I suppose this title makes you wonder (as usual) what I am up to …
Consider this – metaphysical flatulence is probably the worst smell in the Universe
Definition of meta-flatulence: the extruding of Spiritual Flatulence – that etheric breeze that is passed in reference to the original Laws and the Universe and the accompanying metaphysical concepts that are conveniently twisted, turned and churned until nothing is left but, well … gas.
It is human nature to run with a concept du jour and twist it around to one’s own liking and even better, to produce something from the original that has potential to be a money making proposition at best and even better a tool for convincing others of one’s absolute mental prowess and know how regarding ANY spiritual venue.
Of course those who are engaging this self righteous version of visionary mentality are merely being “progressive.” There is a certain level of hubris that inevitably accompanies calling oneself “progressive.” Certainly, if yours is the Path of Progress, what does that make any other way? It conveniently makes every other path “Backwards.”
Spirituality is a great cover and questions that have plagued humanity since time immemorial are easily answered by the “spiritgressive” mindset which can move people away from the more profound questions of life such as: Does God exist? What is truth? and How large is the Universe? to Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus.
It not that the Spiritgressive doesn’t actually do research and spend enough time perusing internet catalogs and info databases – they do … A Lot. So much in fact that they become armchair authorities spewing forth meta-babble du jour at the speed of light complete with quotes, excerpts, links to back up what they are saying. The Spirtigressive is a demi-god in chrysalis. Do I detect a whiff of pride and the stench of arrogance?
The Word According To I …
So, you may counter argue that “everyone does that” and “everyone has a right to their own opinion” OR “everyone has a right to their own belief system.”
“Aren’t the conservative religious (and even worse) ‘unenlightened’ just as crazy as the New Agers?”
Ho Hum …
If we want to be honest with ourselves, what the Spiritgressive really is, is a mental midget who when truly challenged cannot fight his way out of a wet cardboard box. They cannot and do not think for themselves and rely totally upon what they have read thus concocting weak bottomless theories because it suits and soothes their psyches. And there is a danger – intellectual arrogance regardless of whether it is “progressive” or “conservative” accomplishes one thing: it always fails and keeps the offender in ignorance continually inhaling his own flatulence. It keeps those who are convinced by them and grappling to fill in the “hole” in ignorance as well. Pride may blind us to our own weaknesses and it really can stink. Maybe the spiritgressive has a cold and stuffy nose because despite the smell they seem to keep trying to move forward but never in the right direction. They are simply “right” and everyone else is “wrong” so what else is there to know? Even when reality bites (and bites hard), they keep moving along in the same direction … exposing all of us to their flatulence.
What is the cure?
Perhaps a dose of humility …
And a case of the new Virtue-scented Febreeze.
Thanks for reading folks!
Ahhh yes….
This reminds me of a few people that I know at Google Groups! This is a hilariously accurate description of such individuals, although those I speak of are hardly the only ones to be found in this world…