“Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.” – Steve Maraboli
Author: Neva Howell
When you decide to clear yourself of negativity, limiting belief systems, unhealthy habits, and ego distractions, it may surprise you to find that your immediate circle of friends begins to change. Those who don't wish to progress may suddenly resent or dislike you. Those who vibrate at a slower frequency than the one you have just left, may seem tiring and not desirable to be around anymore. Most likely, there will be those of your circle who want you back the way you were, so they can interact with you in the same habitual ways. This is not possible so you may find these relationships drifting away or find yourself taking action to end them. This is a normal part of the process. Allow it not to be discordant. Observe, allow, and extend assistance to those who may wish to break free of old patterns. Those who choose to remain at slowervibrations will begin to be drawn to others of their own level.
As those of slower, more dense vibration begin to clear from your field, there will be new opportunities for connection revealed, evidenced by different kinds of people being attracted to you. As you begin to meet these potential friends, some of which will seem to be vibrating at a slightly higher frequency than you, be alert to any suggestions from your logical mind that you have nothing in common with them. This is an illusion based on the past. Sometimes, we fail to recognize that we really have moved beyond an old
structure of relating. Trust that higher vibration beings would not be coming to you, unless there was a similarity of frequency to attract them. Decide now to welcome new experiences with others, as part of your acceleration experience.
Source: ArticlesFactory.com