Self Protection – Sri Paul Twitchell

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By SHABDA - Preceptor

From Letters To Gail Vol. 1 © 1981 Eckankar – Sri  Paul Twitchell


Dear Gail,

   I got into a discussion on self-protection when we drove to Aberdeen. That is to say, the ways and means of protecting yourself from others, in the physical sense, re: anything trying to harm you from the other side. This includes psychic attacks. I gave you the very simple device of  putting a reversed mirror between yourself and the harm. ( This is done by mockups, meaning the use of the imagination.) These devices are simple, but the thing that makes them seem difficult is the handling of them. It must be done by management and discipline of the mind. Under any sort of circumstances, from a mild disturbing influence of someone intentionally rattling you to a, harmful attack by an entity or some other disturbing situation, you must establish a mockup. It takes presence of mind to establish a mockup to ward off such elements!
   Another form of protection is to put yourself in the center of a white light, then look out from this center at whatever is disturbing you. Another form of protection is simply to set a wall between yourself and the other  disturbance. An additional way is the use of projective force, that is, to hold another person off with invisible hands. Or, one may use the word Eck in repetition! This forms a protective barrier between you and the attacker! Try these sometime, but do so with a presence of mind so strong that whatever is attempting cannot break through this force! 
   Always remember this: Nothing can touch you unless you allow it! As long as a situation or person cannot upset or disturb you, then it has no power over you! This is a form of detachment that the Eck philosophy teaches from the Shariyat -Ki- Sugmad ( then Eck Holy Book). If you can be detached from situations or people that are upsetting you, then all will work out well.
   The projective and contractive forces are very powerful forces. I have seen some very weird things done with them. The projective force is that which is used to push something away. The contractive force is that used to pull something to you. I know a man who used to sit in a restaurant, on a main street, and practice the contractive force, pulling people into the restaurant. It worked two out of three times. To use the two forces on a person at the same time is psychic murder! Psychic murder is a real crime in this world, but so many know nothing of it. The Haunted Mind, by Fedor, who was a practicing psychologist, in New York, is a book which tells of this. It is in the public library. I speak of this dark side because it is interesting, but a dangerous part of that world you never want to wander into during your studies.
   Some of the leading psychologists who have written books on the human psyche and their experience in dealing with the invisible side are : Jung, Bergson, Camille Anderson, Meerlo, William James, Price, F.W.H. Meyers, Jastrow, Dunne, and Rhine.
   If and when you are low on your reading material, get a book by George duMarier, named Peter Ibbetson. This was written at the turn of the century, i believe, about a man who was imprisoned for some crime. He was to have been married but prison terminated this, however, he learned the trick of leaving his body and would meet his lady friend in the spiritual body at night while the natural body stayed on the prison cot. The book was a powerful one in it's day. Gary Cooper starred in a film based on the book many years ago.
   Also, read a book called Ardath, by Marie Corelli. She has written a large number on the same subject aforementioned but this one is the best. There are a wide selection of books which i will suggest now and then, but these are good ones to cut your eyeteeth upon!
   I forgot to tell you in my last letter about Buddhism and the Young Men's (and Women's) Christian Association was founded on the idea of a similar organization in the Far East : The Young Men's Buddhist Association, etc., who's principles are the same except for Buddhism.
   Now for some more on the trinity: All religions have the trinity in their teachings. The occultists have so far discovered one major spiritual force, two minor forces, and three forces under these two minor forces. These are tyhe forces of nature. Under each of the three forces are seven forces. They go something like this :
           1. God, the great Ocean of Love and Mercy
                   A. Masculine force. That which makes up the forces of positive energy.
                   B. Negative force. That which makes up the forces of negative energies.
                             1. Creative energy. Creates a cycle of energy
                             2.Neutral energy. Keeps the cycle of energy in a certain form or mold.
                             3.Destructive energy. Destroys the cycle of energy, form or mold when the user is finished.
   Maybe this will give you a better understanding of the trinity, which is the third part of this outline. Incidentally, there are seven minor forces of energy under the three forms. Forgot to include them. Christianity, like other religions has personalized these forces and given them names. The trinity, spoken of in Christianity, includes :Father (the creator); Son (neutral); and Holy Ghost (destructive). Does this make sense? I can give you some reading matter on it if this is needed.
   However, it isn't hard to learn once you grasp the idea behind the symbols of religion that represent forces of nature. Many a monk or priest learned this and by the use of a chant, mantram (magic words) or ritual he could use this force for some practical purpose, to heal, help others or build up a force of power. However, it is seldom that anyone who has magical powers can help themselves – for the law doesnt work this way. It must flow through the person to others for special use, in a goodness of heart and not for any personal reason.
                                       More later,
                                       Sincerely, Paul

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