Sasquatchian Considerations

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By Harry

Image by Ryan McGuire from

“Yes, everyone know Bigfoot smell like shit. Please make effort not to point out every time you see Bigfoot. Thank you.”― Graham Roumieu, Me Write Book: It Bigfoot Memoir


Sasquatch is not just a sophisticated bipedal gorilla-like animal native to certain mountains and woods. There is a supernatural component to them. No corpse has ever been recovered. Footprints disappear into thin air.

Three possibilities come to my mind:

1) They are mere projections or illusions created by nonhuman trickster entities (the “ultra-terrestrials” hypothesized by John Keel in The Mothman Prophecies).

2) They are actual physical beings, but have developed the ability to dematerialize, teleport, become invisible, etc. (like chameleons changing color, but on a much more sophisticated level).

3) They are physical, but not native to Earth, and under the ownership and direction of other entities who use them, move them, and disappear them as needed.

The third possibility is supported by abduction/UFO accounts, where the Sasquatch has been seen during some abductions man-handling abductees. For instance, someone gets abducted while going for a walk in the woods; they get paralyzed by some force field and then a Sasquatch carries them into a craft where other beings like reptilian, mantis, or Grays await to carry out the finer details of the abduction. As far as the Sasquatch goes, if physical beings like ourselves can be teleported into and out of alien crafts, then aliens (whomever they may be) could do likewise with physical servants in their keep. No abduction account, to my knowledge, has ever portrayed Sasquatch in a position of authority. They are always lower class servants, used mainly for brute physical tasks.

Now in my own experience, there is a definite difference between demons and aliens, although it appears to me that negative aliens (including those pretending to be good guys) are either possessed by demons or ultimately working in their service. The difference is that demons are more spirit-like, nonphysical, non-technological, opportunistic, like sharks feeding on a person and trying to possess them, whereas true aliens tend to be more patient, strategic, and far more likely to use actual technology whose reason for operation you can sleuth out, whereas trickster/demonic entities rarely do that, and if they do, it’s strictly sham props psychically projected that don’t have any substance to them or logic to their operation.

But for all practical purposes, negative aliens and demons are both bad news, and both operate along the lines of spiritual warfare when ensnaring and manipulating their targets. Spiritual warfare works against both of them as well, but that doesn’t mean aliens and demons are identical, in my view. More like demons have both feet in the nonphysical realms, aliens have one foot there and one foot in the physical. Thus, with both sharing operation/presence in the nonphysical, spiritual warfare is used by, and can be used against, both of them.

In fact, that is the great secret being hidden in the alien/UFO phenomenon — that it has a spiritual/demonic component, and that spiritual methods can be used to combat them, because they’re not 100% 3D physical beings like us. I’d say aliens are amphibious, some mostly like us, some mostly like demons, some perhaps even resembling angels, and everything in between. It’s a spectrum, not a black and white thing. After all, even with people you have a spectrum… some are more angelic/Christlike, others are more demonic in their predatory ways, and everything in between.

» From what I understand, the aliens intervening the humanity at this time are 3-dimensional beings and not hyperdimensional beings as you claim. I thought all their abilities (such as walking through wall — by somehow aligning electrons of all the atoms of nearby objects including their bodies and abductees” bodies in order to lower the densities) were via technological devices.

» What is the role of emotions? They are what connect humans together. They essentially are the matrix. They are how we relate to one another. By paying attention to my own emotions I find I change the outcome of many of the people around me. Sometimes this is for mutual benefit and sometimes not.

Tom Montalk