to become a veterinarian.

LAF “I test, I experience, I unfold”

Cosmic Message: I remain open to Earth Law, Universal Law and Divine Law. I shake the ground, I test the waters, and I command the skies.”

Constellation: Pegasus, Fixed Star Scheat

In legend, Pegasus was born from the blood of Medusa after Perseus had cut off her head, and was afterwards tamed and ridden by Bellerophon. Being weary of earthly affairs Bellerophon attempted to fly to heaven but fell off, and Pegasus continued his course, entered heaven and took his place among the stars. The constellation grants ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, caprice and sometimes even bad judgment. The legends of Perseus and Bellerophon led to the catch phrase, the Pegasus Syndrome which is the seeming ability to “fly over any situation,” though the reverse may be a lesson in humility, being “taken down a peg,” as it were. This constellation has no association to the Tarot or to the Kabbala.

Fixed Star Scheat often refers to the game of life ‘lessons’ which if not handled properly can lead to misfortune by rather gruesome circumstances. Positively, it can have a positive effect on mental creativity, if its natives are ready to receive such inflow. It’s all how you play the game.

MAN “I am Hu-Man”

Cosmic Message: The Divine (Hu) breathes in me. Spirit essence moves in and out. I share the mana.

*NOTE: HU is an ancient name of the Divine Creator.

Constellation: Andromeda, Fixed Star: Alpheratz

Andromeda was the daughter of King Cepheus of Ethiopeia. Her beauty was renowned throughout all lands which caused the Nereids or Sea Nymphs to be jealous of her. Complaining to their father Poseidon about her great beauty he evokes the sea monster Cetus and commands that it destroy Ǽthiopia and everyone in it unless Andromeda is sacrificed. In love with Andromeda, Perseus pledges to rescue her and save the land in return for her hand. He slays the monster Medusa and cuts off her head which he uses as a weapon to defeat Cetus by turning it to stone thus saving Andromeda and the kingdom. The influence of the constellation produces a warrior of high order who dispatches enemies with ease. In essence it represents the high executioner who gets things done no matter how unpleasant for the good of all. This constellation has no association to the Tarot or the Kabbala.

Fixed Star Alpheratz grants independence, freedom, love, riches, honor and a keen intellect.

YR “I feel, I co-create, I am the pulse of life”

Cosmic Message: In the mystery lies the answer of life rooted in Divine Principle. I exist in polarity to complete my quest,

Constellation: Cepheus, Fixed Star: Alderamin

In legend, Cepheus was the King of Ǽthiopia and along with his wife Cassiopeia and his daughter Andromeda were placed in the heavens in commemoration of the heroic deeds of Perseus who saved the kingdom and its people from the destruction of the sea monster Cetus. The constellation grants authority and a sober mind, sometimes making its natives judges or arbitrators, but also exposes to cruel and severe trials depending upon the life path. The Kabbalists associated this constellation with the Hebrew letter Shin and the 22nd Tarot Trump “The Fool.”

Fixed Star Alderamin grants a serious, austere nature, feared for its severity, always assuming the countenance of upright characters who follow with zeal the Stoic philosophy.

The Last Two Runes EH and Gibor

According to Karl Hans Welz, the Runes EH (Cosmic Union) and Gibor (Union with God) transcend zodiacal timing however they still have a special association with the Cosmology described in this work.

EH “I am timeless”

Cosmic Message: I am in union with the Cosmos streaming love to all.

Cosmic Body: The Pleiades Cluster

The Pleiades Star Cluster is known in nearly every earth culture that ever existed complete with apropos legends and myths. Know widely as the Seven Sisters from Greek mythology they were woman sought for their great beauty and varying talents. They were always vying for each other’s radiance. The Pleiades were the seven daughters of Atlas, a Titan who held up the sky, and the Oceanid Pleione, protectress of sailing. The sisters were Alcyone, Asterope, Celaeno, Electra, Maia,   Merope and Taygete. The following meanings are the higher aspects of these Fixed Stars…

Alcyone is the chief star of the Pleiades. It positively grants love and eminence not just in human relationships but also in the relationship of between Soul and Spirt.

Asterope is often associated with themes of sensitivity, inspiration, and intuition. Its influence is believed to enhance an individual’s natural psychic abilities and receptiveness to higher spiritual energy. Asterope promote qualities of inner vision and clarity, helping individuals better understand their own inner nature and connect with their deepest dreams and aspirations.

Celaeno is said to be associated with matters of communication, including writing, speaking, teaching, and sharing knowledge and truth with others.

Electra is often associated with bringing forth new ideas and creative expression from a place of deep emotion. It can also be associated with breaking free from the past, experiencing and processing grief, and finding catharsis through art or self-expression.

Maia is believed to reflect qualities such as growth, fertility, abundance, and creativity. Maia’s influence is often associated with the concepts of motherhood, nurturing, and protection, as well as the qualities of sensuality, intuition, and divine inspiration.

Merope influence is said to promote innovative thinking and an ability to see beyond conventional boundaries. It is also thought to encourage transformation and regeneration, both on a personal level and in wider society.

Taygete is believed to represent a deeper connection with one’s inner qualities and an ability to see beyond the physical realm. It is also associated with new beginnings, regeneration, and rejuvenation.

GIBOR “I am complete within the Universe”

Cosmic Message: I am escalating to the highest possible vibration. I am the union of polarities.

Cosmic Body: The Galactic Center

The Galactic Center is the center of the Milky Way Galaxy located around 25,800 light years from Earth. There lies the Great Mystery, Cosmic Consciousness and the Vision of God. It lies at 27 degrees Sagittarius in the Tropical Zodiac and at 6 degrees in the Sidereal Zodiac.   It represents shared humanity, universality and alignment. In some theories it is thought to activate the entire chakra system. Some people believe it does not exist while others believe it the most powerful source of energy in our galaxy.

The Galactic Center is said to provide the following:

  • A gateway to the subconscious
  • Soul Memory
  • Divine Knowledge and Truth
  • Change and transformation
  • Moving beyond the known
  • Pioneering
  • Intuitive downloads
  • Healing and release
  • Renewal at the cellular level

Sagittarius is the sign of the Great Visionary. The essence questions everything and seeks everything understanding that knowledge and discernment constitute the never-ending cycle of wisdom and whirlwind of being. As you connect with the Heart of the Galaxy ask yourself:

  • How aware of you of your impact on others?
  • Do you ignore flashes of intuition?
  • Do you put better judgment on the back shelf often?
  • What have you done to make necessary changes?
  • Do you tend to run with the crowd instead of using critical thinking?
  • Are you capable of tapping into a non-judgmental state of mind?
  • Can you honestly overcome bias?
  • Do you understand the concept of unfounded beliefs?
  • Are you grateful for your life?

The information provided by the Galactic Center often accurately addresses knowledge factors to which you have never had any exposure. Use it wisely.

In conclusion, there is much to be learned by drawing correlations. Never refrain from seeking beyond the norm or from what is known as commonly “accepted.”

Be blessed on your journey.



The Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923

Fixed Stars and their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928,

FUTHORKH: A Journal of Runes Esotericism and Magick, Volume 1:2024, Knights of Runes

Rune Magick Book, Karl Hans Welz, 1984

The New Encyclopedia of the Occult, John Michael Greer, 2003

The Mystery of the Runes: History and Esoteric Code, Loni J. Haas, 2007

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