I have tried all these "sounds" with remarkable success. I hope you find them valuable. Blessings to all.
Sound has been found to exercise a great influence on human health and psychic development. It has been found that in large cities where there is a great a deal of noise, there tends to be a large number of nervous ailments. Some experts have suggested that noise pollution is an even greater problem than air pollution, since it more directly affects the nerves.
The ancient Indian Yogis discovered that certain special vocal incantations, which they call mantras, had the ability to stimulate the various psychic centers in the body. To chant these sounds correctly you should obtain a pitch pipe of the kind used by vocal instructors and singers. A not struck on a tuned piano or any keyboard instrument wil work as well.
Each chant should be made with full force of the voice and allowed to continue for as long as the breath will allow.
The RAAAAA Sound. This sound, pronounced "rah," is sounded on the note A above middle C. If it is sounded when one is tired, it will produce greater physical energy. Try chanting it the next time you feel tired and worn out. Chant it at least nine times in succession.
The MAAAAA Sound. This sound, pronounced "ma" (the sound a baby makes), if chanted the same way as "ra," will produce a feeling of being cared for and comforted.
The RAMA Sound. When the two sounds above are combined, the pituitary gland is stimulated, which leads to greater psyhic awareness. One should visualize a bright yellow light and chant RARARA, MAMAMA, and teh RAAAAAAA-MAAAAA, drawing the sound out as long as possible.
The Aum Sound. This sound, pronounced "oom" like the word loom, is best chanted on D above middle C. This sound has a great effect on the pineal gland, or "third eye," which is the center of pyschic vision.
The THO Sound. This sound, when cahnted, stimulates the throat center and is especially suited for any trouble with the thyroid gland. The musical note for this sound is F sharp above middle C.
The EHM Sound. This sound, pronounced like the word aim, affects the thymus gland and is very helpful in cases of heart disorders. The musical note is B above middle C.
The MEH Sound. This sound, usually chanted on middle C, has a great soothing effect on the nervous system and the heart.
The EAA Sound. This sound, chanted on middle C, has been found to calm the mind and exerts a strange effect on water by creating ripples or small waves.
By practicing these sounds every day, you can enhance your pyschic senses and bring healing to a troubled mind or body.
The HU Sound. HU is considered the "sound of all sounds." It is pronounced hue and you would chant HUUUUU.
-Exhale while saying HU (hue) like HUUUUUU (silently or aloud) eyes open or closed
Do this for 1-20 minutes daily and you will feel better in no time.
The HU retunes your central-nervous-system just like tuning a piano. Quantum physics states that everything in the universe vibrates at its own particular frequency, known as a quantum signature. The HU alters that frequency. When we HU, we harmonize our atoms. This releases us from the negative vibrations such as fear, anger, sadness, depression or tension.
In addition, our electro-magnetic field (aura) protects us against negative emotional attacks. So when we HU, we stay positive while creating good vibes. When we are negative we attract negativity. The HU frequency adjustment protects us from negativity and radiates outwardly creating peace and harmony. In this way, we control the vibe within ourselves and this insulates us from negativity in our surrounding environment. Use the HU for protection against emotional contagion and keep yourself in a state of joy, love and serenity.
The HU has been used for thousands of years by various cultures and religious groups as a means to have greater conscious contact with God. HU is an ancient name for God. The Oxford English Dictionary states that the word "God" can be derived from the Sanskrit word "HU." The Egyptian and Greek traditions of 5000 years ago talk about the word HU as a reference to God. Sufi Mystic Saints of Tibet, Druidism and Kabbalah talk about the word HU as the originating sound of the universe. In modern times, ECKANKAR, Religion of the Light and Sound of God, uses HU as a form of contemplation and non-directed prayer to align with the will of the Holy Spirit (the ECK).
Here is a wonderful link about sound: https://wahiduddin.net/mv2/II/II_8.htm
The Compendium of Occult Theories and Practices. pgs. 238-239
well now
VERY nice~! thank you for posting!
Thanks for posting!
This is the type of information I look for. Appreciate the effort here.