Spiritual Gifts Or Senses Of The Soul

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By Rogue Khrae


When considering the various forms and phases of mediumship, instead of viewing them in the light of  "Spiritual gifts," they must be viewed as the natural attributes of internal Nature or as the positive potentialities of the human Soul. The various forms and degrees of mediumship are not Spiritual gifts. They are senses of the Soul and hold the same relation to the Spirit as our five external senses do to the physical body. Just as our objective organism is governed and controlled by absolute and and external laws, the internal, imponderable constitution is under the govenment of transcendental laws in harmony with its purely subjective Nature. These laws consititute the "Science of the Soul," and it is only by a thorough knowledge of this science that we can see the true realities of mediumship. By understanding it we guard  ourselves from its terrible dangers and enjoy without fear its countless and unlimited blessings. By the aid of this glorious knowledge, we are able to perceive action and interaction of the great planes of existence.

The Spirit inheres in every grade of matter as the instigator of life, force, and motion, and being attendant upon the ethereal currents which permeate all worlds and bind the universe together. In exact proportion to the refinement of substance in the sphere of vitalized by Spirit. The brain and nervous system of the human represents the climax of material vitalization. Here Spirit blends with matter with such force and grade sufficient to form astro-magnetic link of connection between the two worlds of cause and effect. The mental powers are vitalized from the Great Deific fountain of Wisdom; Sympathy and affection are derived from the same divine Soul of Love.

It is the grand prerogative of each grade of Being, differning in degree of evolution, to transmit that which it receives from the realms above to the planes innediately below. From the glorious, pulsating Soul to the central Spiritual sun, descending through every sphere of creation, deep down into the bowels of matter, one eternal and harmonious chain of Spirit mediumship prevails. Each plane depends upon the next ascending one.

It now has become our duty to eludicate the laws and mysteries of mediumship, and here we are met with the mightiest subject within the whole of Occultism. No branch is of greater importance in the study of Truth, nor more completely unknown and misunderstood.

Mediumship is governed by well-defined laws, insofar as its general principles are concerned. yet, it is so subtle and intricate in its different degrees, forms, and phass as to be absolutely beyond the grasp of the ordinary Mind. Its ramifications and the results of its actions are as unlimited as the Infinite. 

The ignorant become the mediums of the wise. This wisdom may only merit such a name, however, by comparing it with the ignorance by which it is surrounded. The sum total of any nation's  wisdom or ignorance may always be found by examining its laws, politics, constitution, and religion. A great poitcal leader, a giant Mind, impresses his forces upon a circle of kindred but less positive Minds. The millions are simply the mediums for the expression of Mental Force. Again, the visible head or center of this force may, in his turn, be the medium of some other and invisible head. Such invisible power may be mortal or Spiritual, embodied or disembodied.

Our conception of matter have been revolutionized in recent years. We have learned that even in its grosser grades it is enormously more impressionable that had been supposed. The sensitiveness of the ether which permits wireless communications gives some suggestions of the degree of responsiveness. If in addition, we take into account the work of the superintending intelligences, we have, in toto, a plan of human evolution in which each of us in his own recorder of thought, emotion, motive and act.

Excerpts: Resource: The Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Knowledge, pgs 144-150