Self Imaging

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By Spiritual Guru

Image by G.C. from Pixabay

Chances are your self image is tainted.  How much?  Can it be measured?  How did it get that way?  Can it be improved?  These are all probably some of the most important questions you should be asking.  So long as your self-image is tainted, you cannot find peace of mind.  Keep in mind – I am speaking of self-image and not self-esteem.

The first two questions can be answered with a little simple test.  All it takes is your honesty with your refusal to rationalize or make excuses.  Simply ask yourself, “When I am by myself in a peaceful quiet state with nothing to busy my mind, and I think about myself, do I hear a voice (it may be my own) ask me what’s wrong with me?”  And then, how many things do I find wrong with me?  That voice, even if it is only telling you one thing which you do not like, is un-acceptable!  How can we expect or believe that someone else likes, much less loves us when the truth of the matter is – we don’t?

You were programmed to believe negative thoughts about yourself.  It began when you were very young, probably by your parents and it was continued on by your environment and some of it could have been done by you.  You need to change it so that you break the chain of the environmental programming of others!  We cannot give what we do not have.  And if we do not have a good self-image we do not have love for our self.  So we not only cannot give our children a good self-image but we cannot truly love anyone else.  A poor self-image is the cause for more problems than you can imagine.  It causes mental emotional and physical problems.  It causes relationship problems.  There is no wonder to me why so many marriages fail.  Why we go through so many relationships as well as there are so many disputes between parents and their children.  Having spent over 30 years of showing people how to get rid of that voice and develop a good, sound self-image, I cannot even begin to list the amount of mental emotional and even physical problems which have been overcome.  A poor self-image is at the root of the destruction of mankind.  It is the cause of wars as well as the sale of inferior made products.  I have yet to see a Dr. Phil show where the real cause of the problem is not the person(s) self-image.  I believe that everyone with a good, healthy self-image is able to see this cause as the root of some where close to 95% of the human problems faced by people on Earth today!

It is of no help to blame either others or ourselves for our poor self-image.  It is as I said an environmental problem for which each of us as an individual can take it upon themselves to eradicate.  If each of us will clean up our self-image, we will automatically through associations with others, help others to do the same.  For as I said, we can only give others what we have.  To understand how insidious this problem is, I will briefly attempt to explain its onset so that you can put the brakes on your continuing this destructive force with others.

When you were born you were completely dependent upon your parents particularly your mother.  As you grew you were taught to depend upon schooling and your teachers for education, police officers for safety, doctors for health etc…… you were also told you were bad or wrong for doing or saying certain things.  You may also have been convinced by others that you are dumb, stupid, too skinny, fat, too tall, too short etc….. both the negative and the positive programming are what happened to build your self image.   And without your knowledge the universal law began to develop your self-image and subsequently you and your life.  And it continues to do so today.  You ask which universal law?  “As you sow so shall ye reap.”  In the image of you was born within your mind and continued to be fertilized by the second universal law; “As you believe so shall it be.” One of the most visible and outstanding proofs of this today, is the number of people who are overweight.  Have you ever wondered why so many people who are overweight will tell you how many times they have dieted and exercised and took off weight only for it to come back and then some?  Or why is it, be it an anorexic or bulimic individual who’s down the bone and skin continues on their path?  In both cases they both see themselves in a mirror and believe themselves to be fat!  The only solution is to change the self image.