Spirit Attachments

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By Olivia

Spirit Attachments


Spirit attachment has been known about by mediums and psychics for a very long time but is only now coming into the limelight – mainly due to the increase in paranormal investigations. Spirit attachment is basically just what it says. A living person has the energy or spirit of a dead person/entity attached to them. Many are parasitic, some malevolent others are benign. There are also the few rare cases where it is alleged that spirits have attached to people who then are able to do things they had no talent for previously such as writing music, painting, drawing, and writing poetry and so on. However, in most cases attachments range from being temporary and unpleasant to long-term and terrifying. There are also physical and mental health complications. – Helen Murphy Howell

Spirit attachment is very common and unfortunately nearly always goes unnoticed although some situations can be very upsetting indeed.   

Some people are more susceptible to picking up stray spirits than others. There are many ways of unintentionally picking up spirits. Hospitals and pubs are very likely places – hospitals, because people die in them, and therefore there are likely to be more lost souls in hospitals than in other places and pubs, because tend to attract the lost souls of alcoholics which then in turn attach themselves to a person so they can have the pleasure of drink.  

It is possible that you can pick up lost souls (spirits) when you get very emotional or from being unconscious from an accident, or an operation, as this can alter your mind pattern and put you in a state where you are more likely to pick them up. Further, some people’s energy fields are very susceptible and for some reason they just attach conversely, other people’s energy fields are strong in such a way that spirits just never do attach. It must be realized that these symptoms could have other causes and may not be in any way connected to an attached spirit.

Besides Earthbound spirit, ghost or lost soul attachment, other factors should also be considered such as thought forms, psychic attack, curses and vows, past life attachments and ancestral patterns, inner child residuals, dark forces and demons, collective unconscious, and mind control programs. Some paranormal investigators and researchers also consider elementals, ET implants and entity clusters.

General Symptoms of Spirit Attachment

•Unexplained depression

•Unexplained fatigue

•Sudden changes in mood

•Uncharacteristic changes in personality or behavior

•Troublesome nightmares that can cause sleeplessness/night terrors

•Bereavement panic attacks and shock which can leave one feeling vulnerable

• Feeling tired and depleted of energy

• Suffering mood swings and/or impulsive behavior

• Unexplained bursts of anger, sadness or emotion

• Unexplained fears, phobias or panic attacks

Common Reported Symptoms of Spirit Attachment

•Waking up in the early hours after going to sleep and finding it hard to get back to sleep

•Sensing or seeing presences

•Having the feeling of nits or fleas in the hair

•Receiving a sharp pin prick feeling over the legs, hands and arms

• Phantom illness (the doctor says you are ok)

•The thought of having a phantom lover

•The feeling of something crawling under your skin

•Horrible nasty thoughts in your mind, possibly hearing voices

• The feeling that something is crawling in your hair?

• Sudden bad thoughts (you think them) but you know they are not yours

•The feeling of despair and wanting to end your life

•Bad dreams with unusual creatures in them

•Eyes mist over at any time

•Irritation around the legs

Note: Many of these symptoms can also indicate medical problems so always consult your doctor. We often deal with people who have symptoms that are inexplicable and have no discernible physiological cause.

Link to a real life experience of spirit attachment written by Matthew Harthttp://www.thelifeintended.com/



