Image by TANATOS 330 from Pixabay
SOCIAL VAMPIRE: A person that goes around and ‘attaches’ themself to a person and piles on the affection and attention until they feel satisfied that the person really likes them in return. Once that happens, the person inexplicably moves on to the next ‘target’ nearly instantly and begin sthe cycle all over, leaving the last ‘victim’ confused and maybe a little hurt. These people feel like they’re not popular enough and/or need more attention and this social vampirism is their defensive mechanism. –
Acording to Andrew May, human performance strategist and leadership coach ( ) :
“They are the people who will talk pretty much non-stop about themselves, they stay about two hours past their welcome, if the attention is on someone else, they pivot it back to number one. They are always in the middle of some sort of drama and they lack the self-awareness that they are doing any let alone all of these things.
There are also other signs to look out for to spot a social vampire.
- Everything is negative or problem focused.
- They are passive aggressive
- They can attack others – either explicitly or covertly (including complaining about others behind their back)
- They are quick to judge you and others around them
- They don’t have a balance between listening and talking, they just talk
- They are very opinionated
- They are never happy, even when they get what they want.”
Signs you are being affected:
- You feel crabby or irritated after being with them.
- You feel like your self-esteem has received a kick in the pants.
- You feel emotionally and/or physically drained usually just after a few hours.
- You start to feel that you no longer want to socialize
- Your thinking is muddled and you are having trouble connecting with your own standards.
- You feel abandoned socially because some of your friends or associates are flocking to this person.