A Spiritual Exercise

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By SHABDA - Preceptor

A Spiritual Exercise

 "  Set aside a special time, maybe fifteen or twenty minutes a day. Try it when you're lying down in bed at night just before you drop off to sleep, or find a special time during the day that's quiet when you can sit on a couch or in an easy chair or recliner or lie down on the floor. Then chant HU. If there's a certain problem that's been facing you, if there's a certain insight you want, or if you need an understanding to see why something is happening in your life, lightly put attention on this. 

   This spiritual exercise occurs quite naturally. You begin by shutting your eyes and looking into the Third Eye, the Spiritual Eye, the area just above where the eyebrows come together. You lightly put your attention there with the eyes shut.

   Sometimes it takes a day or two, or weeks, or even months, but as you chant HU, when you're deep in comtemplation, all of a sudden there will be another word.

   All of a sudden, you'll know that word. You may forget it afterward, but the next time you go into contemplation, you're awake again, you're conscious. You're singing HU, and after maybe fifteen or twenty minutes you'll suddenly find another word. Each of these words — like HU or one of the secret words that come to you on the Inner Planes — is like a key to the secrets of God, a key to the wisdom of the divine, a key to spiritual freedom.

   As you practice this process goes much more quickly. You sit down, you go into contemplation, and you sing HU. After you have practiced the exercise, the second word will come within a minute or so.

   And you'll say," Oh, that word. I always forget it. I have to try to remember it when i come out of contemplation."

   If you sing that second word, it will take you to another level. It will take you far deeper into your state of consciousness than you have ever been before. A third word will take you to a third level. And this can go even further.

 from The Slow Burning Love of God, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 13, pp. 197-8 © 2010 Eckankar

The Slow Burning Love of God, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 13, pp. 197-8 – See more at: http://www.lightforcenetwork.com/shabda-preceptor/spiritual-exercise#sthash.QMmUVuLP.dpuf

2 thoughts on “A Spiritual Exercise”

  1. Spiritual exercise …

    I have tried this exercise (or similar) without chanting HU so I went to youtube to find the sound of HU so I would have an idea how to chant it. It shall be a practice session although I have read to chant it has a specific effect on the body. 

  2. It does!

    and it is very easy to explain…science has now proven that before we made sound, Sound made us! every living thing issues a sound, and even a lot of things that we don't consider to be alive at all, like each star, including our sun, black holes, quasars etc etc, they ALL emanate with a sound…each blade of grass has its own sound also….so, when you chant a mantra, that creates a revebration on every molecule, and every atom of your being, and the vibrations of the matra cause the atoms of your being to vibrate in harmony with its vibrations, thus uplifting you!

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