Some Notes On Magic – Sri Harold Klemp
Misusing Prayer
The spiritual exercises differ from prayer. The spiritual exercises are a way for an individual to raise his own state of consciousness.
Prayer is generally used to tell God what to do—how to make our life better or how to improve somebody else's life. Prayer is also misused as a thought force, directed at another person to change his state of consciousness. This is a form of black magic, and it's wrong.
Most people would be shocked to hear of their religious practices referred to in this way, but ECK is also an educational path that teaches what happens when you try to break the divine laws, even unknowingly. Ignorance is no excuse; the penalty must be paid.
Shells Around Soul
A friend and I went for a walk the other day. It gave me a chance to tune in to the consciousness of the people in the area. As we came to a street lined with shops, I suddenly felt a peculiar tightness, a tension pulling on me. I asked the other person if she had felt the strain a few feet back. "Yes," she said. "It was like walking through a curtain that had been drawn across the street."
These kinds of forces and effects touch all of us. Those who live in cities get used to the closeness of other people and their problems by building up a kind of hard shell. The consciousness, or spiritual awareness, closes down just so they can survive and make a living in this type of environment.
A person who works in a busy commercial area, for instance, constantly deals with people who aren't satisfied with the food, the products, or the services. They want this, they want that; the room's too drafty, the lights are not bright enough—there's always a problem. So he develops this hard outer shell, like the heavy suit of armor worn by a medieval knight, to have some protection against the harsh vibrations of the human consciousness.
Not only is there a line of forces that you can feel on certain streets, there is also a line that greets you as you enter a city. This summer a group of us stayed at a hotel in a European city. Heavy black magic had been practiced in the area. The vibrations were still so strong that several of the people in our group had nightmares all night long.
They sensed entities trying to move into their bodies. We did what we could to release some of the Souls that had been captured by the witches. In the morning we checked out of the hotel and went someplace else. It was such a beautiful setting to have so many negative vibrations.
There are many places on earth where an individual can find heaven as well as hell. With the spiritual state of consciousness, we try to find heaven, or spiritual liberation, while here on earth. Spiritual liberation generally comes after one has attained God-Realization, the state where Soul knows without a doubt that It is now able to work as a Co-worker with the Divine Being, or God. And from this point on It is devoted to that mission.