In The Serpent’s Lair – The Uranus Opposition

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By Skywriter

courtesy Star Logic Astrodynamics

In the Serpent’s Lair lies a mighty denizen who has been waiting forty years to  be energized  and change your life forever…

This serpent’s name is Kundalini and sometime between the ages of 40-42 it will be activated by a cosmological charge so strong it will blow your chakras wide open  and then oscillate up and down through the chakras electrically for the course of a whole year of your life. This charge is connected to the cosmos by way of the planet Uranus. In cosmobiology, this is commonly known as the Uranus Opposition and is an energy that occurs when Uranus by movement through the heavens connects to one’s natal Uranus by polarity creating an electrical charge so strong that stimulates the coiled Kundalini serpent within.

Picture in your mind that at this point in human evolution we all live in a Saturnian Cosmic Egg.  It is a physical realm where we can see, hear, feel and touch. We cannot see beyond the illusion of Saturn because we have not evolved to the point of being able to master an “eternal universalistic view.” Now picture a flash of lightning that comes out of the blue and strikes the Egg and cracks it. This is the first traumatic realization that there is more to the Universe than we had believed. This lightning is the power of Uranus and when it strikes we are given a blinding flash of insight and a bigger sense of truth that shatters our limiting perceptions and teaches us how to be more realistically detached from the structures that bind us.

What exactly happens to us during this unavoidable life cycle?

On a mundane level, our lives can literally be turned upside down. The rug can be pulled out from under us and we can become shattered because the Saturn structures we are used to have been torn asunder. It is a time of major transition and often dissatisfaction with the status quo. Because this is the mid-way point of life, a feeling of “now or never” or “last chance” can manifest. The reaping of past consequences ensues. But make no doubt about it … from this point forward you will turn your experiences inward and can, if you are open, recreate not only your life but your relationship with the Universe.

What happens to the body?

When we consider the physical body we simultaneously think of life, survival and longevity. The etheric body is intertwined with the physical, and it is through the etheric vehicle that the incoming vital life forces are first received and filtered.The Uranus opposition affects both the physical and etheric bodies. On the spiritual level, the Kundalini energy that is stored in the root chakra is stimulated by the cosmological electric charge of Uranus prompting it to surge up and down through the entire chakra system for a period of about one year. Esoterically speaking, this process promotes psychic awareness and spiritual cognizance and takes inner wisdom to new levels of consciousness as the chakras are blown wide open. The word “downloads” would be apropos here because the mind is opened to otherworldly currents that stream new awareness into the consciousness. In other words, Uranus provides awareness of the “other self”- that intuitive side capable of receiving spiritual direction and the motivation to to take the required progressive steps to quicken the higher nature. If it were scientifically possible to measure Kundalini by frequency during the one year period incredible spikes would undoubtedly be observed. Please do note that some individuals will experience the Uranus opposition with more intensity than others depending upon their internal program and life environment, but, make no mistake it will be felt whether through subtle irritations or via being knocked on your derriere.

On the physical level, the Uranus opposition can cause nervousness, irritability and anxiety which is why many cosmobiologists jokingly refer to it as the time some people “reach for the Prozac” because they think they are having a nervous breakdown. Think of the people who might be spared thinking they were crazy and the ingestion of unnecessary medications if they were alerted to this natural body/spirit process.  It is particularly important the women understand this year long process because it also occurs at the same time many women are beginning to experience pre-menopausal  symptoms or hormonal changes.

If the Uranus Opposition is successfully completed, a transformed human being emerges with chakras open all the way up the spine and the mind is freed to “perfect” itself during the forties in preparation for the next cosmic process which will open the crown chakra at the age of fifty during what is known as the Chiron Return. The Chiron process brings balance to left brain orientation (Saturn) and right brain orientation (Uranus) by opening up awareness to the Soul.

Those who are somewhat spiritual advanced or even cognizant of the Uranus effect at the time of the Uranus Opposition often look forward to the new awareness and liberation that are the real gifts of this life changing process. How could anyone say “no” to their Higher Self?

If there is a saving grace when it comes to any  Uranian process it is the “ah-ha” moment that comes in hindsight once the process is completed and that’s a promise.