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Arcanum XIII. Letter: Egyptian, Mataloth; Hebrew, Mem; English, M. Number, 13. Astrologically, the zodiacal sign Aries. Color, the lighter shades of red. Tone, high C. Occult science, mundane astrology. Human function, the sense of taste. Natural remedy, such herbs as hemp, mustard, broom, holly, dock, thistle, fern, garlic, onions, nettles, radishes, poppies, peppers and rhubarb. Mineral, the talismanic gem, amethyst, and such stones as ochre, brimstone and red stones of various kinds.
M—13 expresses in the spiritual world, the perpetual movement of creation; destruction and renewal.
In the intellectual world, the ascension of the spirit into divine spheres.
In the physical world, natural death; that is to say, the transition through which the soul leaves its physical form henceforth to function in an astral form in the astral world.
Remember, then, son of earth, that terrestrial things are of short duration and that the highest powers are reaped as the grass of the field. If Arcanum XIII should appear in the prophetic signs of thy horoscope, the dissolution of thy organs will come sooner than thou expectest. But do not dread it; for death is but the parturition of another life. The universe reabsorbs without ceasing all which springs from her bosom that has not spiritualized itself. But the releasing of ourselves from material instincts by a free and voluntary adhesion of our souls to the laws of universal movement constitutes in us the creation of a second man, a celestial man, and begins our immortality.
In Divination, Arcanum XIII may be read as Death or Transformation.
Arcanum XIII is figured by a skeleton reaping human heads, hands and feet. On the blade of the scythe wielded by Time is a serpent and a scarabaeus, and back of all is seen a rainbow.
The progression of the scythe in its work is the emblem of the perpetual destruction and rebirth of all forms of being in the domain of time.
The serpent on the scythe represents the virile energy that has carried the soul, symbolized by the scarab, in its pilgrimage of births and deaths through the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom and the animal kingdom up to the estate of man.
The skeleton mowing human heads, hands and feet signifies that the thoughts, works and understanding of man eventually pass from the earth. But the rainbow promises a new life of thought, effort and knowledge in a superior realm.
Number. —Numerically, 13 is the 2nd decave of 4, indicating Arcanum IV, or realization, operating on the negative plane of frequency of Arcanum II. It is what is Realized from the efforts of life when Polarizing forces disintegrate the physical body.
What this new plane of realization, to which the efforts have now been transferred, will offer, depends entirely upon how the energies have been used on the plane left behind. If this use can be represented by 9 and 4, the Realization of Wisdom, self-conscious progression gains momentum. But if the transition is only 10 and 3, Change of Action, 5 and 8, the operation of the Law of Justice, or even of 6 and 7, Victory over Temptation, the activities of life are merely transferred, without much gain or loss, to the inner plane.
Such transition is possible, however, as 1 and 12, Will directed to the Sacrifice of all selfishness, or as 2 and 11, under the Science of Spiritual Power. And when such is the case, the new life witnesses a great gain in freedom, in consciousness, in ability, and in enjoyment.
Astrology. —Aries is the beginning of the zodiac, where the circle is completed and the cycle of one life ends in the start of another. When the Sun crosses the first point of Aries the astronomical year commences, and when it again crosses into Aries, that year is ended, cut off, destroyed. And thus is Aries, as indicated by Arcanum XIII, Brahma as well as Siva, both creator and destroyer.
Human Function. —Life subsists upon life. The energy and substance of each physical organism is largely gained through the Death of others. To sustain the life of man there is a constant sacrifice of the lives either of plants or of animals. This life of the lower kingdoms, when taken into the body of man undergoes a Transformation by which it is made available for his use.
The cosmos depends upon the innumerable conscious entities embraced in it for expression and progression. And likewise man depends upon the innumerable cells of his body for expression upon the physical plane. Each of these cells is as independent of man as man is independent of the earth on which he lives. That is, each cell has its own individual consciousness, nor do the sum total of the cells comprise the man; for the man has a consciousness independent of these cells. Yet while these cells are a portion of man’s anatomy they should each obey the dictates of man, just as man should obey the mandates of the Supreme Intelligence.
Even as man is undergoing a progressive cycle on the earth, so each cell in his body is undergoing its progressive cycle in association with him. Therefore, while the Death of the organism that serves as food liberates the soul that has polarized the protoplasm and energy contained in the form, this transition to the body of man is not without compensation to the life of the individual cells. For their substance and energy is now Transformed into cells occupying the body of man, and thus in association with an intelligence which affords them greater opportunity by far for evolutionary progress.
