By Rev. Katherine Bell, Ph.D., D.D.
In Light Times, Nov. 2013
We all carry the awareness of our Sacred-Being and within it, we also carry an aspect of our Shadow side.
The wisdom and code within the Seven Mystical Seals guides us through our shadow and into the light. The Seven seals are the entrance to the Higher Self, which we truly are. In one of our ancient texts, the New Testament, is the Book of Revelations. It speaks of the Seven seals as indicators of the End Times and the Anti-Christ. However, upon further review, we find it is the code of Vice and Virtue. Through both states of consciousness, our Higher Self and our Shadow side, we acquire higher awareness and live in the state we were assigned to live. This is a state of inhabiting wholeness and expressing the greater power of Source in our everyday reality.
We all carry the awareness of our Spiritual essence and within it, we also carry an aspect of our Shadow side. The Shadow is the quality within ourselves that holds the belief of separation; therefore, living in negative and self-deprecating attitudes. It creates the dishonoring of each other, the judgments we hurl around about our family, friends, governments, different cultures and different beliefs. This state of consciousness is the level that keeps us from knowing our Higher Self. We must break through our Shadow side of the Seals which requires dedication, discipline and the focus of one’s intent to live the holistic Path of Oneness. Review the seals and create your virtuous way of living.
1st Seal: This is the Seal of Avarice. It carries the belief that Earth is a place of tragedy and that we are stuck in the muck of experiences. In this mire of fear, we are greedy, needy and take on the ego-fear of being less than and obviously without the power to take charge of our life. We want to rape, pillage, and hoard. But, even more tragic, we move into the vice of Inertia and remain stuck unless some outlandish force of experiences move us. We don’t take advantage of personal growth, mentally, physically, emotionally and certainly not spiritually.
To Break The Seal: We can take measures to break this seal by moving beyond the fear of living in matter. We can recognize it as an incredible Creation, and Earth is the Garden we can tend by raising our thoughts, emotions and attitudes to a higher order of love and compassion for all life. When we honor that reality, abundance is everywhere. We can allow abundance to occur without having to take it from another or through our many vices. We simply need to use opportunities to grow and choose the virtue of right discernment in all that we do.
2nd Seal: This is the seal of Illusion and Delusion. The illusion is the belief that what we experience is only what we can see in our human reality; and we have no choice but to be at effect of a Great Non-human Persona. The illusion is that we are weak as human beings and carry no True Power. It is the forgetfulness of our holiness. It is also the illusion, and becomes the delusion, that we are stuck in the flow of the Collective belief system of human fallacies and must live under these conditions of concepts limited by dogma. Delusion is our state of misleading ourselves through the valley of false truths that we create in order to seem knowledgeable. We express a manic need to seem intelligent or intuitive and carry bizarre and idiosyncratic beliefs that can and will reveal an abnormal reality. Under this seal of negativity, we enter into the vice of idleness. We use our energy inappropriately and avoid living the purpose of our soul. We may live in an “airy-fairy” world. We use worry, fear and fret and move against the stream of life rather than moving with the flow. Our expenditure of energy reveals no growth in mind, heart, or spiritual qualities.
To Break This Seal: We need to understand our illusions. We can align with the Truth that we are the Great Non-human Persona that is also the Persona of Human Expression and, therefore, we have charge over our living quality. In so doing, we leave the path of fear-based realities and enter the realm of sacred truth, higher wisdom and the virtue of independence and individuation. We honor that we are a Ray of the Oneness; expressing the Oneness in the unique quality of being our self. The power of the Independent Self is the ability to love who we are, release the soul-gift of our presence on the Earth and know that through compassion, love and honor of all life, we support the whole in the uniqueness of our Being. To break this seal of negativity … we move into the power of a Greater Love for all and the realization of Universal Order.
3rd Seal: This is the Seal of Dishonesty. The condition of attitudes of fear bring one into self criticism or the critical attitudes of others. To keep one “safe” from discrimination, lies begin. One may lie to themselves in order to feel “okay,” and lie to others to have other’s believe that they are okay. True awareness of self is eliminated because of the fear of not being good enough, not having enough to share, and having no talents to extend to the greater good of humanity. One will hide themselves, believing others will see the “bad things or shortcomings” that they believe they express. The negativity of the seal then supports chaotic thinking, lack of focus, and an inability to have open communication with another.
To Break This Seal: One needs to use the virtue of truth and honesty to break this seal. The first level of this virtue is to be truthful and honest with one’s self. One needs to accept the role that they are playing in life is good, in and of itself. It is important not to hide behind false beliefs of self or others in order to break this seal. Every individual needs to share the qualities they have without fear of being judged. It is in breaking the fear of expression that one can reach a healing of the mind and heart, thus moving into the joy and splendor of recognizing themselves as a Living Being of Life and Light. With such awareness, truth and honesty will always emerge.
