“Spell”casting 101 – Tapping Into The Power Of The Magnum Mysterium

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By Morgana

“Spell”casting 101 – Tapping Into The Power Of The Magnum Mysterium

When you spell things out, you cast a spell. The words we spell, think and speak, while unbeknownst to most, carry and transmute powerful vibratory coded information out into the greater ethers of the universe which we all simultaneously co-create. In understanding the nature of language and words, one must begin at the root vibrational sounds of all words, which can be referred to as Archetypes. In looking at the words for God throughout various languages, one always finds the archetype sound of AH. Examples of this are the names God, Buddha, Shiva, Brahma, Allah and even the Luciferic entity known as Baal.

Over the course of our human evolution on this planet many languages have existed and been created. While Native American and indigenous languages such as those used in North America would contain over 50 words just to describe different expressions of walking, our current modern English language has been designed and dumbed down to such an enormous extent that words such as “lol” and “brb” have now become common place automatic responses requiring almost no thought at all. While the origins of the English language reveal that it was designed to endow a culture of commerce and financial economics, we can still tap into the power of the word through specific techniques which unlock the mysterious powers of our universe.

In Buddhist philosophy, a core principal of which all teachings are centered around is that, “thoughts are things”. Yet a step before the action of thought is the construction of the word, for without language, thoughts in their modern form could not exist. In manifesting the realities, dreams and visions you desire for yourself, the most fundamental principle is to first write down your goals and beautiful utopian visions of your life on paper, or even on a computer word document so that they are inscribed into the Akashic records.

In spelling out your goals you inscribe into the subatomic matter of our universe, of which in every proton exists a microscopic black hole, your exact desires and orders for the main course of your life. The art form to casting spells through goal writing has been refined over history, and the consensus is that the most powerful technique for spell casting is through writing your goals down in the present tense, as if you have already attained and embody them. In this manner, you are communicating that these goals and aspirations manifest in the present and are not something to be attained at a future point in time.

In fact, there is no true proof that the future or past even exist, as our current linear concepts of time are being revealed to be ever more inaccurate as the field of quantum physics evolves. If this is in fact the case, than this new concept of reality would denote and make null and void any goals written down in the future tense immediately.

Along with transmuting metaphysically, words and sound tones are likewise shown to manifest in the physical form as well. In countless studies conducted by the late Japanese scientist Dr. Masuro Emoto, words written on glasses of water were shown to create beautiful symmetric geometrical patterns in the molecular structure of the water, when these words were of a kind and benevolent nature. Simultaneously in Dr. Emoto’s studies, when malevolent words expressing hatred and anger were written on cups of water, distorted and hazardous looking images and patterns were formed in the waters molecular structure.

Your Mission In Motion

1) Have a clear vision of what it is you want

2) Write down your goals, as many as you can think of, in the present tense as if you have already attained and embody them. Example: I am the greatest healer ever who has radiant abundance and love, always.

3) Memorize your goals to the point where they have become so engrained into the fabric of your own crystalline body and mind that you can pull their file up upon a millisecond’s notice and speak them aloud.

4) Take massive action while believing in yourself fully and having absolute certainty that the all-loving universe is guiding you on course. Goals do not usually manifest immediately. They can take one year, five years, ten years, the key is to have faith, follow your heart and be persistent. Persistence always beats resistance.

Author: Joshua Eagle
