Soul’s Seven Levels Of Realization

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By SHABDA - Preceptor


Soul’s Seven Levels of Realization © 2011– 2022 ad continuum Matt Sharpe

   A basic overview of the seven major levels of spiritual realization is what this will provide, and by the term realization I mean states of consciousness that are not only experienced but are brought into balance and utilized in daily waking consciousness. These levels of realization begin by tracing the inner planes, and these planes are divided the way they are as each relates to a specific level of awareness as well as to the development of ever deeper experience with self-control, but although these realizations tend to follow the initiations at first (and there are many sub-layers within each initiation level), from the state of Self-Realization, there is no longer a new level necessarily reached with each initiation though each of those are filled with their own lessons and realizations. The greater levels of realization become fewer the further one goes through the various initiations.

   First, the physical realization, second, Astral realization, third, Causal realization, fourth, Mental or Mind realization, fifth, Soul or Self-Realization, sixth, Spiritual realization and seventh, God-Realization, sometimes referred to as Nirvikalpa. These are the steps a Soul progresses through on its way to returning to Its true home. The level of Spiritual realization is reached usually upon being initiated to the seventh plane, and what we call God-Realization begins its initial stages on the ninth through eleventh planes with true God-Realization beginning its initial stage on the twelfth plane and continuing beyond. All karma and reincarnation are the result of having failed to one extent or another at lessons that happen along the way, which can also be viewed as a free will choice made, to learn a particular lesson in a more direct way. The first five steps all relate to self-knowledge until the realization of our true “form” or state, and then progressing through ever deeper, more spiritual states, and an ever increasing level of experience and ability to give a purer form of love and service, to all that is.

   In the first stage of realization, we come to realize that the outer reality is also spiritual (made up of Spirit in Its gross form), and we must consider that everything including the flesh, is God in action and exists only for that reason. When one can view an enemy with an ideal of God in mind, it is realized that the physical world and its forms and duality, are necessary for understanding the whole purpose of life. These factors are numerous and generally take some time to go through the lessons to learn through each of the many levels that are to be experienced and known. Duality is a teacher, often through hard experience. Sometime within the first two years of study in Eckankar, one has their First initiation. It may be in the dream state, or it could happen while awake. It is hard to say whether the individual will be aware of it if they have no psychic ability, for having such gifts makes it easier to be better aware of these experiences. I am one that had a clear and distinct First initiation that I still remember quite well. It was very subtle however, and it wasn’t until a few hours later that I realized what had truly happened despite my physically being aware of it and seeing it happen at the time.


   There are numerous realizations to be had within just the Physical Plane, many are almost astounding because one has a hard time believing that they had never seen or thought of them before. Once the eyes are opened, it becomes easier to see things that lie outside of the awareness, and as always, there is more than just these. There is always another. This pattern is always true throughout out every stage and every plane that exists. In Eckankar, these various realizations are often smaller initiations, or what might be minor stages within an initiation level. As one progresses through them, they usually are noticed. There are many such lessons and experiences both leading up to the first initiation, and beyond. They never stop, but often change scope as one moves into the levels beyond the first initiation. Among these are many lessons that directly affect daily life and the choices you tend to make, some of which could stand to be looked at differently and perhaps improved upon. This can help one to create less daily karma for themselves which makes existence easier. Another factor is that each of us have access to the emotional states and the variety of mental ones that are not physical things, but they affect physical existence in many ways. The discernment of these variations and the self-control of the choosing between them have a great impact on life, and one can change things for the better by learning more about them and applying what is learned.


   The second state to consider is the Astral realization, which corresponds with the Second initiation and is also the area of the emotional states. Some groups would have us believe that this is the highest heaven, and that Soul spends Its eternity here, and the experience of this plane can, by comparison to the physical reality, appear to be that grand, but this is hardly the end of the road at this point, it is, in fact just the beginning. Here one finds the many states of emotional karma that they have earned and must go through the experience of paying it back, which of course brings learning over those issues, and allows one to surpass the previous states, and move further up and in, in state of consciousness and being. While one may eventually master this state, the emotional tests of that degree will continue, and one finds that they often must persevere and become ever stronger while increasing their detachment to these emotional states, and by doing so, are able to earn their way to the next. It should be noted here that the human imagination is one aspect of the Astral sight, and literally creates both there and here, and if a thing is imagined enough, and with a pure motivation and feeling of the goal accomplished, it will take shape and will be formed on the physical plane though this process is rather slow, and this idea is the true meaning of the phrase “as above, so below”. Here one learns much about the emotions going ever deeper into the topic than had been possible during the First initiation.