4th Seal: This is the Seal of Lust and misuse of energy. It is the rapist and pillager, one who wants to take control of others because of the fear of being controlled. It is abuses on many layers (sexual, unhealthy substances, physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual abuses). Lust is the need to have something that appears to be untouchable. Lust is the uncontrollable need to obtain what appears to be the unattainable. This seal keeps one in the state of “outer referencing” and not realizing that “inner referencing” brings one to the Sacred awareness of life and the knowing they are the Sacred Being experiencing individual qualities of life. The impurities of the heart exist in the seal of lust … simply meaning, one does not feel emotionally connected to the whole and thus must try to obtain the whole by misuse of power over others.
To Break This Seal: Self awareness is the key and selflessness is the attitude that breaks this seal. Selflessness does not mean you must be the sacrificial lamb that takes on everyone else’s dysfunctions to make them feel better about themselves. It is the act of knowing that all life is important and you are an important part of the multi-trillions of components of LIFE. In the act of selflessness, you are truly merging into the One and Holy Being of yourself–the Divine Essence within you. Devotion brings you to the Sacred Knowing and the virtue of unselfishness emerges without effort. Love and give honor, be creative and receptive as you break the seal of lust.
5th Seal: This is the Seal of Arrogance. It is this state of consciousness in which comparison causes the need to be better than, greater than, and perhaps even holier than everyone else. It is the false-pride that continues to maintain the attitude and belief of Separation; and that separation is moving away from one’s higher nature (Source Self), separate from an open heart and separate from sacred harmony. Fear of demise causes one to hold onto everything with an arrogance of ownership … even when nothing can truly be owned.
To Break This Seal: One needs to move into the higher mind/higher heart and virtue of devotion to the Higher Existence. Of course, one must honor their self, and also honor everyone and every state of existence in this multidimensional universe. One must see that they are simply a part of this wholeness, not greater or lesser than any component of this wholeness. Reverence for All is a key component in breaking the seal of arrogance. Love for All is the magickal component that helps create the cessation of separation and brings about the evolution of Oneness. Arrogance has no room to perpetuate itself in the expression of love.
6th Seal: This is the Seal of Cruelty and Destruction. It is the war-monger holding to the reality that cruelty and destruction is a hand of fear that keeps all things under the thumb of chaos, disease, and doubt. The war is in the mind and of the heart. The war is in the banter of dictatorial beliefs that continue the evolution of separation and the fall of humanity into the dungeon of lack, worry, depression and doom. One keeps their self in the dungeon through the war of their mind, the confusion of their heart, and the fear of loss, shame, or fear of lack of cognizance.
To Break This Seal: One can use the power of the virtue of courage and energy that shatters the crystallization of false beliefs. In this power of courage, one can move into alignment with right changes, thus allowing things to go away that no longer serve and create new realities that serve a new state of Being. This seal is broken when one finds that their mind and emotions are only tools of a Higher Mind that is constantly creating, releasing, re-creating, and moving through the electrifying consciousness of constant change in order to set free its multiple realities of existence into the ever changing evolution of expression. No thing, no one is lost in a single dimension of living. In the breaking of the 6th seal, one moves into the sacred wisdom of multidimensional gardens of life.
7th Seal: This is the seal of Bigotry, Waste and Tyranny. Intolerance of others only continues the power of separation and stirs the cruel and oppressive rule of sensate realities of five human senses that lead to addictions. It keeps a separation from the sixth sense of intuition, and thus the knowing of the Divine Center within. In this separation, energy is wasted on fear, selfishness, insatiable desires, and covetousness.
To Break This Seal: By using the virtue of Divine Authority, one breaks this seal. This is an avenue of the heart and mind realizing the authority of inner discipline creates the power of clearing bigotry of beliefs, the tyranny of oppression, and the wastefulness of energy. It is the higher wisdom that all energy is created to be used to express the Divine Regality and Royal Privilege contained in all souls. It is self-dominion and the power to adjudge truth of the Living Source in all matter and non-matter, therefore, being obedient to living a higher order of thought, emotions and attitudes of sacredness.
As the 7th Seal is broken, true wonders of the Universe occur. Humanity is free from the bonds of separation. Love prevails. The heavenly hosts sing the praises of Oneness. The powers of a New World are heralded for all to use. The action of the higher consciousness is brought into being.
When the 7th Seal is broken, the greater truth is revealed. The power of our Higher Self is realized. We will recognize this state as soon as we break the seals of separation and annihilate the vices within our unconscious.
It’s exciting to know that by breaking all the Seven Seals, we no longer have to await some “end-time”.