This spiritual exercise can help you bypass the mind,
which tends to get stuck in a routine. If you have
done a spiritual exercise enough times that it
becomes a routine, the mind says, "I know this path"
—and immediately runs ahead and puts up blocks.
So you trick the mind by coming at the spiritual
exercise from different angles. The mind is reactive,
but Soul is active and without limits. You can come
up with more creative exercises than the mind can
find blocks for.
For a month, alternate the following spiritual exercise
with your regular one. You can do this exercise one
night, use your regular spiritual exercise the second
night, then try this one again the third night.
Imagine walking with the Master on the inner planes.
Begin chanting a word which is similar to HU:
HUUUACH (HU-ach). It begins with a rough H, as is
used in the German or Greek languages, then forms
into a soft, drawn-out HUU-ach.
All ECK words, or names for God on the different planes,
are derivatives of HU. The word given during an ECK
initiation is a name for God from a specific plane, tailored
to your particular vibration. These names are given for your
spiritual upliftment and can be used for your Soul Travel
adventures and journeys.
—Sri Harold Klemp
The Spiritual Exercises of ECK © 1997 Eckankar