To the cell-life, at least, the serving as food for a higher form of life than that previously occupied is not without its advantages. And the human function by which man selects what shall thus be Transformed to his own use is the sense of taste, which corresponds to Arcanum XIII.
Alchemy. —Arcanum XIII represents that Transformation which occurs in the substance and form due to transmutation. The fluxing of polar opposites or natural antidotes produces not merely a blend of the substances, but the Death of the old properties in the production of a new and more highly refined substance with entirely different properties. There is thus a Transformation of both the substance and the form.
Bible. —As related in the 49th chapter of Genesis, Jacob, being about to die, called together his sons, who are the fathers of the 12 tribes of Israel. To each he gives his blessing, together with a prophecy; and this deathbed pronouncement reveals without error to any competent astrologer just which tribe is ruled by each zodiacal sign.
It should be evident, for instance, that when he speaks of Reuben being as unstable as water, that he refers to the Waterbearer, Aquarius, and the abrupt changes made by those in whose chart Uranus, its ruler, is prominent. Likewise, when he speaks of Simon and Levi as being brethren, he can be referring to no other sign than the Twins, Gemini.
That Judah is a lion’s whelp must mean Leo, the Lion; and when he says that Zebulon shall dwell at the haven of the sea, he certainly refers to the home of the Crab, Cancer. Isaachar mentioned as a strong ass, is the sign Taurus; because Taurus rules donkeys as well as the Bull. And because justice is weighed in the scales of Libra, Dan, who shall judge his people, must belong to this sign.
Speaking of Gad, he says that a troup shall overcome him, but he will overcome at the last; because Scorpio has a multitude of desires, but has the power to divert them to a high purpose as symbolized by the Eagle, which also is a token of this sign.
That Asher shall yield royal dainties and his bread shall be fat, of course, indicates the food sign, Virgo; and Naphtali being a hind, or deer, or Goat, signifies Capricorn. So, too, when we read that in Joseph’s bow abode his strength, we look for a bow among the signs, and find the Archer, Sagittarius.
Now Aries has a constructive and a destructive, or warlike, aspect; the latter being signified by the wolf, as when there is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. So when we learn that Benjamin shall rave as a wolf, we know he belongs to Aries. And then when we come to Ephram and Manassah, we find that Ephram, who was the younger, was blessed first, contrary to customary usage, and that Manassah, who was older, was blessed later, thus indicating that at the end, or last sign, the dual sign Pisces, that the last shall be first and the first shall be last. This not merely signifies the sign of disappointments, but also indicates that the priesthood, who belong to this sign of Universal Brotherhood, should be willing, when necessary, to renounce worldly advantages for the good of mankind.
At the death of Jacob the twelve signs were thus represented, and Jacob himself, after delivering his blessings, was straitway gathered to his fathers, a Transformation such as is represented by Arcanum XIII.
The twelve disciples who were called by Jesus also represent the 12 zodiacal signs; Jesus making the 13th member, the lamb of God, or transitional influence of Aries.
He said on that occasion, Math. 26:23; “He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me.”
Now of the four zodiacal quadrants the Scorpio, or Eagle, is represented by the suit of cups. Jesus is crucified on the autumnal cross of Libra, and was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. And from the point where the sun is slain on the cross of Libra, the nights, or powers of darkness prevailing over the days, to the sign Scorpio, is just 30 degrees. Judas, therefore, is the sign of death, Scorpio, the realization of material forces, indicated by Arcanum IV, who betrays the sun into the winter signs; delivers the spiritual influence into the power of matter.
Judas later repents and hangs himself, as shown by Arcanum XII. This, however, but depicts the expiation of the sin; for Judas himself belongs essentially to Scorpio and not to Pisces.
The bread of the Lord’s supper is the symbol of the physical nourishment that sustains the material body. The wine is token of the emotional nourishment which alone builds up the spiritual body and makes immortality possible. Man requires both forms of sustenance.
Because thirteen were gathered at the Lord’s supper, and one passed on, even today some persons will not sit at a table where thirteen are present. To some it is an omen that one of them shortly will die.
But 13 is not merely the symbol of death and dissolution. It is the number of the vernal cross, of spring-time, of the sign Aries in which the sun commences a new cycle of life. It is thus also the promise of immortality; for the Sun God then arises from the tomb of winter. So while 13 means physical death to the vulgar, to the initiate it signifies more frequently the Death of Selfishness and Crystallization through the Sacrifice and Devotion signified by Arcanum XII; and the commencement of a new life through the Transformation of material desires into spiritual aspirations.
