Spiritual Entanglement

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By Lite Wave

Spiritual Entanglement

Image by 1866946 from Pixabay

How do two people resonate in entanglement (e.g. their auric fields)? Is it the case that their auric fields’ energy signatures resonate with each other?

There are a few things going on there.

For starters, when two people meet and instantly resonate with each other, it’s not all just vibration, but also a subconscious impulse that hey this person is important to be with, and that comes from the Higher Self-knowing there’s a mission or destiny or karma involved here so this is part of the script. A pressure is exerted that makes the next sequence of the script play out like it should. So there can be an affinity or rapport just from that alone. One person might be feeling sad while the other person feels happy but they’ll still recognize each other and get drawn together, which shows that it’s not just “the current resonance in the moment” bringing them together, but something deeper.

On the other hand, we also know that if you hang around a positive or negative person, their energy can bleed into your field and attune you to their way of being. So that’s a kind of induced resonance closer to what you’re probably asking about.

In that case, there’s definitely an energy transfer involved. Because we also know from examples of, say, demons injecting negative energy into you and suddenly you feel angry and irritable, that this etheric or astral energy can carry patterns of vibrations that encode certain emotions. So we’re talking about an energy field that carries emotional information, that can be transferred from one being to another, and induce in that being the corresponding emotion.

So when two people interact or are close, the energy from one will transfer to the other and vice versa. I noticed that there are two kinds of energies, one that requires close proximity (let’s say 3 yards) and another that can be sent mentally around the world just by thinking of the person. The close proximity energy is intense and is involved in lifeforce energy draining, whereas the one sent around the world is more mental/emotional based (though it can also play a part in close proximity as well, in addition to the other thicker coarser lifeforce energy).

The issue is that I don’t know from a physics perspective what the technical difference would be between the lifeforce energy and the emotional energy. I’m not sure that physics has the concepts or math or terms yet to deal with that.

But, from a quantum perspective, best I can put it is like this.

I believe that our cells and molecules making up the cells have an associated aura. This aura would at best be called the “wave function” by physics, or the “pilot wave” by scientists like David Bohm who say that subatomic particles are guided in their motion and behavior by an invisible field of vibrating energy called the quantum potential, and this field that guides its motion is called also the pilot wave.

This pilot wave would be the etheric body, then, which takes its instructions from the higher astral body and the spirit, and communicates it down into the cells in order to operate the brain and body and keep it alive and make it move and such.

Now, this pilot wave (or etheric body) would be vibrating with a spectrum of unique frequencies. I suspect that our DNA plays a role in that. DNA is like sheet music where the four amino acids that form patterns spell out unique melodies whenever chemical or electrical energy passes through the DNA, which happens all the time as part of cell function. The melodic patterns somehow resonate us with certain probable futures over others. I don’t know how. But it leads to different bloodlines having different predispositions and destinies. You can overcome that with willpower and training, but by default your genetics play a role in not just your personality and appearance but also what you attract in life. This isn’t about race, but about individual family bloodlines.

When two people get near each other, or interact a lot, I think they exchange pilot wave/etheric energy and if both share the same vibrations, those will be stimulated and grow stronger. So, two people given to misery will commiserate and make each other more miserable. If one person lacks the resonance of another, with enough contact and time, the vibrations can alter the DNA expression and also alter the etheric body itself (as generated by the astral body and spirit) in order to induce new thoughts and feelings in the person that match those of the other individual.

This stuff is too complex and I don’t know enough of the details to form a complete there, but that’s all I have at the moment…
