Smudge It!

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By Aradia

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Do you believe that smudging with sage is more effective on some entities than others & do you have an idea of the science behind it?

Ok, this is based on my experience and also what Fore wrote. The vacuum as you know is filled with bubbling energy, which is like a sea of energetic noise, but this noise can be biased or made more coherent, meaning it can be patterned to encode information. Certain patterns give rise to physics and matter and energy as we know it. Other more sophisticated patterns give rise to etheric energy/subtle energy fields and such.

That means the space we live in, both generally speaking and inside our homes, can be patterned or conditioned to hold various kinds of vibrations or certain patterns of energy fluctuations. The ones that match the kind associated with life, vitality, growth, positivity, etc. will create a very positive atmosphere.

But demons have an opposite energy field that clairvoyants will sense as dark, red, brown, or otherwise dull and dense and malicious. Aliens (particularly the Grays) have an energy field that’s almost opposite ours, and we would get sick in their presence. Grays and demons have negative energy fields that make us weak, sickly, and depressed if we absorb too much of that.

Well, when demons set up shop in your home, they build a nest near the portal they come through, and this nest is woven from their own dark vibrational energy patterns. It’s a thoughtform of low vibrational etheric energy. If they can saturate a room or home with that same energy, they can more comfortably move around that home/room. They’re always worried about losing energy, and how to gain more of it. If they enter a positive vibrational area, it’s like a salt water fish entering a fresh water area. It’s just not comfortable. Or another way to view it, it’s like a sugar crystal entering distilled water. It starts to dissolve. But if the sugar crystal enters a sugar-saturated solution, it stays together.

And so the demons need to saturate an environment with their energy in order to ‘stay together’, otherwise it has a caustic effect on them. Therefore the vacuum energy/etheric energy field in your room is patterned with their vibrations, if they have done this. When you burn sage, you are introducing new particles by the trillions, each of which has the vibrational essence of the plant in it, which carries the energy of the sun, and these filling a space will therefore, like a magnet waving over an old magnetic cassette tape, have the effect of ‘demagnetizing’ the vibrations that are there from the demon. It’s just one vibration replacing another, which can also be done through positive intention and blessing.

Thus, the cleared space now returns to being caustic to the demon, until they can once again saturate it starting from the portal they came through and the nest they build. If, however, you emit a lot of fear, hatred, lust, etc. those low vibrations can saturate an area and that’s more palatable to demons so you’re then helping to saturate the room for them, and they have an easier time taking it from there.