The Andy Griffith Show” Big Fish in a Small Town (TV Episode 1966) – IMDb
I have finally come to the realization that I have been traumatized by the Media and it took roughly six years to do it. I no longer watch the news programs of which I was an avid fan and have switched to personally selected movies and old school shows and sitcoms from the 50s, 60s and some 70s. and before you ask, yes all this predates my actual birth but being an intellectual life observer, I found the wisdom latent in these old shows exceptional and NORMAL.Yes. Old re-runs are my friends.
I have tuned off, tuned out and packed my bags for Mayberry, NC that wondrous place of good values, homemade apple pies and hospitality in the Andy Griffith Show. When I want some excitement, I’ll watch some good old shoot-em-ups like The Rifleman, Bonanza and Gunsmoke. If I want an alternative universe I’ll simply switch to the Twilight Zone the old Dark Shadows series. If I want some brain challenge, I’ll take in an episode or so of Perry Mason or Alfred Hitchcock Presents. For laughs I take a go round with the Dick Van Dyk show or with Jackie Gleason and Art Carney on the Honeymooners. About the boldest I get is a visit with Archie Bunker where I can chuckle at that famous white bigot go head to head with the equally famous black bigot George Jefferson on All in the Family. The more I engage in the old fare, the more I realize that today’s shows and series are nothing but woke/communist crap. The storylines stink and there is not enough special effects and CGI to save them. Same for movies. Even sports, the old American standby is tainted by commercials and promotions – some of which are indescribale. No one can sell me that this is “progress’ or the “new-new.” Let the young ones deal with it. They can keep it or get rid of it according to their own whims and wants. I’m glad I’m not one of them.
I won’t even get into the news talk shows because that’s what they are – opinion talk shows. They get out their big spoons and shovel that Pablum of lies right down your throat whether you like it or not. No balance there at all. No point at all yet most keep swallowing it.
I have been exceedingly peaceful since I stopped paying attention to the “news” proposed by the “liar’s networks.” You know the greatest mind manipulators of all time. To get in my head they might have to confront good old Aunt Bee with her rolling pin and iron skillet. They might not like it.
There has been plenty of coverage both medical and psychological on the detrimental effects of the media on the public. Researchers have shown that social media is a major risk factor for a person to develop trauma symptoms from anxiety right up to post traumatic stress syndrome. The media has always known how to wield fear to its advantage for whatever dire outcome they desire. The only thing that matters is the result so any devious methods, lying of which is the least is permissible. Makes you wonder about the character of those going into the media fields although common sense should tell you that in today’s world the only way to make the big money and achieve success and notoriety is to employ a criminal mind. It’s no secret. Just ask any politician since they sit at the top of the criminal food chain.
So the choice is yours. Figure it out for yourself.
If anything at all needs to be taken away from this it’s a friendly reminder that there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between being Progressive and downright Evil.
In the meantime I’m off for Mayberry, for a vacation, where I’ll be safe from the never-ending bullshit.
Same here! All the chaotic political dogs can attack and eat one another.,,
F’n Commies~!!!!
F*ck them all!