Spiritual Abuse

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By LI - Executor


Whenever your personal space OR freewill has been invaded you have become a target of spiritual abuse. Most people understand this as a psychic attack on the aura and chakra system but spiritual abuse not only affects all your energy channels but also your ability to make the best choices for yourself for your spiritual and physical well-being. Mind, body and spirit always work together.

Most invasions can be extricated easily as understood by the thousands of websites offering advice on how to rid oneself of a spiritual culprit. However some interlopers are more difficult to extricate as the negative energy can disguise itself as belonging to your specific and unique energy system. The result is often a veritable breakdown of the machine causing mental disturbances, blocks and confusion as well as physical discomfort, nervousness, anxiety, not quite feeling like oneself and in the worst case scenarios, serious depression, real pain and illness. An invader never has good intentions and those intentions can vary along a wide scale from jealousy to need for co-dependence to targeting someone whose energy will make them feel better about themselves.

Humans have all been blessed with freewill and certainly everyone’s freewill should be respected. A spiritual abuser will overlook that right and cross the boundary of personal space. They use their energy in an attempt to manipulate and control. An internet stalker is a good real life example of this. They try to instill fear to get their target to do what they want them to do and they will be relentless in their efforts

What to do?

Healing involves some good mediation (preferably specific aura meditation) in order for you to get a good handle not only on your own energy but also that of the abuser. Once identified, you might feel angry or sad and this is normal. These emotions are useful in releasing the energetic patterns that have been injected into your spirit. Should you get a glimpse of the abuser’s personal space during this process do not cross that boundary otherwise you are no better than the abuser.

Check on your own sense of personal boundaries in daily life. If you are a push over or have trouble saying no to others you need to work on your own walls and make them strong. Often this is a psychological factor so seek counseling if necessary. Without healthy personal boundaries you will always be a target for anyone or anything.

After the healing process has begun, you can also use prayer (of your choice) or daily intentions to buoy the spirit and uplift your sense of being. Some people choose working with a Chakra healer or reader at this point to check on progress, but again, this is a personal choice.

As much as you may reject the idea, learn to forgive the abuser. Forgiveness puts out a very strong vibration and transfer back to the abuser that they are wasting their time trying to feed off your energy.

Of course eating healthily and getting exercise and returning to doing things you enjoy in life are always a good idea.

Some good info on auras and aura meditation can be found here: http://www.mindfulmuscle.com/meditation-and-human-auras/




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