Image by Pete Linforth from
“You shall do no injustice in court. You shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor. You shall not go around as a slanderer among your people, and you shall not stand up against the life of your neighbor: I am the Lord.” – Leviticus 19:15-16
“You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice, nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his lawsuit.” – Exodus 23:1-33
"In the spirit of keeping the republic…” – REALLY?
The full House of Representatives voted on articles of impeachment against US president Donald Trump. The vote—230 to 197—went along party lines, with most Democrats finding both an abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. In a blistering dissent accompanying the House Judiciary Committee’s Democratic majority report in support of impeachment, the minority assailed the form and substance of the Democrats’ case against the president. The right contends that the left is ignoring important “exculpatory evidence” because it’s preoccupied with “debasing” the president, not the nation’s best interests.
Is any of it proven fact or merely inference? Is there a crime? Does it matter if there is a crime? Who is trying to act omnipotent here, who is power hungry – the accused or the accusers? Surely most of you have made up your minds yet there is a wide gap remaining which is not closed by one’s personal mindset and diehard belief in what constitutes the truth. And it is this space between fact and inference, lies and assertions, that anyone interested in the real truth should be examining now.
The facts and credibility –
A fact is a thing that happened and can be proven objectively. For example, it is a fact that Trump spoke to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25 and asked him to “do us a favor.” This is truly undisputed and is stated clearly in the reconstructed record of the call that Trump himself released. No one is arguing that this call didn’t happen or that Trump didn’t ask for a favor. There remains a question about the credulity of so-called witnesses who admitted to making assumptive claims and constitutional experts who were jumping out their skins to make a point that came across nothing less than biased. As all of us are biased up to some level and spiritually speaking the testimonies served only one purpose and that was to lock people into their own belief systems ripping the gap of discontent between human beings wider.
So here we are most of us trying to be “reasonable” human beings. And what reasonable people now reasonably debate is how to interpret the facts. Do they show an intent that the President used his public office for personal gain OR is the opposing faction trying to use circumstantial evidence in an attempt to prove corrupt intent? After all impeachment doesn’t really require a crime – right?
Herein lies the middle. Some will say yeah and others nay.
SO –
What the heck is the point?
So is there any point in going through the impeachment motions? If truth is entirely relative and subjective, then no amount of evidence would make Americans on either side of the political divide change their minds on impeachment, the answer is “no.” There is no point. Not to political power theatrics, not to people screaming indignantly at one another across political aisles and not to a media incapable of presenting anything without latent bias and greedy intent..
And what of the future precedent being set into motion? Does this become the new normal enveloping every president moving forward? Stepping out of line – according to who? Will the criminality or innocence of either side reign?
Get ready for more fantastical accursed charades as the rest of us are treated like mindless fools easy to manipulate. It’s the new “new.” It’s not going away anytime soon so get out of your political box and get a clue as to what is really going on here or yawn and shut your mind and be hateful and stubborn. It’s your choice and probably the only one you truly possess at this point. Perhaps you might consider impeaching your Self.