Your music causes my soul to dance;
in the murmur of the wind I hear Your flute;
the waves of the sea keep the rhythm of my dancing steps.
Through the whole of nature
I hear Your music played, my Beloved;
my soul while dancing speaks its joy in song.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Sound is the basis of all that exists, created and uncreated. In the spiritual doctrines of the East, the first sound the Divine emanates is the primeval vibration Aum, also called Shabda-Brahman or the Sound of the Divine. According to yogis and mystics around the world the Primal Sound is like a swarm of bees. It is a humming, buzzing, that can be heard through meditation. This sound can then be inwardly transformed into the inner light. To bask in this blissful consciousness of light lights up one’s thoughts, hearing the Primal Sound draws you near to Divine consciousness. In your ordinary life this sound is not heard, although it is omnipresent. Therefore sit down, meditate, still the mind, and listen to the sound of the inner self. Focus on the Primal Sound, and eventually you will hear it. A shamanic practice consists of a hum with your lips almost pressed together producing a sound resembling the buzzing of bees. A warning: when you hear the Primal Sound, or another sound of the lesser realms that might pop up, shut it down immediately. Like a radio, you need to gain absolute control over the sounds you hear. Turn it on, turn it off repeatedly until you have mastered it completely. If you don’t do this from in the beginning, you might not be able to shut the sound off. You will hear it constantly, twenty-four hours a day. Not everybody can deal with this. You wouldn’t be the first one ending up in a nut house.
The Primal Sound is omnipresent can be heard at any moment when your mind attunes itself to this vibration. It did originate a long time ago ( it is outside of time) as it sometimes mentioned in the holy scriptures. Sacred texts often state that "in the beginning was the word", but be aware that time is a physical experience. Creation is an ongoing process. The Primal Sound is a continuous sound that reverberates throughout the entire cosmos, creating, maintaining and destroying it at every moment. You are part of it. You exist as sound at the most fundamental level of your being. Furthermore all your bodies, mental, astral and physical, all vibrate and have their own characteristic sounds. Everything has its sound, living beings, inorganic matter, energies, even, abstract concepts and psychological problems.
To attain the full level of sound consciousness you need to become or realize yourself as a sound being. An enlightened person can go one step further, and by becoming a sound being he becomes a creator. The Divine is present in all living beings, and it allows us to become creators ourselves. It takes a long time to arrive at the sound level of human evolution. However, it is easy enough to work with sound on the lower levels of creation. It will help you a lot in your personal development.
Knowledge of sound is knowledge of the universe. Therefore you need to understand what sound is about and what you can do with it. Sound can be used to induce changes. When you keep your intentions pure you can use sound, or music, to the benefit of yourself and others. In the past centuries music was divided in three. Musica Mundana is the harmony of the universe, the macro cosmos, the harmony of measurement, weight and number (in the philosophical sense), the seasons, night and day. Musica Humana is the music of the soul, the harmony of man, the micro cosmos, as a reflection of the macro cosmos. Musica Instrumentalis is music created by the blessed one, who is able to receive the cosmic beauty and harmony of the Divine and translate it to human proportions as instrumental music. The hermetic philosophers talked about the Harmony of Spheres, based upon their own experiences in which they became one with Nature in which its music was felt and lived.
Many do not realize it, but you live in a world constantly full of sounds. Every day you are subjected to continuous sound waves. The alarm clock wakes you up, you go to work in a noisy car in an even more noisy road. The car radio gives you the morning news. On your work you are subjected for many hours to the sounds of running computers or factory machines. After a tiresome day you arrive home to sit in front of the television blasted by hyped up sounds of commercials and movies. Even if you would be in a totally quiet place, you will hear the sounds in the ears, sounds produced by bodily fluids and other functions. You are trained to react automatically to certain sounds: the sirens of the fire trucks, the police, the ambulance, the ring of the telephones. The beep of pagers and so on. Sounds can have a profound effect. Who is untouched when a baby cries? The tone in the voice of your boss can set the atmosphere in the office for the rest of the day. Sounds can irritate or relax you. Shamans use sound to induce trance states with rattles and drums.
Music not only uplifts the soul but causes changes on many subtle levels. It is important to listen to or be in the presence of harmonic music, or at least music that makes you feel better. Nowadays there is so much disharmonious music around which creates discordant energies on the soul level. Especially for children, who are by nature totally open to outside influences, this can be very harmful for their development. On the subtle levels, sound and dance beings (dance is an expression of sound) are extremely sensitive to vibrations and higher aesthetics. Sound and musical disharmonies and incoherent movements can make them nauseated and angry. This you should always keep in mind. Don’t underestimate the importance of these beings because they are all around. They send out strong vibrations related to the fate of man. A man who is stupid in sound and movement should not count on cosmic luck. By his attitude he is disturbing his own aura, and by that it is more and more difficult for good vibrations to reach him. At the same time he becomes vulnerable to the wrath of the sound beings and the dance beings. He becomes a willing receiver of negative forces. Be aware of what you do to yourself. Sound is a powerful force. This is also recognized in magic, especially in incantations. Magicians know that vibrations of the human voice can alter the plastic substance of the astral light and thus exert influence over spiritual beings and human beings. Unfortunately a lot of people using magic don’t understand the consequences of their acts. The ego wants self-gratification and is not always interested in the consequences. What you send out you will eventually receive. The sound waves you create will sooner or later come back to you. Unless you are an experienced magician and you have a clear insight in the law of cause and effect, it is better to use sound for your own spiritual development.
To work on a certain problem, first feel the vibration of it. The problem can be manifold. It can be a physical, psychological, spiritual problem, a frustration, an emotion, a problem at work, or with your partner. Whatever it is, you need to get a feeling of how it "sounds". Sit in a quiet place and start to express it in a sound. Let the sounds come out in a simple and primitive way. Take at least half an hour to an hour to develop these sounds in a mantra or a simple song that will be connected to your problem. This is how mantras are created. Only the sound is important. Vocals, words or sentences do not matter. This is how shamans sing. They use guttural sounds, not words, no classical songs. Singing this mantra daily, with the right focus and attention, will act directly on the subtle cause of the problem. A mantra consists of two aspects. The negative aspect is the blockade in man on the physical, psychological and spiritual level. The positive aspect is the desire which has not been satisfied, yet. The mantra dissolves the blockade and stimulates the blocked energy to liberate itself. Instead of singing the sound, you can also hum.
As everything in nature and in the universe has its own sound, you can contact it all by its sound vibration: people, objects, clouds, stones, crystals, even the cosmic and the Divine. Feel their vibration and rhythm, and sing, sing, sing. When you use sound you live in a world of inspiration, independent of the will of the ego. To arrive at this you have to be open unconditionally. You accept what happens, what you feel, what you encounter, what you experience without any criticism, without any judgment, without any opinion.
The universe is what it is. It does not judge, or divide, or categorize, or interpret. Nature is a wonderful teacher. Go sit next to a stream and listen to the sounds of its water flowing by. The stronger the current, the better. A waterfall is an excellent place. Listen to the sounds, and to the sounds within the sounds. Listen to and distinguish the different frequencies. Feel what these sounds do to your body, soul and spirit. Then, listen to the sounds with a blank mind, accept the sounds without trying to analyze it. Listen to it as it is. This can be a powerful experience.
One day you will find your own song. When that happens you will realize the Divine in yourself.