Interpretation and semantics … two of the leading underlying causes of misunderstanding. There are many terms du jour out there today and it seems it has now become a necessity to ask someone to clarify what a particular term means to them by concept before you can even begin to engage in a meaningful conversation with them.
The term ‘Christ Consciousness’ is as varied by meaning as it is by any individual who believes they are embracing it. This ranges from religious connotation to a more universal acceptance. What exactly is Christ Consciousness?
- A state of mind, and goal all of all Light to attain Oneness with God?
- One who has achieved galactic ascension and become an Ascended Master according to Theosophic view?
- The state of consciousness attained by those who reach the Mental Planes?
- Brahmajnana or supposed “God Realization,” a state of samadhi attained when the kundalini or spiritual energy reaches the seventh or Crown chakra?
- Sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi, which is a more advanced state of enlightenment, visible in Ramana Maharshi and (I believe) Adyashanti?
- A descent of God into form?
- “Perfection?”
- The Intelligent Universal Energy that can be accessed at any time by all?
- The direct line to the Divine, the Holy Spirit. Whether it be Jesus Christ, Buddha, and many more Masters that have walked this Earth?
- A level of awareness where you no longer see error in any action that you do or in any other human being, but see only the beauty and perfection in all things?
- The invisible framework in which all consciousness resides, – all consciousness of every being who has ever lived or will ever live?
- Exceptional control over one’s mind and will, intellectual and moral enlightenment, and profound personal growth?
- The awareness within ones’ being such that one would be willing to do what Christ is reported to have done?
- The affinity of infinity for the split-infinitive?
Is it really any of the above or is it simply LOVE?
You don’t need to awaken to it or attain it.
You don’t need to transcend or ascend.
It exits in us all.