Something To Consider

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By Dr. Aadi B.


A short contemplation …

You are not God.

You are God-like but often you bear little resemblance to being of God.

When you choose to manipulate some circumstance, something or someone for whatever self-appointed and self-righteous reasoning that bubbles up like a roiling cauldron from your ego center you are un-like God. You have decided to act without the God Grace and humility that is expected of you.

Perhaps you are thinking you are merely setting things right or striking out against evil. Perhaps you think you are unselfish and community-minded. These things are surely of God are they not? These things are surely God-like? Your actions can only be seen as pointing to God and restoring that relationship for everyone involved.

Could it be that you are more concerned with being right and settings things back in a reasonable stasis because God knows all these foolish and stupid humans around you have not a clue and have made the wrong choices? They need to be wizened up do they not? You cannot believe how ridiculous they are acting. You don’t need to speak to these people or get their views or even their truths. Your assumptions have never proven you wrong – you just know. Further, you must be Karma appointed for this job – setting others back on path? It is a dirty job and someone has to do it, therefore, you have appointed yourself to take the reins. Where would the world be if those who came before you did not adopt this attitude? Ask yourself honestly if they were operating from the same center as you. Ask yourself why history had the disasters that ensued from it.

Change was necessary you say. God must have allowed those changes. Did He or did man? Did Grace or did Ego?

Maybe you don’t believe in God, or a Higher Power or a Creator. Maybe you don’t believe in the Natural World or the natural order of things. Maybe you don’t believe in Collective balance or any kind of balance – maintaining belief in only what offends you personally deep within. Maybe you only believe in yourself as an unaffected being of destiny or fate placing importance on the current status of the reality you embrace.

Perhaps you don’t particularly care.

Perhaps you just don’t care particularly about your Self.

All you care about is being a god.

धन्य हो - Be Blessed!
Dr. Aadi Bandopadhyay