Ever consider music from the truly metaphysical sense? Have you ever purchased an album whose title promises music to help you reach higher planes or states? Did you ever notice that people who speak of their experiences OOB in other realms often speak of what they’ve seen but rarely what they hear? ( yet it exists especially on the astral plane)
Here are some thoughts on monophonic and polyphonic music by seeker Tom Montalk.
Unlike most music in the world which is monophonic, Caucasian music is polyphonic, traditionally with lots of harmony and key modulation. What could that mean?
It probably correlates with the Caucasian tendency for innovation, change, revolution, and exploration of new worlds. They keep shifting their tonal center/key. You can’t have key modulation in monophonic music really. Key modulation is the shift between states or realms of being. I think it’s the most powerful thing in music. To lift us beyond ourselves into a different world.
Basic modulation is terribly overused in pop music per the “truck driver’s gear shift” (you know, that dramatic pause when the main theme is getting old and then it comes back a note or two higher).
But the more time has gone on, the more people or at least popular music has lost the ability for it. It used to be a “thing” to modulate cleverly within the same verse or phrase. 50s, 60s music especially. Of course, going back to Bach and before, they modulated like it was second nature to them.
I’m not sure if that capability/resonance says something about the core spirit and its level of evolution, or more just about the “structure” of the physical, etheric, and astral bodies.
I know people with spirits, who are aware truth seekers, who make music or who are into music that isn’t necessarily “high” in the sense of being transcendental. They are not necessarily even talented in the melody or songwriting aspect, and may not even use modulation. But I do know a couple other aware and spirited people who DO have that special something when it comes to making music. It’s just not universal across the board of fringe people.
So I think it may be more a case of musical intelligence that’s partly genetic, partly soul-based. Though, even the genetic component may have been chosen by the incarnating spirit if being a musician is part of that life plan.
Further, in that case, the presence of a spirit might also give the person a potential special ability to tap into a muse (subconscious/Higher Self/home realm, daimons) that leads to melodies and harmonies that have that special “something.” As a musician, I have it, treasure it, and depend on it. This, versus just remixing what one has heard from memory, or going solely based on animal instinct, as a spiritless person would.
Seems like a complex thing with many layers and nuances. But one thing I’m certain of, is that writing deep music or being into music that has that transcendent touch, is only possible if you have a spirit and soul of a certain caliber.
Always remember, the Light of Creation from which all things came to be was initiated by Sound that carried the command of the Great Source. – Baraka friends, Syd