Courtesy of Star Logic Astrodynamics
Seasoned astrologers are used to dealing with the variety of geometric configurations and patterns in a horoscope and the signatures connected to them. One of the more benefic configurations is the Grand Trine which consists of three planets and/or Chiron which form a 120º angular relationship to one another. The energy inherent within this relationship is constant and open with an easy or effortless flow. Talent is one of the gifts of a Grand Trine and often takes the form of untapped creative potential. Every good astrologer also knows that while this is all fine and dandy, Grand Trines can also be notoriously lazy because all the ease that is generated often causes the potential of the energy to go unnoticed or be ignored due to lack of awareness. The astrologer will look for an impetus such as an opposition or square to one or more of the planets involved which helps to push the Trine into action so the energies can be better manifested.
A Grand Trine is a third harmonic aspect that represents an equilateral triangle in Sacred Geometry. It is thought to embody the full and pure expression of the element it houses. A Grand Psychic Trine occupies the natural water or occult houses which are the fourth, eighth, and twelfth houses ruled by the signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Planets that occup these houses in Grand Trine formation of the element involved often indicate psychism or occult talent of some form particularly if there is the Moon and/or outer planet (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and Chiron involvement within the Trine. Retrograde planets/Chiron also indicate past life residual talent that can be used in a positive way in this lifetime. These energies enrich the Trine if they are recognized. Planets/Chiron at Anaretic Degree (29º) also indicate “Karmic Mastery” in this lifetime that can also be used positively with good results. The following examples depict a Grand Psychic Trine for each element with a delineation of the planets involved. All samples have been taken from the case files of STARLOGIC ASTRODYNAMICS.
In general, the Grand Fire Trine represents enthusiasm, self confidence and creative flair. The Grand Psychic Fire Trine adds high perception, intuition and inspiration to the general theme. This is the Trine that carries the Alchemical Flame of Initiation. The initiate learns early on that this is intense and impulsive energy that demands an outlet and contribution to society and the collective.
Grand Fire Trine Indiviual has ARIES on the 4th House cusp and is occupied by Mars at 11 degrees 49 minutes, LEO on the 8th House Cusp with Pluto RX at 14 degrees 14 minutes and SAGITTARIUS on the 2th House Cusp with Chiron Rx at 8 degrees 53 minutes.
The individual is a professional astrologer and Stellar Healer who spends a great deal of time engaging arcane research particularly on the subject of reincarnation in order to better counsel her clients regarding residual trauma. She has cognizance of her own past lives as both an etheric and medical healer courtesy of the 12th retrograde Chiron. Psychic surgery comes natural to her courtesy of the 8th house retrograde Pluto which also constitutes the strong urge for research in a quest for spiritual truth. Kernelled within Mars in the 4th house is the ability to counsel and inspire others to move ahead with their lives with renewed confidence. The planets that kick start the Trine are
The Earth element is related to practical matters and those with a Grand Earth Trine exhibit skill in all that is material. They are very “grounded” in their approach to all matters. Generally the artistic and creative quotient is quite high and ideas of this nature are easily manifested. The Grand Earth Psychic Trine is heavily laden with intuition and the individual can see “reality” in a larger dimension than others.
Grand Earth Trine individual has VIRGO on the 4th House Cusp occupied by Neptune at 2 degrees, 54 minutes, CAPRICORN on the 8th House cusp with Saturn Rx at 5 dgrees 4 minutes and TAURUS on the 12th House cusp with Moon at 4 degrees 6 minutes.
This is the Psychic Trine of a 77 year old “Love Guru” who was born in
is also involved in a T-Square with Venus in Libra in the 5th house and Jupiter in Cancer in the 2nd house which also motivate the Trine. He basically spent most of his life learning to relate to others and has gained much wisdom through experience which he shares with others via masterful and powerful meditations. He also engages much time in ghost hunts discerning psychic phenomena as he is highly sensitive to environmental factors courtesy of Moon (12th) trine
A Grand Air Trine produces idealism and skill in communication. The individual often displays excellent mental faculties or even brilliance. There is also a need to understand human duality and to find balance in order to make life more harmonious. The Grand Psychic Air Trine instills the ability to magically or telepathically influence others under the guise of theoretical correctness. Psychism is always weighed with the rational.
Grand Air Trine individual has AQUARIUS on the 4th House cusp and is occupied by the Moon at 27 degrees 17 minutes, GEMINI on the 8th House Cusp occupied by Jupiter Rx at 24 degrees 38 minutes and Libra on the 12th House cusp with Neptune at 25 degrees 28 minutes.
This Psychic Trine belongs to spiritual healer who uses her skills as a motivational speaker and lecturer. She is a very independent thinker who loves to network and inform others. Her earlier years were spent launching a series of investigations into the spiritual realms courtesy of Jupiter in the 8th house while she also studied psychology. She will tell you quite blatantly that she prefers abstract religious beliefs. She is cognizant of past lives in the mystical teaching professions (retrograde Jupiter trine 12th house
The Grand Water Trine is generally believed to house the most creative potential and the most subtle intuitive understanding of the collective consciousness. The Grand Psychic Water Trine takes these traits to highly transformative levels. Individuals with this Psychic Trine are easily able to tune into the spiritual and psychic realms. They tend to trust their instincts and intuition above all else and are usually correct in their assessments. In both cases, life is often filled with drama and trauma and hurdles to overcome.
Grand Water Trine individual has PISCES on the 4th House Cusp occupied by Mars at 6 degrees 6 minutes and Jupiter at 10 degrees 46 minutes, Cancer on the 8th House cusp with Uranus Rx at 6 degrees 11 minutes, SCORPIO on the 12th house cusp with the Moon at 5 degrees 9 minutes.
This is the Psychic Trine of a metaphysical artist. He is compassionate and caring with a strong psychic nature and he enjoys volunteering his time to teach art to disabled and institutionalized children (Moon in 12th house). His work is quite visionary and often depicts the “futuristic”- Uranus (8th) trine Mars/Jupiter (4th). The motivators of the Trine are a Moon/Sun square, Saturn/Uranus square and Chiron opposed Uranus. He speaks quite frankly that it was necessary for him to overcome feelings of inadequacy during his lifetime in order to learn to trust his feelings and to be able to honor his intuition and foresight. These were the hurdles presented by the squares and opposition that needed to be surmounted for the Trine energy to manifest his great creative talent. He is also very gifted in the psychic tactile art of Psychometry.