See A Soul Meditation And Contemplation

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By Eternal

Our Souls come into each chosen lifetime navigating through a physical body complete with a mental process and emotional memories. Individual Karma delivers our lesson via our experiences and the choices we make concerning other people, places and things. Our greatest lessons come through our interaction with people where we are free to choose how we assess them within the context of our own lives and what is the best or worse choices for each of us. Most of us look at people and just see “people.” We find joy and sorrow, disdain and pleasure, satisfaction and selfishness … and on and on … a plethora of human conditions, concepts and quirks to transverse. If we are accepting of love as the highest power and the facet of reincarnation that our human contacts no matter how important or minor are there to assist us in our journey of love and knowing then what happens if we start to view all who we know or don’t know (yet who affect us in some way), not as ‘people’ but as ‘Souls’ what happens?  It occurred to me to try this some time ago after a rough patch in my life – and while this was not an easy thing to do because some strong human emotions had to be overridden to accomplish such a feat, I found myself in both an improved physical, emotional and spiritual state. I stopped worrying about who I ‘thought’ needed to cut off and weed out of my life, who I needed to impress, who I needed to avenge or revenge and even those who I felt false responsibility towards. All of this was very huge, at least to me but, acceptance of people and people created circumstances that impact my life positively and negatively began to look quite different through that Soul lense I had adopted.

We all start as beginners. Whether we are aware of it or not, every day we create a set of intentions for the day based on priorities. Often those priorities are based on selfish desires – we basically do what we want to do because we like to do it. This of course includes those things we absolutely should not do and keep asking ourselves why we are doing it. Generally this concerns others and we all do it unless we are so highly evolved living on an obscure mountain top with little outside communication that it would not matter one bit. DO try not to overthink the process.

I am a fan of affirmations and when I decided to try out my new ‘Soul Seeing’ those affirmations eventually led to a meditation/contemplation and mantra I perform daily. It is not terribly elaborate but then things or the Soul are always simple and never complicated. It can be done daily or once a week for best results. Just remember, like all good things it does require some commitment and some sort of regularity is important. For clarity, here are my personal definitions of Meditation, Contemplation and Mantra.

Meditation: Meditation is luminosity that illumines the heart. When illumination takes place in our heart, insecurity and the sense of want disappear.

Contemplation: Contemplation means our conscious oneness with the infinite, eternal Absolute.

Mantra: A statement or slogan repeated frequently. They are like medicine for the Soul.


  1. As with all meditations, choose a quiet comfortable location – a pleasant, uncluttered room or a serene outdoor area. Pick a time of day when you will be the least distracted by daily intrusions and thoughts.
  2. You do not need to be seated in any sort of special Yoga position – just settled comfortably.
  3. As per basic preparation, take three nice slow breaths in through your nose and out of your mouth and then repeat it opposite – three breaths in through your mouth and out your nose. The second set may feel a little weird at first but you’ll get used to it.
  4. The hardest part of meditative relaxation seems to always be clearing the mind. Great if you are good at mind clearing but not crucially important here as long as you are attentive enough to concentrate enough to get the words of the mantra out of your mouth without stuttering or spurting because your mind is more concerned with the duties of daily routine you have yet to perform.
  5. You will be meditating from your heart, the seat of the Spirit so picture yourself radiating from that perspective.

The mantra:

I choose to change my perception based on the Divine Power of Love.

I choose to see with my heart.

I choose to accept that all those in my life are here for the purpose of assisting my growth and I theirs.

I choose to remind myself that every one of us is Soul striving to learn as I am learning.

I choose to resist human judgment of others and their paths.

I choose to recognize Soul.

I choose to recognize you.

I choose to recognize my self.

After you have finished meditating, you have to assimilate the result of your meditation into your inner system. It doesn’t happen overnight but if it is in your intention to change the process of how you view others, you should begin to see some progress starting with a new sense of inner peace.


Namaste ~

1 thought on “See A Soul Meditation And Contemplation”

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