   Many of the lessons on this plane can be very emotionally negative, dealing with anger, resentment, jealousy, pain, and numerous other emotional conditions. One never enjoys being given a harsh lesson concerning one of these, but due to the harshness, they won’t soon forget what they learned. This is another part of what makes physical existence such a great blessing because one can learn quickly and implement changes that bring about newer and better states. This spiritual evolution happens on every level simultaneously but not all of them are necessarily realized at a single moment. Sometimes they sort of filter down, and at others a sudden remembrance strikes including of course every type in between.


    The third realization is the Causal realization, that of memory, the lowest of the Mental planes. While it can be said that this is a high level of realization, this is still within the duality of the lower planes, and being such, is still not yet the goal or destination. Many of the Sadhus of India reach this level of realization. The body form on this plane is called the seed body and is often mistaken by some as being the actual soul, but this is not. It is here that the aspirant can gain the recall of all the incarnations that Soul has had in the lower planes by viewing the Akashic records. These records don’t have to be read as they are living 3 dimensional moving pictures, that are set into motion by the attention of the seeker, whereby he or she views that life taking place in living action right before their eyes. Here one realizes that they are, at that moment, the summation of all past life experiences, they have all led that one to that place in life at which they are. It is here that the words God spoke to Moses apply, “I Am That I Am!”. It is here that one realizes that the position he has in that life is of no fault but his own and one also sees the karmic conditions that he created for himself. These affect the current life, as well as set the limitations they face and indicate how to proceed from this point. All the karmas that one has accrued must be balanced before that Soul can ascend beyond the lower planes and move beyond karma and reincarnation. The Third initiation opens the door to these levels of experience.


   This of course is the goal, but it must be worked at over time, done in a balanced way. Karma causing everything to happen at one time or too fast can unbalance a person and cause distress which can be ongoing to the point it seems as if it might drive you crazy. We tend to have more control over this than we realize, so at times it might be our own fault. This is just one reason it bears paying attention to and exerting the will to move slow and balanced in a relaxed way. On the Causal Plane, our past lives come to the forefront bringing many things that need to be dealt with. This plane is the first of the mental realms that is concerned with memory, so that is why so many things of the past have their place here.


   The next level is the Mental realization. This includes the straightforward Mental aspects as well as those of the sub conscious. It is on the Mental plane that most of the world’s religions have their paradise, but this is only the Universal Mind Power misleading the undiscriminating Soul to believe it has realized and met God. This is the Fourth initiation in Eckankar. This is the level where the Kundalini, after being brought up the spine and reaching the third eye, will take one. I personally do not recommend that as a direct path to the awareness of God, nor the passive exercise of meditation. The mind itself is merely a biological “computer” that runs in its ruts of habit, and whether these are positive or negative hardly makes a difference overall as habits are also as like unto chains, that will keep the Soul trapped in Its lower incarnations. When the Sound Current is heard here, one realizes that It has a greater melodious capability than on any of the lower planes. On the Mental plane a realization occurs that is known as Cosmic Consciousness, the at Onement with “God”, but this is not truly God, this is a oneness with the Universal Mind Power, a thing otherwise known as the negative pole, Kal Niranjan, or Satan.


   The fifth state is Self-Realization, or the realization of the self as Soul, and the understanding of what Soul truly is, and its divine nature. It is here that one experiences Samadhi, the true Oneness of All, the realization that all of life is also Soul, and is just as important as the self, all are not literally one and the same, but all do have an equal right to life and existence, and here at the first of the purely spiritual planes this becomes easily apparent, as well as the fact that this IS a true heaven, without duality to any degree. It is this realm that Socrates spoke of when he said, “Know Thyself”. At this level of realization, we know our true self, as well as our true spiritual mission in life, this realization is the steppingstone into the pure spiritual planes of God. In Eckankar we call one of the Fifthj initiation a Madhis, a term borrowed from Islam.