Masonry. —In modern Masonry there are something like six degrees of the Cross, all dealing with some aspect of Arcanum XIII. But because in the zodiac there are two crosses, the vernal cross of Aries and the autumnal cross of Libra, these degrees of the cross have reference to both of them.
The Christian cross of crucifixion is Arcanum III, astrologically Libra. But there is also a militant cross of resurrection, Arcanum XIII, or Aries, symbolized by a sword, which in form is but an inverted cross, even as Libra and Aries are polar opposites in the zodiac.
The meaning of these degrees of the cross is that man is born upon the earth through generation, or Arcanum III, and is born into the next life through physical death; yet his real birth into a spiritual life is brought about through the Transformation of his animal tendencies into those that have for their chief object the welfare of the whole of cosmic society.
Magic. —In magic, Arcanum XIII represents the ability to separate the astral body from the physical at will and use it as a vehicle to visit other parts of the earth, to visit the homes of the dead, or to explore the tremendous regions of space. It is that process which is referred to in Masonry as “travelling in foreign countries.”
Various methods are employed to bring about this separation of the astral body from the physical without a break in consciousness. One of the safest ways is to go out during sleep, passing out through the pineal gland, retaining the consciousness by a realization all the while that one is dreaming, and holding to the recognition of things seen as a true astral experience. Full details of this method are set forth in the 11th Award MS.
Others quite successfully bring about this condition by gradually incapacitating the physical body and voluntarily slowing down the heart action. While lying in a relaxed state, and after thus slowing down the heart action, they induce a tremendous desire to move to some particular spot; and this, under such training, takes them out of the physical and permits them to maintain consciousness while moving about in the astral form.
Orientals commonly use mantrams, rhythmic breathing and a spiral swaying motion of the body to loosen the astral from the physical. The astral body by means of this method passes upward out the top of the head.
Mediums also leave the physical body during trance, and may bring back accounts of what has been seen on such journeys. But this method, because it is done under the influence of some controlling entity, is disintegrative and highly dangerous.
Such experiments are not to be undertaken lightly; and considerable precaution should be taken to protect the physical body from shock; as the too sudden awakening, or bringing back to the physical, is a great jolt to the nervous system, and might be so great as to sever the astral cord binding the finer to the grosser body, and thus result in death. Also some precaution should be taken that in case there is difficulty getting back into the physical that relatives do not conclude hastily that death has ensued and cause an untimely burial.
Initiation. —The soul has its birth into the next life, just as it has its birth into this one. This new birth does not always coincide with the moment of physical death, for there is commonly a short or longer period of unconsciousness in transition.
If one is too strongly attached to the things of earth, and unable to relinquish the strong desires for them, he may be bound, for a time, close to the earth, and not awaken into the consciousness of the new life. Or one may have become so dominated by some idea that one lives in the image of this idea and for a time shuts out the reality by which he is surrounded. That is, until something or someone awakens him to a realization of his true condition, he may live in an imaginary world of his own thought-creation.
But whether one passes through the doorway to astral existence quickly or slowly, ultimately the time arrives when he awakens into full consciousness of his surroundings. This is the moment of his birth into the next life, and it coincides with his new astrological birth-chart.
Then comes the period of judgment, in which he is both judge and the one on trial. He perceives the actions of his life and the motives which prompted them. He finds, perhaps, that his progress now depends first upon rectifying certain mistakes made while on earth. And this he does either through contact again with those he injured, or at least through rendering some constructive service to others.
After a period of adjustment to next-life conditions he gravitates, or levitates, to the particular plane which corresponds to his own dominant vibratory rate. And on the plane where he now finds himself, whether high or low, depending upon his spirituality, he moves into the environment which corresponds to the harmonies and discords within his finer form.
But whether high or low, there is always opportunity for progress. There are works to be performed, joys to be experienced, and an even greater variety of interesting events than is possible on earth. But in this new realm money has no value. There is but one currency which is legal tender, and his progress and any assistance rendered him by others depends upon it. This currency of the next life is constructive service such as in some manner brings benefit to others.
Occult Science. —The events which happen to nations, to cities, to communities, and to the world in general are chiefly shown astrologically in Cycle charts. These charts, by which the events that thus affect groups of people are predicted and explained, are chiefly those erected for the moment some planet has circled the zodiac and crossed from south to north declination.
The point of the zodiac where the sun thus crosses from south to north declination is always the first point of Aries, and thus the first point of Aries becomes the accepted symbol for the commencement of a new cycle. And as Mundane Astrology largely depends upon such cycles, it corresponds to Arcanum XIII, which pictures the sign Aries.
Sacred Tarot – C.C. Zain
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Zane was a master occulitist with fantastic knowledge and foresight.