Anaretic Degree ~ Karmic Number 29

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By Skywriter

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Anaretic Degree is also sometimes called Karmic Degree. It refers to the 29th degree of any sign. Mathematically it is broken down thus – the zodiac of 360° is composed of 12 houses, each representing a sign. Each house contains 30°. Each degree within a house is labeled 0°-29°, therefore, the 29th degree is the last degree a planet travels trough any house.

Astrologers look to the characteristics of the planet at Degree and respect its teachings. If an individual has a planet at this degree, he or she is very close to mastering an important lesson of the Universe but has not yet quite achieved success. When the lesson of the planet is mastered then the individual can move on and progress spiritually and universally.





SUN – The individual needs to focus more on identity and the sense of self. The individual’s roots and conditioning should be deeply considered so it can be discerned how this has shaped the character. Issues with father or a father figure that need to be resolved are common and have a direct effect on the propensity for conflict with all males during life. The EGO must be kept in check so the sense of individuality can cultivate proactive channels of self expression. Health issues that need attention pertain to the heart, back and spine.


MOON – Dealing with emotions and opening the Self up to heartfelt communications is important. There may be issues with mother or women in general that need resolution. The individual needs to pay attention to his or her moods and needs to listen to instincts while making an effort to express these things more honestly. The first reaction is usually the best reaction. Offering the nurturing side of the Self to others grants growth. Health issues that need attention pertain to the stomach and breasts.


MERCURY – The lesson is to learn to express the Self more clearly, stretch the vocabulary and use more new words and to practice mental dexterity while practicing logic. Time should be spent contemplating the mental processes and exploring the inner mind because there is often a preoccupation with issues of mental health or mental acuity. Health issues that need attention pertain to the arms, hands, shoulders and lungs.


VENUS – Karmic issues with relationships and romantic partners need to be addressed and resolved in the current lifetime. Worthy of reevaluation are issues of beauty, charm, aesthetics, and what makes someone or something pleasing to others. The relationship with material possessions also needs addressing. The company the individual keeps should lean more towards what constitutes “culturally astute” so that the emulation of tasks serves a valuable purpose. Health issues that need attention pertain to the throat and kidneys.


MARS – Lessons of assertion are the issue. The individual is on the cusp of learning how to be more aggressive OR learning how to keep aggression in check. The individual needs to learn how to put needs on the table rather than expecting others to fight battles for them. There are also suppressed passions that need to be brought to the surface so the individual can get closer to his or her own sexual energy and expertise. Courage and willpower will be gained if these things are successfully addressed. Health issues that need attention pertain to the blood, cuts, burns, and headaches.


JUPITER – Achieving goals, furthering traditional or spiritual education and self education underlie the karmic lessons of Jupiter at Anaretic Degree. Taking advantage of opportunities to travel and worldly exploration of all kinds enhances growth. Taking note of personal ethics, religious or spiritual acknowledgement, and avoiding too much risk and unhealthy indulgence is also key. Health issues that need attention pertain to the liver, hips, and thighs.


SATURN – Lack of patience and no respect for authority figures are the karmic lessons. The individual must learn to take proper responsibility, get organized and understand personal limitations and accept them. Diligence, asking for help when needed, and taking real steps to see that plans come into fruition will promote growth. Structure can be a good thing! Health issues that need attention pertain to the knees, skin, bones, and teeth.


URANUS – Accepting revolutionary ideas, those self thought or of others and learning social tolerance is key for progression to the next universal stage of development. Often the individual’s life which is very dependent upon stability is marked by bizarre and erratic happenings that stun and shake the status quo. The trick is to look for the opportunities inherent in these events. The individual needs to actively participate and celebrate the differences and oddities of the world. Using talents, creativity and invention opens the doors of possibility. Health issues pertain to the nervous system and the ankles.


NEPTUNE – Those with Neptune at Anaretic Degree have not learned how to face issues head on. The tendency is to escape problems or to pretend they don’t exist. Alcoholism, drug dependency, and shallow forms of invented happiness are the dangers. It is time for the individual to put away the smoke and mirrors and deal with the here and now. Unveiling the hidden or the secrets of life and dealing with them directly and frankly is key. Health issues that need attention pertain to the feet.


PLUTO – The individual with Pluto at Anaretic Degree often has a difficult time accepting changes, letting go and starting anew. Acceptance that with every ending there is a new beginning and a chance for rejuvenation is exactly what is needed. This is easier said than done because the individual has a tendency to hang onto the past as long as possible. He or she needs to accept the hand that is dealt by life and to take things moment to moment. Health issues that need attention pertain to the reproductive system.