   The Sixth initiation takes place in due time and it is relatively similar to the Fifth. The Sixth state is Spiritual Realization. This occurs in the pure spiritual realms, and at this realization Soul cannot distinguish itself in any way from the Shabd, the Holy Spirit, other than the fact that It is still an individual with Its own consciousness and conscious experience. These that experience this are usually the Sixth and Seventh initiates. Aside from these details of perception and expression, there is little to differentiate between such a Soul and the ECK Itself. This is a prelude to the God-Realized state, and one in this state can be in all places simultaneously, and have the experience of Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience, and the sound of the Great White Music (as some call It) is thunderous, and the Light is brighter than ten thousand suns. Such and individual who is initiated to the Eighth Circle is but a dweller on the threshold. He or she stands at the brink of being invited into the neophyte level of ECK Mastership, which is a Master-in-training. This does not guarantee that they will attain that state in this life, but they are certainly well along the way toward that goal, to say the least.

   The Seventh initiation is the final outward initiation ceremony in Eckankar and all other following initiations are both inward and secret, never to be mentioned to anyone outside of the Living ECK Master, in person. The Law of Silence reigns supreme over much at this stage, but by this time the chela has learned much about silence as a form of the virtue of self-control. This means that the Eighth initiate already spoken of, received the initiation inwardly and is aware of its having happened. The Ninth initiation through the eleventh initiation are those neophyte ECK Masters-in-training, and they are known as the Maharaj. My speaking of these matters is not a piece of information that can easily be found as it is secretive and guarded. I have been given leave to make basic mention however for this blog, and so I will continue a bit further and give more.


   The details of the testing of those between the Seventh and Ninth circles are a topic that could easily fill volumes of books, if only anyone could tell the stories of the challenges they faced in this area. But this must be left to the individual speculative imagination of the reader, because the only individuals who have ever been able to go on and write about any of the details of this section of the journey to Mastership, have been the ECK Masters themselves. And while I am not one of these, I have some of their writings as well as inward prodding and hints to work with. These along with anything gained from contemplations, are how any individual learns their way along, regardless of the religion and/or mystic path. There is no discernable difference between any of them at any time through the ages. It has always been accomplished this way and this is an individual way of doing it that has worked consistently for a hundred-thousand years, and possibly much more. No one truly knows for certain, but if it has worked that long, why stop using the method?

   These individuals of the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh initiations serve the Absolute (who we call SUGMAD) in high offices of responsibility that also helps them in experience and learning that which they must learn to progress further into deeper reaches of Mastership. All of this continues until they reach the Twelfth initiation, which is ECK Mastership. This person can become a Living ECK Master and can work with the Mahanta Consciousness and have IT work through them as they administrate this office. They are known as the Maharaji. In Eckankar we use Akshar as an all-encompassing term to describe all states beyond ECK Mastership. This is a personal relationship to the individual Soul, but it is not exclusive to Itself. A Soul that has attained ECK Mastership and moved beyond may have also attained the Akshar. But there are much further regions to go to beyond that. Becoming a Mahavakyis, a Silent One is one of these. These individuals serve the SUGMAD directly in whichever capacity IT desires. And while it is no small thing to attempt to become one, this is exceedingly hard to do, going much further beyond even becoming the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, which is no small feat. While I am speaking of seven levels of realization for Soul, it must be noted that becoming a Mahavakyis might be somewhere along the lines of being the twentieth or twenty fifth level of realization, but I am only guessing to show how advanced that truly is.

   We still have a couple of others to go over first, however. The seventh and final state in my list is that of God-Realization, the full awareness of all life on all planes, as well as the ability to communicate directly with, and be directly commanded by, the Absolute SUGMAD the Godhead. We are then in a state from which we wish to never part, but we are aware that now we must begin as a conscious co-worker with God, and we do so by motivation of our great Love for all that exists. One can see, know, and simply BE. We are not the Absolute of ITSELF, but the completeness of individual consciousness within IT.

   However, this specific place has at least three initiations within it, and each are somewhat different. The twelfth initiation is the Living ECK Master, the Maharaji, who works with the Mahanta consciousness while in that position in the Twelfth Circle of ECK initiation. The Mahanta Maharaji may be called the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, but he is a “Master who is of the body, but not yet ready to wear the crown,” as Peddar Zaskq (Paul Twitchell) stated. . This individual might gain further initiation depending on his mission in this role. While in it he is appointed the Rod of ECK Power which is important by use of the term appointed. One who attains the Mahanta Consciousness inherits the Rod of ECK Power rather than being appointed it, thus the importance of the term by which they gained the Rod.

