The Secret to Neville Goddard’s Success

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By Sri

The Secret to Neville Goddard’s Success

If you’ve ever had the opportunity to listen to any of the wonderful lectures given by Neville Goddard (seek them out on YouTube) then you will already be aware of the unbound confidence that the man displayed.

The same can be said of Neville’s often mentioned friend, Louise Berlay, an amazing woman whose power to manifest was really quite remarkable.

Confidence. It’s something we all have in various amounts, and really, if you wish to exert any influence over your experience of life at all, it’s something that you should be actively looking to build within you on a daily basis.

Neville Goddard was charismatic, gentle, and also often able to connect with his audience with an underrated ability for humour. However, what made Neville really stand out was the power that radiated from within him.

Neville was convinced of his ability to manifest any condition in life he decided to sample. His confidence was so great that all he had to do was simply assume that he was already in the state or outer environment that he wanted to experience – and sure enough, the chosen state or outer environment would become manifest.

Neville preached of ‘thinking from the end’ – experiencing a scene in your imagination that would imply that your wish had already been fulfilled. He would also talk of ‘feeling’ the required state in imagination – using your imaginal senses to touch, smell, and hear some chosen environment or circumstance.

As I’ve already detailed thoughout this blog, there are many ways in which to approach the idea of altering your experience of reality (manifesting ‘desires’) – and different people find success with different things – but success always comes down to one fundamental element that sits at the heart of us all: confidence stemming from a master measurement of inner purpose.

To confirm: confidence is a natural byproduct of a huge inner measurement of a sense of purpose (a sense of power, worth, value, importance, freedom, affluence, abundance, etc).

It’s easy to see one man or women, or one specific technique, as the definitive word on influencing the experience of personal reality, especially when so many stories of success are linked to some individual, or particular ‘way of manifesting’.  However, there is only one thing that anybody ever needs: a strong sense of self, a strong sense of the powerful ‘being’ you feel yourself to be.

When Neville was given his first true example of the power of assumption, he was living in New York City. He had a desire to travel back to his home in Barbados, to visit his family for Christmas. At the time, Neville was not in employment and had virtually no money. A trip to Barbados seemed out of the question.

For several years, Neville had been taught the true spiritual and metaphysical interpretation of the Bible by a man known only as Abdullah – and it was to his spiritual teacher that Neville now turned for some advice.

When Neville asked Abdullah how he might set about travelling to Barbados to spend Christmas with his family, Abdullah simply said this; “Neville, you are already in Barbados.”

At first, Neville was confused, but Abdullah expanded on his initial statement and instructed Neville to simply assume that he was in Barbados even though physically he remained in New York City.

This idea struck Neville as rather peculiar, and he questioned his teacher. Abdullah reaffirmed his words and instructed Neville to assume that while he was walking the streets of New York City, he was in fact walking the streets of Barbados. Further, when he retired to bed for the night, Neville was to assume that he was sleeping in his parents’ house on the island.

Neville struggled with the idea for weeks, but Abdullah was insistent – so much so that he was almost insulted when Neville continued to question the sanity of the idea of using the imagination to alter and shape his personal experience of reality.

Needless to say, after a month or two, Neville did eventually find himself travelling first class on a ship to Barbados, even though he wasn’t quite sure how the scenario had come about.

Now, had it been down to his own attempts at assumption, or had his spiritual teacher Abdullah’s insistence that his student was in Barbados been the actual cause of the influencing of outer physical reality?

It’s safe to assume that both student and teacher each had an effect on the eventual outcome – but I would suggest that it was Abdullah’s complete and utter confidence in his initial statement to Neville that probably had the most influence on reality.

If you were to pick a destination and tell yourself that in spite of outer appearances, you were there right now, could you do it? Would your imaginative powers be strong enough? More importantly, how confident would you be in your ability to alter and shape your personal experience of reality?

Engaging your imagination and using your spiritual sense is all well and good, but how much of a powerful being do you feel yourself to be? Have you been knocked back recently? Have you been seeing certain circumstances of your life as bigger and having more power than you? Do you perhaps have issues with your body, or suffer from low self-esteem?

When people focus on lottery wins or dream lovers, it’s often with an ultimate view of somehow making themselves feel better about some aspect of themselves. Once again we see that an outer effect is focused upon in order to produce an inner cause.

The cause comes first, and the outer effect follows – but the power of the imaginal cause is equal to the inner measurements of your own sense of worth, value, self-love, freedom, control; all things that contribute to your master inner measurement of a positive sense of overall purpose.

Neville had a huge sense of power and purpose. So did Louise Berlay. Abdullah certainly had a tremendous sense of inner purpose and power.

Do you?

To measure one’s purpose is to simply measure your own level of inner power. That inner level of power is made up of all the little measurements you make on a daily basis – your value, your worth, your level of freedom, your ability to look at yourself in a mirror and recognise your own individual beauty and importance….

It’s about holding on to, and actively carrying out, your own personal measurements of all the things that contribute to an overall sense of having purpose, a reason to be – and the most amazing and important thing about that process is that you get to make the rules, you get to choose the values that you use to assign to your inner measurements of purpose.

The ability to manifest a new lover or multi-millionaire lifestyle is explicitly tied to your personal master measurement of having a reason to be.

Do you have a reason to be at this moment? Can you list all of the things that support that assumption and empower you?

If you can, you’re on your way to all that you wish to experience in life.

Remember: become the things you wish to experience in your life.


Read more at Metaphysical Observer