A simple and brief Thought

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By Taron

Everyone of us represents a universal consequence. As much as each of us is the sum of all that featured into each, it is our own action that has the last word on the consequence that we represent in every living second.

If you externalize yourself, favor conscious dependency, give away as much responsibility as you can, you give away the strength of your last word and increasingly become merely a knot of consequences from the actions of others, the least controlled syllable of other people's last word.

Every child has to go through this period in which it unties the knot of dependency gradually, while learning to formulate ever so much more consciously the cause for which itself will be the consequence.

The universe had a clear reaction in giving birth to this child, in having this soul become flesh then and there. Given into it is the wisest choice it had to offer for this very moment, which is a lifetime to come for this soul. It is given this form to shape all consequences from this moment on. With its life it will tell the universe the new truth, evolving on the face of cosmic reality, featuring into the sum of all.

This is why we cannot usefully coerce anybody into doing something she or he doesn't want to do. We can inspire, expand the realm of options which is truly as infinite as the universe, taking in account all the little nuances that one can chose, which all shape the consequence the each of us represents.

Many words, I know, for but a simple thought. Forgive me for thinking out typing. I seem to love doing this, yes, I do- with all the pain of worry and urge of bravery that pushes me and everyone of you to do the same. I shall carry this consequence out into the morning sun right now, though. ;o)


Love&Bright Light

8 thoughts on “A simple and brief Thought”

  1. Our thoughts determine

    Our thoughts determine reality.


    Well said, Taron!


    ~Green Moon~

  2. Chicken & Egg-ish issue…

    Uh, ADMoon, I'm soooo with you, haha! But this is one of the best examples of how a perfectly sound observation is simplified into falsehood or something that is more likely misunderstood than properly inspiring.

    All of life is necessarily symbiotic, even if great differences obscure that fact more often than not. Most substances we consider as living follow automatic decision making, are reactive rather than decisive. Once greater communities of such substances make up a whole living organism this automation appears more and more decisive, all the while still being reactive with only few choices to make, but a much greater adaptivity. Plants, for example. Once we get to the animal kingdom it appears as though the mind acquires greater and greater meaning, making us recognize will, while even there it is mostly reactive. The effort in being alive becomes more and more demanding, so that certain desires emerge as a necessity to stay alive, yet, it is unclear whether it is the desire that makes them live or life that gives them desire. Only as we arrive at ourselves, the human being, we find the seeming ability to react not based on immediate circumstance, but to act based on will, seemingly outside of necessity. The Judeo-Christian Bible/Torah has the story of Jonas for that matter, having God tell him that God creates and controls everything except the human, who is asked to learn and act properly by himself. In that story, probably more than anywhere else in the Bible, every substance is elevated into the same status of living, even all earthly and cosmic events are attributed to the consciousness of the Creator, having him say that he controls all the waters, winds and heavens, all the plants and creatures of the earth, even the sun, but- although the human is part of all this and made in the same way- the human was given a consciousness, a choice; the so-called free will.

    But this will is meant to elevate our responsibilities, so that we help form a universal consequence through consciousness, through controlled reactions that could bring about innovation, a conscious movement forward as a whole. We do not only adapt, but optimize, introduce change. But the word "change" alone implies that it works with what has existed, that reality is being shaped, not created. And it also means that we still obey the same universal laws like everything else in existence. If we desire to break them, we will not only not succeed, we will also have removed ourselves from being useful, even open ourselves to becoming harmful. We do not know how it all works, we barely know what's going on around our own home, let alone the planet we dwell on. How can we ask for any change with the few things we are conscious of thus far.

    Anyway, with our mind we orchestrate the performance with which we reveal the unversal consequence that everyone of us represents, but it is as much a consequence as everything else in existence. Even a mineral in its composition is a universal consequence, except that it took different circumstances to bring it around. We just apply a different oversight to our "reactions", introducing the power to initiate reasons. This is great responsibility, but it still has us firmly grounded in this coarse and dense state of reality we're part of. We may combine the finer realms of being more actively, leading to what we call "consciousness", because its roots may not be exclusive to physical reality, but nontheless, here we are, and presently here we are complete and here we are completely consequential. Nowhere else at the present.

    (So wordy, I apologize)

    You think, you act, and reality has changed, but not because you thought up a storm a tornado hits home. Your complex access to parameters present and beyond (knowledge/understanding/wisdom) allow you to do things beyond the obvious, but not beyond the possible. Even the magicians know that, and I'm not talking about entertainers. They may strive to gain access to different aspects of reality and may even succeed, but they cannot nor will even want to break the laws at their root. They may observe outside of what seems possible to most, but it leads them to actions that- equal to all others- makes them simply but another universal consequence within the realm of possibility.

    We remain responsible at all times. Through our being, we even take on responsibility for the people around us, consciously or not. We work together, because we are meant to work together, because we are a multitude in service of a singular purpose. Individualization was not for the sake of our leisure or fulfillment of some arbitrary desires, whose origin was unquestioned. True desire has its origin outside of our physical completion, but is meant to guide us through this process, help us react and act with greater direction. But I'm already afraid only one or two of you may read this until here, so I better stop and start my day…

    A wonderful discussion! Thank you all, love you all!

  3. Developing trust…

    The more honest we are by expressing to the best of our ability the truth that comes out of us in a way that we imagine another might understand, the more we give each other a chance to get to know us. Naturally, we have to try to be understood first. That means to employ the best of our empathy as well as the best of our acceptance of common language, so to say. The pieces of the language- English in this case- which we can expect to be understood less by its symbolic value and rather by its logical values, might be the most reliably choices.