   The Thirteenth initiation is where one becomes the Mahanta Maharai. As an initiate of the Thirteenth Circle, he knows his relationship with the Mahanta Consciousness and is able to work more closely with It. Another way of saying that is that he is better able to surrender to the will of the ECK and allow the Mahanta Consciousness to work through him to reach the worlds. This initiation does not yet wear the “crown” of ECK, but it is a closer possibility that he may develop into that state if that is his mission. If not then he serves out his term just as a Mahanta Maharaji does, guiding the chelas both inwardly and outwardly, speaking at seminars and writing books and study materials as has always been done.

   This leaves the final step, the initiation of the Fourteenth Circle. This individual is the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, and he wears the crown so to speak. He serves as a direct link to SUGMAD on earth. That is quite the lofty statement, and many are those who tease and ridicule him, not realizing that one day they too will be called to serve in that role, which means experiencing the challenges and pains of the path of development into that state of consciousness. When that happens, the individual become painfully aware of the cost of pursuing that state. It is one of the most challenging positions one can try for, but still not yet the worst or most challenging of them. It is worth knowing at this point that there is little to no difference between experience and consciousness, because the mind always tries to separate things so it can place them into convenient boxes or sections. It does this to be able to deal with the fact that not all things are able to be placed into separate places. The mind tries, but any who attain Self-Realization learn that the mind always attempts this but fails. There are times when some things cannot be put into a comfortable place. This is exactly what stretches the mind, emotions, and mental capacity because of mind’s inability to place an idea somewhere. Many times, realization requires simple acceptance. One must learn to be ready to open-heartedly do this. It may take some getting used to. At this point I must mention the Akshar again, as none of the three previous states of consciousness necessarily mean that the individual has attained it. But this gives even Vairagi Masters something further to experience and learn. The path has no actual end or finish line, if there were, Heaven would become mighty boring. There is always one more step beyond the last. When your time comes to be there, may you find more than you ever expected.



6 thoughts on “Soul’s Seven Levels Of Realization”

  1. This Quote Says Much the Same Thing

    He is speaking of what I called “the Sixth state,” though he also means every minor stage along the way, interesting that this was yesterday’s daily quote, and also that he was guided in part by some of the ECK Masters which led to his writing a specific part about Hu, but beyond the usual meaning found in Islam.
    “The true joy of every soul is in the realization of the divine Spirit, and the absence of realization keeps the soul in despair.” – Hazrat Inayat Khan


  2. Scholarly

    The Upanishads say that Braham, the ultimate reality, is pure consciouness  (prajñānam brahma. But, so long as this empirical world of multiplicity exists for us, consciousness remains a mere philosophical concept with different categories. According toadvaita Vedanta , these different categories of consciousness are classified as absolute consciousness (brahma-caitanya), cosmic consciousness (īśvara-caitanya), individual consciousness (jīva-vaitanya, and indwelling consciousness (sāksi-caitanya). However, all these distinctions are due to limiting adjuncts (upādhis) and are not intrinsic to the true nature of consciousness, which is by itself one and non-dual.Advanta Vedanta says that there is a substratum of this universe, even finer than energy (prāna), called brahma-caitanya. The very nature of this substratum issat-cit-ānanda: absolute existence (sat)  pure consciousness (cit)  and bliss (ānanda). In other words, pure being is Self-aware and is of the nature of pure conscious-ness and bliss, or ‘loving consciousnesses.

    Like two birds of golden plumage, inseparable companions, the individual self and the immortal Self are perched on the branches of the self-same tree. The former tastes of the sweet and bitter fruits of the tree; the latter, tasting of neither, calmly observes. – Mundaka  Upanishad

    • You Just

      Said the same thing I did in this blog. It is notable that what is Eckankar today had its origins definitely in Santatana Dharma, thus the many similarities, same concepts, ideas, and even terms to some extent.

      That means that I very much agree with you.

    • The Sufis

      Are the other Way that not only made it’s way into India where the inner way found an agreeable audience, but that most closely aligns with Eckankar.

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