The Seven Flames Of Healing

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By Magenta Ray

Image Copyright 2016 Marlie "Magenta Ray"  Michelsen

All things manifest their potencies and their qualities by means of color. There is tremendous power in color repulsions and their affinities. From these facts an exact materis medica can be constructed. The seven different colors in sunlight are each composed of a different style and number of vibrations and each has special properties and chemical powers.  Everything possesses a finer positive and coarser negative principle. – Edwin D. Babbitt, The Principles of Light and Color

The Red Flame

Red is considered a color of power and is the favorite color of many people all over the world. Symbolically, it is associated with love, charity, faith and martyrdom.In times past, the use of scarlet bedding was the preference of physicians to prevent scarring associated with smallpox. Psychologically, red attracts and repels. According to Swiss psychologist Max Luscher:

Red is the expression of vital force, of nervous and glandular activity, and so it has a meaning of desire and of all forms of appetite and craving. Red is the urge to achieve results, to win success; it is hungry to desire all those things which offer intensity of living and fullness of experience. Red is impulse, the will to win, and all forms of vitality and power from sexual potency to revolutionary transformation. it is the impulse toward active doing, towards sport, struggle, competition, eroticism, and enterprising productivity. Red is the impact of the will or force of will as distinct from green elasticty of will.

According to Indian Mystics, red is ruled by the Sun and the Manipura or base chakra. The number of red in 9 and its musical tone is G. Its element is Earth and it rules the years 37-52. Red rules the letters K,L,R, C and Q.

Ths shadow side of red is self indulgence.

The Blue Flame

Blue is considered the antidote or opposite of red. It is thought to symbolize faith, purity and modesty. It is believed that blue personalities carry a high degree of intelligence. According to Swiss psychologist Max Luscher:

Dark blue, like all four of the basic colors is a chromatic representation of basic biological need – physiologically, tranquility, contentment … Blue represents the bonds one draws around oneself, unification and sense of belonging. Blue is loyalty and as a  relaxed sensivity, is a prerequisite for empathy, for esthetic experience and for meditative awareness … It is the blissful fulfillment of the highest ideals of unity, of at-one-ness, a reunion with Gaea, the Earth Mother. Blue is the timelessness of eternity, representing tradition and lasting values, and so to perpetuate the past.

Blue is assoicated with the planet Jupiter and the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces. It is the color of the number 6 and rules the letters N,U, V and W. It covers the years 10-18, its musical note is A and its element is Water.

The shadow side of blue is ignorance.

The Green Flame

Green is the color of beauty and harmony. Early Christians considered green to mean hope and eternity. Green has tradiionally also been the color of envy. Green always indicates new growth, hope and continuity of life, peace, abundance and healing. Doctors and nurses often have green in their auras. Green also indicates friendliness, cooperation, goodness, mercy and faith and peace. A green person is often self confident, highly practical, down to earth and quite natural. He or she knows the value of things. According to Swiss psychologist Max Luscher:

Green corresponds symbolically to the majestic sequoia, deep rooted, proud and unchanging, towering over lesser trees, to austere and autocratic temperament, to the tension in the bow string. Its sensory perception is astringence, its emotiional content is pride, its organs are smooth (involuntary) muscles. This gastric ulcers and digestive upset are often associated with worry over possible loss of standing or personal failure.

Green is associated with the signs of Gemini and Virgo and the planet Mercury. The number of green is 8 and its musical note is D. It rules the letters S and Z and the period from one's sixty forth birthday until the end of life. Its element is Earth.

The shadow side of green is selfishness.

The Yellow Flame

Yellow is thought to be the most ambivalent of all colors. It is often associated with perfection, power, glory and wealth. In ancient times, it was associated with jaundice and also with its cure. In some American folklore, yellow flowers were believed to take away disease. The difficulty in getting in touch with deeper heart feelings because someone is more in their head than their heart also belongs to yellow. To the ancients, yellow was the animating principle of life. It also suggested joy, gaiety and merriment. According to Swiss pyschologist Max Luscher:

Yellow corresponds symbolically to the welcoming warmth of sunlight, the aspirational halo around the Holy Grail, to the cheerful spirit and to happiness. Its sensory perception is piquancy, its emotional content is hopeful volatility and its organs are the sympathetic and para sympathetic nervous systems. Yellow expresses uninhibited expansiveness and a loosening or relaxation.

Ronald Hunt points out his view:

Those who incarnate on the Yellow Ray have a searching desire to acquire knowledge and wisdom. Their troubles usually lie in the gathering in of more than they can readily digest and put into circulation both mentally and physically.

Yellow is related to the sign of Aries and the planet Mars. Its muscial note is E and it rules the letters I,J and G. It rules the years 4-10.

The shadow side of yellow is regression.

The Orange Flame

Orange is the color of vigor, prosperity, kindliness and expansion. Orange aids in the assimilation of new ideas and it brings a sense of freedom from material limitations. It raises one's tolerance and strengthens the will and inceases one's ability to deal with the trials of life. It stimulates and releases blocked or repressed ideas. Yogis call orange the 'soul of energy'. The psychic Edgar Cayce believed those who had orange in their auras should be cautious of kidney disease. Orange is all about activity and doing. According to Roland Hunt:

Orange has a freeing action upon bodily and mental functions, relieving repressions; it combines physical energy and mental wisdom, inducing transmutation between the lower nature and the higher; it outweans moronic tendencies helping to unfold and raise the mentality – it is therefore termed the Wisdom Ray.

Orange is the color of the number 5. It is believed to be associated with the Sun if it is a predominant aura color. It rules the letters A, H and O and its musical note is C. It governs the years from 18-37 in life.

The shadow side of orange is laziness.

The Indigo Flame

Indigo is the color of high spirituality and has an afinity with the 3rd eye and the pineal chakra. It is the Light Bearer.  Roland Hunt says that indigo is a great purfier of the bloodstream and is mental freeing controlling the psychic currents of our finer bodies. It is the color od devotion and reform. Service to humanity is a major influence of indigo. Rapid mood changes are also noteworthy if it is dominant. Indigo is a remover of fear. According to Norah Hills:

The person on the indigo level functions much of the time beyond the senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste and moves in that amorphous level of 'super sense'. Being in this visionary world indigo types sometimes hurt their friends without even knowing it. They can become so spaced out and enraptured by their own inner world that when someone is talking they don't hear a word they are saying.

There are no numbers, letters or musical notes associated with indigo except that it belongs to the planet Neptune.

The shadow side of indigo is self righteousness.

The Violet Flame

Violet is associated with sadness, piety and sentimentality. To the ancients is symbolized the rainment of God which is sacred. In the aura, it indicates a very highly spiritual nature, unselfish efforts and true greatness. Violet people often become inspired metaphysical leaders possessing high levels of mental and emotional balance. Violet is the color of sound ideas, creativity and intellect. Violet is love of truth, all that is good, humility and zeal. According to Norah Hills:

Violet is the world of imagination and of unconnected, illogical images, magis and whim. It is the cosmic connection that pulls rabbits out of hats, paintings out of canvasses, bodies out of clay, universes out of darkness and creation out of the void; it snatches reality out of 'nowhere'.

The number of violet is 3 and it rules the letters T and D. It is associated with the planet Saturn and governs the years 52-64 of life. Its musical tone is B.

The shadow side of violet is cynicism.

Resource: The Magick of Color by Zolar