    Curiously enough, the more we try to express ourselves clearly, the more we learn to read and interpret clearer, too. Sometimes I wonder, if words are really the means of our communcation directly, or whether they really provide an address within the Akashic field in the AEther through which greater and deeper parts of the truth will be conveyed, if one permits himself to venture there, venture to the address given. Please, read this with a smile!!! :o)))

    Thanks for reading, ADMoon, you may imagine how happy you're making me! It's not all in vein, haha, wonderful! 8)


  4. No need to apologize for

    No need to apologize for disagreeing~!


    I will put this another way:


    "The Universe is Mental – held in the Mind of THE ALL."

    "Mind (as well as metals and elements) may be transmuted from state to state; degree to degree; condition to condition; pole to pole; vibration to vibration."

    "THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental."

    "True Hermetic Transmutation is a mental art."

    ~The Kybalion~




    ~Green Moon~

  5. Practicality…

    Dear Green Moon,


    the issue is practicality, or how people make use of wisdom they might find. There's a welcome notion to externalize, to withdraw from responsibility, and people do that at the slightest sign of permission. Tell them that there's a greater mind at work and they retreat into a sense of insignificance OR entitlement for being "made by a greater mind" or in the hands of such. It takes some careful reminding or teaching to have them understand that the sum of all our actions marks the highest attainment of the universe up until the now and only our righteous deliberation leads to the proper harmony of existence. Our thinking is one of all the vital fractions that represent the universe as a whole. It does not think for us, we are it. No redundancy is left without consequence, but what we perceive as time is used to have even the weakest part catch up to the task again. Meaning: if one withdraws from doing one's best, all drags until finally one resumes.

    There's no useful selfish notion, unless it only appears as such during some time of refueling for one's own powers.



  6. Great discussion!

    Great discussion!


    I prefer short replies – we have much to learn from each other.


    ~Green Moon~

  7. Wahaha…no short replies here! ;o)

    …I'm not even trying to keep it short. It's too much fun to explore out loud.


    Matter and mind, tough cooky that is, because it depends on the paradigm that is being examined. We cannot dismiss matter, because it is our present foundation. Our mind is rooted in matter, considering that the "mind" is just as instrumental to our "Soul" as the body, since the mind is but a part of the body. I keep coming to that distinction that the finer- "higher"- aspects of our being are not what we consider our "thinking" mechanism. It is more a set of evaluation, inclination and nudging outside of actual physical circumstances, which is why we often have a hard time explaining triggers of our emotions or even "specific parts of" our emotions themselves. They do not reside in matter.

    Matter, as we know it, is a measured slice of existence, aiding a universal decision process at various "speeds". But we are all individually split entities, designated to each of our sections in this great process. That we ultimately come from a unity, whose integrity is in the process of being reformulated and restored as One does not change the fact that we are presently responsible for individual tasks. To us these operations take place in or as matter and it is little relevant to us- if at all- whether this slice compares more closely to an illusion, considering the true infinite, or if we settled for believing that it was actually all there is. During our time of action we need to accept matter as most relevant to us, because we would not recognize life outside of matter the way we do now, and the desire that enables us to live is shattered in the beyond or is replaced with a very different direction.


    Quantum Physics is always puzzled by their observation of electrons within the atom, for example. The misleading "Secret" take on that thrives off of the idea that our perceptions determin reality, based on the conclusion QP's made, that only measurement determins the placement of such electron, not that an electron could determin a measurement. (never mind my sloppy formulation). 

    What they really stumbled across was the fact that reality is our interpretation of each slice of existence, which we must perceive in order to function. But existence is method based, which permits it to be outside of fixed or quantized rhythms based on our time concept and is constantly adapting to motions of the entire universe. We cannot keep track of that, which is why we can't ever really predict where an electron would be exactly or any smaller particle that swirls around within an atom or within its smaller parts. There really are no particles at all, ever, in the realm beneath substance. What we see there are slices of vibrational progressions that are immediately and continually affected by the whole entire universe. Our actions, any single motion of ours, affects the entire universe. That's why the Godhead must have a tremendous sense of humor, of course. Haha. Consider any silly goof you might do without a warning, even a funny facial expression you strike in front of a mirror, for example- or worse- in front of other people, who will most certainly react because of that, continuing a most peculiar chainreaction.

    Anyway, it's all some wonderful food for thought, that's for sure. It's staggering to consider what kind of responsibility is placed on us, but then again we are designed for exactly that. So all we really need to do is listen carefully, confidently and joyfully to what we sense we need to do, not without carefully considering the circumstances around us, not without caring for the people and even the system they seem to adhere to, not without considering all that you know and always tethered tightly to the sense of love that is meant to guide you. Respect life, even if it is not easy to understand what moves another. You can always try to inspire but never insist to be understood or obeyed.

    ..yep, I didn't even try, did I.

  8. By the way…

    By the way…


    This is one of the two blog posts that really upset me (the other has a new comment on it as well).


    It is very rude to only comment against what someone has said. I am was simply trying to give a comment of confidence to Taron (ie: job well done!), and I get multiple rants in return that seem to go against the small comment I made – simply because I am the one that said it. Nowhere else do I see this kind of coordinated attack against someone for them sharing a very simple and brief opinion. While you arein the right to share as much as you would like, to single someone out like that is disrespectful.


    Please try and keep this in mind when you make post, after post, after post, directly against someone. I consider it abusive and will act accordingly.

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